[III] Bringing Back the Fire
Part III of Playing with Fire
Requested by: basically anyone who commented on the last chapter, I'm too lazy to list all of you, but you know who you are ;)
"Evan, what the hell am I supposed to do?" Connor was standing in the middle of his bedroom, afraid to move the tiniest bit in fear of freezing something. There was already a circle of ice around his feet, and his hair was bright white and blue.
Evan shrunk back in Connor's desk chair, he could feel the cold radiating off of the taller boy in strong waves. "I-I-I don't know. Maybe you should get a good night's rest and it'll all go away?"
Connor looked nervously at his bed, then back at Evan with wide, angry eyes. "I'm not sleeping in that. I'll wake up in a block of ice."
Evan just nodded, unsure of what to say. He was still in shock that they had even made it back to Connor's house unscathed.
"We...need to find a way to bring the...fire back," Evan said after a while, twiddling his thumbs. "If we don't you'll be a living, breathing Elsa forever."
Connor nodded, not daring to even move an inch from his circle. "I'm just afraid if I get really angry again, I'll freeze my house or something." He huffed. "Teenaged emotions can be so confusing."
Evan let out a small, uncomfortable laugh. "I wish I could hug you. For support, you know."
Connor crossed his arms, closing his eyes. "Maybe if I calm myself down..." he said and breathed out roughly, but it only caused his black combat boots to freeze solid. He groaned, burying his head in his hands. "God, what's wrong with me!?"
"I'm sorry," Evan said and leaned down to pat his shoulder encouragingly. But when his hand made contact, Connor's cold body sent a sheet of ice up Evan's arm, and it moved over his body until Evan was frozen completely solid.
Connor looked up, frozen tears staining his cheeks. "Evan?" he stood straight quickly, waving a hand over the boy's frozen face. "Holy shit," he said in a shaky tone, backing into his closet. The ice shot up the door as soon as Connor touched it, but when the ice made it to the ceiling, a burst of hot energy surged from him, causing the door to burn down.
He ran a hand through his hair, and picks up a piece of it, only to find it changed to a deep orange.
"Holy fucking shit. The fire's back."
"How was your day, hun?"
"Fine," Connor grumbled, picking at his food. He looked up at his mother with a lifeless stare, trying as hard as he could not to feel anything. All he knew was Evan was frozen solid in his room, and he didn't know what he could do to fix it. So when his mother had called him down for dinner, he'd concluded if he tried not to feel any emotions, nothing would happen. So far, it was working.
"Where's Evan? Didn't I see him walk in today?" Cynthia asked, and Connor saw Zoe try to suppress a smirk out of the corner of his eye.
"He...left," Connor looked down at his food, feeling the cushion of the chair begin to melt below him.
"How was your day?" Cynthia said, trying as hard as she could to connect in some way with him.
"Fine. I just...don't need you talking to me right now," Connor glared at his food, smoke coming out the back of his sweatshirt. Cynthia just nodded and stayed silent, knowing the consequences if she didn't listen to him.
Just then, the door banged open and Larry stepped through, a briefcase in one hand.
"Hello," he said and greeted his wife with a kiss, waving to Zoe. "Hey sport," he ruffled Connor's hair and Connor just grunted, using all his strength to focus on trying not to go off.
Larry set his briefcase down, grabbing a plate. "How was everyone's day?"
"Larry, not now. Connor's not in the mood," Cynthia said under her breath but Larry didn't even bother to acknowledge her.
He spooned himself some food and patted Connor on the shoulder encouragingly, completely ignoring how hot he was. "How was your day, son?"
"I'm fine," Connor said through his teeth, balling his hands into burning fists under the table. Zoe sent her brother a worried look at the sight of his bright red hair, and Cynthia tried to get Larry's attention again.
Larry just buttered a piece of bread, pretending like nothing was happening. "Good, good. My day was okay, thanks for asking..."
Then Connor felt the seat of the chair crack underneath him, and he fell to the ground in a pile of hot dust and soot. His hair was almost literally on fire, and Cynthia backed away, afraid of what would happen next.
Connor got up, hot flames running down one sleeve of his sweatshirt, and he glared at Larry. His father, not even bothering to look his way, just continued to eat his bread, and he turned to Cynthia who's behind the counter, trying to protect herself. "Hun, can you get me the milk while you're up?" Larry smiled warmly and Cynthia went speechless, unsure of what to do. Though her eyes never left her son.
Connor screamed in agony and pain when Larry didn't acknowledge him. "What, is this some kind of joke?"
"It's a nice little party trick, but you can stop now," Larry chewed on a piece of bread, opening a newspaper.
"That's not...an option," Connor breathed and he felt himself growing resentful, and neglected. Zoe watched in horror as his bright red hair began to include streaks of blue and white amidst the fiery yellows. Cynthia made a surprised noise, grabbing Zoe's arm protectively.
"Just like...breathe or something. Maybe your mother can take you to another yoga retreat," Larry laughed, not looking up from his newspaper, but Connor was not having it. He grunted again, and his left arm went completely frozen, while his other arm was still burning.
"Larry..." Cynthia begged, but it was too late.
"Look at me!" Connor screamed, a rush of heat shooting up the ceiling and ice coming from his feet and moving through the floor.
"Okay, okay I'm looking at you," Larry laughed, finally showing a little nervousness, and he set down his newspaper.
Connor smiled a fake smile. "Good," he said, in a weird sort of unnerving calm tone. "Does this look like a joke to you?"
"Um..." Larry froze in fear, unsure of how to answer.
Suddenly, the sound of the stairs creaking pulled Connor out of it, and he spotted Evan at the top of the stairs, smiling guiltily, holding onto the railing. "Um...hi?"
"Ev?" Connor ran to him, not caring about anything else. "How...how are you..."
"I...I'm not sure, I felt his heat coming from the floor and I..." Evan broke into tears, burying his head into Connor's shoulder, which was returning back to a more normal temperature.
"It's okay," Connor whispered into his ear, squeezing him sympathetically and kissing his forehead. "You're okay. I'm okay. We're okay."
Evan lifts his head to look at the kitchen wiping tears from his eyes. "Con, what..." he pointed to the floor, which was a mix of frozen and burned, while the ceiling was falling in small pieces.
Connor turned around to see his family in the middle of a huge mess. He turns back to Evan. "It's a long story. But it's okay now."
Okay first of all, that was a terrible ending but whatever.
Also oh my lord the Tony's were everything and more. The Band's Visit crushed it and totally deserved every award they were given, its such a good musical. You all need to listen to it if you haven't already.
Any other requests?
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