First Date
"Do you maybe wanna hang out... sometime?" It took all of Connor's courage to say just those 7 words. And one word could change everything.
" in like...a date?" Evan looked up at him with big eyes.
"Well its doesn't have to be, I'm just saying. Ya wanna go out..."
"Well, it sounds like a date, the way you're talking about it, I mean," Evan turned back to his locker, avoiding the other boy's face. "But sure, I guess."
He felt like a giant weight had lifted off his shoulders. "Great, I guess I'll text you later then?"
Evan grabbed his backpack. "Okay, cool. Bye." He gave Connor a small wave before walking in the other direction, down the hallway.
And now, remembering that cringey moment, Connor was outside the door of the Hansen household, waiting for Evan to answer the doorbell. Connor started internally panicking. 'Is this the right house? What if it was a trick? What if'- then the door finally opened.
And if you thought Connor had anxiety, Evan had 100 times more than that. His face was completely flushed, like he had be running around for 5 hours, and his forehead was shiny with sweat.
Evan's mom appeared behind him, patting his shoulder protectively. "Have him back, 9:30 at the latest please."
"Sure," Connor plastered a fake smile on his face. It was 6:00. What would Connor do with Evan for 3 hours?
Connor went to take Evan's hand, but Evan pulled away, and wiped his hand against his thigh.
"Bye," Evan meekly waved at his mom before she shut the door.
Connor could tell that Evan was having a terrible time. His eyes darted around the restaurant, looking at everything except Connor. He had to the bathroom about 5 times, and Connor had to order for him. Evan was a nervous wreck.
"So..." Connor said, trying to break the ice.
Evan looked up at Connor, then sunk in his seat. "Um...?"
Connor took a sip of his water. "What's your favorite color?" Connor decided to start with an easy question, to get Evan comfortable.
"Um...I'm not that p-picky, but I really like blue?" Evan looked down at his shirt, then back up at Connor and smiled. "And I'm like black? I mean from your um..." he gestured to Connor's choice of clothing.
"I mean, I like it, but my favorite color is green. Particularly army green." Connor had never told anyone that.
Evan looked surprised. "Really?"
"Yep." Connor was going to continue with the questions, but the waiter interrupted him with their food.
Evan blushed when the waiter set down his salad. "Th-thanks," he whispered so softly, Connor could barely hear him.
They ate the rest of their food in an awkward silence neither one looking up from their plate. Evan ate really quickly, Connor was only half done when Evan took his last bite.
"So," Evan looked around, self-consciously fixing his hair.
Connor looked up from his plate. "What's your favorite TV show?"
"The-the Office..."
Connor's eyes widened. "Me too!"
Evan smiled for the first time that night. "What about your...your Like in music, not like painting artist because I don't really know a lot of those..."
He didn't need to think twice. "Pink Floyd."
"I-I've never heard of...him," Evan said, his smile fading a little.
"Well, you'll have to come over sometime, and I'll show you," Connor said. "Favorite book?"
Evan beamed. "Harry Potter, duh."
"Never read it," Connor shrugged and Evan gasped dramatically.
"You've never...but it's the most...I just...I can't believe you!"
"I don't know, it just got boring, I guess. But Zoe made me watch the movies, does that count?"
Evan giggled. "It never counts. The books are much b-better. I listened to the entire series on audiobook."
Connor thought about this for a second. "Does the audiobook guy have a British accent?"
"I love British accents they..." Connor was interrupted by the waiter, placing the receipt on the table.
"It's-its okay, Connor. Um...I'll pay," Evan went to take out his wallet, when Connor stopped him. "No Evan. Fuck, no." Evan's eyes widened at his language, and Connor instantly felt bad. "Sorry."
"It''s okay." Evan put his wallet away. "But next time I'll...I'll pay."
"What's your favorite food? Any kind." Connor walked with Evan out to the parking lot. It was 9:20, had lost track of the time, and had been asking each other questions for the past 2 hours, long after they payed.
"I-I really like ice cream." Evan smiled at the thought.
"I know a really good place. Maybe we can go there next time? There's an orchard not far from it..." Connor took Evan's hand in his, and this time Evan didn't pull away.
"That...that would be...nice."
Sorry, that one was shitty. I wrote that a long time ago and didn't feel like editing it until now.
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