[III] The Reception
My phone's at 3% but we're posting this.
"Awww sweetie you look so handsome," Heidi couldn't help but pinch her son's cheeks as everyone finished up dinner, she was so excited for him. "And Connor, you look so nice too. You're both so handsome." She kissed each of their cheeks before someone else came sauntering over, pushing up his glasses.
"Oh, look at my two big boys," Jared couldn't help but giggle as he ruffled Connor's hair.
"Fuck off, Kleinman," Connor joked, pushing him away. "I thought you were so excited to hit the dance floor?"
"The dance floor cannot be stepped on until you two get it on first," Jared wiggled his hips a little bit before laughing. "Come on, it's what everyone wants, not just me."
Connor chuckled and shrugged before turning to his husband [it felt right to call him that now] and bowing, holding out his hand as if they were at a royal ball. The blond giggled before lightly taking it and the taller of the two grinned, leading them down the tables to the middle of the venue.
As soon as they spotted them together on the dance floor, Cynthia and Larry decided to join them, and soon everyone was grabbing a partner and slow dancing to a soft song that played through the speakers. Evan wrapped his hands around Connor's neck and leaned into his shoulder, closing his eyes.
"Thank you," the blonde whispered only loud enough for his husband to hear.
Said husband furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What for?"
"For loving me," was all Evan needed to say for Connor to take his face and guide his lips to his in a sweet kiss. The blond instinctively went to close his eyes and deepen it, but Connor pulled away quickly.
"Hey, hey, hey, save that for the honeymoon," he chuckled and Evan just rested his head back on his husband's chest, swaying to the beat again.
The song ended sooner than everyone hoped and a more lively beat replacing its soft chords and Connor and Evan decided to sit that one out, as neither of them were very good at actual dancing. Connor got them each a drink, a piña colada for him and a Shirley Temple for his husband, who thanked him before taking a sip.
A couple of songs later and Jared Kleinman was banging a spoon on a glass so hard, Evan was afraid he might break it. "Excuse me people, me and Zoe are gonna make the Best Man/Maid of Honor speech now, because we can do what we want." Once the crowd quieted down enough, Jared set his glass down and traded it for a microphone, with which he started his speech:
"I knew Connor Murphy was gay as fuck since the day I first met him, because my gaydar has 100% accuracy and don't fight me on that one because if you know me you know it's true," Jared gave the evil eye to Connor and the audience laughed.
Zoe grabbed the microphone out of a sad Jared's hands and continued. "Of course, I knew Connor was gay too, but I also knew that before he met Evan, he was in a dark place. He had a serious drug issue, and he along with his family and friends were suffering because of it. But then he met Evan, and everything took a full 180-degree turn in a matter of months."
"Before he met Connor, Evan was, to put it simply, a little anxious nugget with no good dreams and nothing to look forward to," Jared took the mic back and began to walk through the tables. "But only one person could make him turn his thoughts around and be happy."
"In some weird twisted circumstances, Connor and Evan fixed each other, and found love as well," Zoe picked up her dress and chased after Jared for the microphone. "They compliment each other in every way possible, which is what makes them so compatible."
"And that's as far as we got with our speech, thank you," Jared bowed when the guests applauded, and Zoe just rolled her eyes.
As everyone got back to their own conversations, Evan couldn't help but turn to his husband, and just say, "I love you."
Connor took his husband's hands in his and replied, "I've always loved you," before connecting their lips together.
The two spent the rest of the night holding hands and stealing kisses in between drinks and slow dancing. It was the best night of their lives.
...until the honeymoon.
And I think that's a good place to leave these two lovers. I'd rather end this book on a high note than one of them dying [which is basically what happens in every other oneshot].
Just in case you thought this book was actually over, fear not for I am going to post a closing chapter tomorrow! Hoorah!
And I've also decided to do a Q&A!!! So send me all your questions now [you can comment here or dm me if your not comfortable with that] and I'll post a chapter later tomorrow, answering them to the best of my ability. You can ask me anything, from my own personal life to maybe you wanted to know what would have happened in a specific oneshot.
This is the last actual oneshot in this book and I'm trying to go out with the biggest bang possible, so.
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