Requested by i-enjoy-gays
Connor thought him and Evan were in a pretty healthy relationship. They'd been dating for 8 months, and they grew really close, so close that they told each other everything that happened in their lives. They knew practically everything about each other.
So that's why when he saw Evan smiling flirtatiously at Jared Kleinman of all people, Connor was a little suspicious.
They were at a coffee shop down the street from Evan's house, nestled in between a deli and an old rundown laundromat no one used anymore. But Evan liked it, he wouldn't have it any other way.
Connor had ordered himself a black coffee and Evan a hot chocolate, and the blonde boy insisted that he wait for the drinks, since Connor had so graciously paid. So, the taller boy sat himself down at a small round table by the window, a handful of sugar packets in his hand.
But of course, Jared Kleinman had to be the one making the drinks behind the counter that day. And everyone knew that Jared Kleinman was a huge flirt. He'd get a conversation going with anybody, straight, gay, single, taken. And everyone also knew Jared was the most likely to steal someone's lover.
Everyone knew this, except Evan.
Evan Hansen, with his pure heart, and his un-intoxicated ears that had never heard someone say "fuck" until he'd met Connor. Evan Hansen, who always sat in the front of a classroom and alone in the cafeteria, unknowing to any of the gossip or latest news. Evan Hansen, who literally knew three people at his school [Connor, Alana, and Zoe, but Connor was he only one he could have a comfortable conversation with], so why would he know about Jared?
So there Evan was, leaning over the counter and cracking a huge smile at one of Jared's jokes. The jokes that connor knew were what reeled them in. Connor watched Evan's nose crinkle and his eyes sparkle and he knew Evan was genuinely laughing in that moment. Connor wished he had as much charisma and charm as Jared. Maybe then, Evan would truly love him.
Because in that moment, Evan had seemed to forget about his boyfriend and the real reason he was there.
A moment later, Evan was startled to find a familiar pair of long, lean arms wrapping around his waist. Connor kissed his boyfriend's nose gently before saying a "Hello, love" in greeting. He sent Jared something a little less aggressive than a death stare, but still strong enough that he was sure the he'd gotten a message. He then grabbed the coffees, took Evan's hand, and briskly exited the building, looking back just in time to see Jared already with a new victim.
"What the fuck was that?" Connor asked, his voice as sharp as a knife blade, as soon as he shut the car door, pulling out of the parking lot.
Evan shot the taller boy an unknowing, genuinely innocent smile from the passenger seat. "What was what?"
"I saw you and Jared flirting," Connor pushed a little too aggressively on the gas pedal. "Don't think I wasn't watching."
"I wasn't flirting with him, I didn't even know what his name was until you just said it," Evan scoffed and looked out the window. "I wasn't."
"Well whatever it was, it looked like you were having a great time," Connor grumbled, feeling the anger buried in the pit of his stomach slowly begin to rise. He knew he shouldn't be angry, he knew Evan loved him and would never cheat on him in a million years. But watching his boyfriend laugh and joke with another guy, especially Jared, unsettled him. He loved Evan more than anything, and the thought of losing the one thing he loved...
"I wasn't," Evan said again as if trying to convince himself as well. He sipped his hot chocolate and stared out the window. He didn't get what the big deal was, he was just trying to be social. Wasn't that what people wanted him to do? He knew Connor could get a little protective at times, but Evan knew he wasn't flirting. Was he?
They drove the rest of the duration of the drive in silence, the tension hanging low between them. As soon as Connor pulled into his driveway, Evan couldn't help but let a meek "I'm sorry" escape from his lips.
"Its fine, I'm sorry too," Connor felt the corners of his lips drop into a frown. "I shouldn't have acted that way I..."
Evan shook his head. "No, I should never have tried to talked to him... "
"...but you didn't know who he was so..."
"...and I won't do it...wait what?"
"What?" Connor glanced at Evan with wide eyes. "What'd I say?"
"Who is he? You said I didn't know."
Connor's eyes moved down to his lap, playing with his keys. "He's just...not someone you can trust."
"Oh," Evan whispered so quietly, Connor almost didnt realize he'd ven opened his mouth. "I'm sorry I didn't know, I'll be more careful next time I promise..."
And the next thing he knew, they were kissing. It was a soft, loving kiss, but also a kiss that said "don't worry about it". So Evan decided to listen to it. He felt all his worries melt away like snow in the spring, and suddenly it was all behind them.
Neither of them dared to mention it again.
Sorry, this one's not as good as usual.
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