Requested by midnight_messenger
"Fuck!" Connor groaned for the umpteenth time, rubbing the spot where his leg had hit the corner of the table. "I fucking walk into that same fucking table every fucking time!"
"Let's play a game," Zoe said sarcastically, sitting on the couch. "How many times can Connor say 'fuck' before mom yells at him? 27 is the record. Can he beat it?"
"Fuck off, Zoe," Connor mumbled, feeling his way around the table and onto the couch next to her. "God, how does he manage to do this everyday? Without seeing anything?"
"Well, doesn't Evan usually have someone help him get around?" Zoe took the blindfold off her brother, and Connor's eyes slowly adjusted to the light.
He blinked a few times. "Yeah, but he's usually fine on his own. If he knows the place. Like if we go to his house, he can navigate it with no problem."
"Well, he has been blind most of his life," she shrugged, folding the cloth and setting it to the side. "He's definitely had more experience than you. You've been wearing that for what? An hour?"
"Let's just face it," Connor sighed, closing his eyes. "Evan is just magical. There's no other fucking way to explain it."
"Excuse me, but I'm going to need a Braille textbook. Please," Evan mumbled shyly, lowering his hand. He sighed. It was the same routine every year on the first day of school. He would have to explain to the teacher he was legally blind, even though it most likely said it on the attendance sheet. Then he would ask to be placed in the back, since he wouldn't need to see the board anyways, so why would he sit in the front? Then they'd hand out textbooks, and Evan would have to raise his hand once again. He was starting to get tired of it.
"Yes, sorry Evan," the teacher said, and Evan heard her set a noticeably larger textbook on his desk with a loud thud. Although he couldn't exactly see them, the boy could feel everyone eyes on him like daggers. Even more were on the thick book in front of him, bumps moving over the cover. He moved his fingers over it, feeling the almost nonexistent bumps flow past his fingers, spelling out words only he could understand . It felt almost cool to know he was probably the only person in the room who could read it. Cool, but at the same time, kind of embarrassing.
"Thank you," Evan said after a moment, pushing up his sunglasses. He'd always been self conscious of his face, especially his eyes. And even though he didn't know what he looked like, wearing sunglasses gave him a sense of protection.
The teacher droned on for a while, and Evan zoned out, opening the textbook and running his fingers over the letters out of pure boredom. He liked reading, it was probably one of the only things he could do independently, which was nice. He also liked the fact that it still looked like he was paying attention, since he didn't have to lower his head over the book to read the words.
A little while later, Connor leaned over to tap Evan's elbow twice, getting the boy's attention. Evan nodded, knowing what the secret code meant, and sat up, readying himself for the commotion that was soon to occur.
And then the bell rang, and all Evan could hear was the kids who were anxious to get out of there that instantly ran to the door, fighting for the exit. Evan just sat calmly, waiting for the sound of the chaos to decay enough that he could hear Connor get up before he got out of his desk as well. Connor took his books and wrapped his hand around the crook of Evan's elbow.
"Have a nice day!" Evan smiled to no one in particular, but the teacher laughed and responded in farewell, before Connor lead him out the door.
The hallway was definitely less crowded than what it would have been right as the bell rang, and it was empty enough that Connor told Evan he could explore if he wished. Evan grinned instantly and pressed a hand against the cold lockers on the side of the wall, feeling where the locks are and where the classroom doors separated them. People were nice enough to move out of the boy's way when he walked past them, and soon the bell rang, which left Connor and Evan alone in the hallway.
"Don't you ever wish ypu could know what things looked like?" Connor wondered aloud, stopping Evan before he could run into a wall.
Evan felt his way around the corner before replying, "Not really. I mean, i don't really know what anything looks like, so I guess I dont have anything to compare." He shrugged. "Although I kinda wish I knew what I looked like. Or you, though I bet you're gorgeous."
Connor blushed bashfully. "Sometimes I wish I knew how you felt. You know, just so I could sympathise a little."
"Zoe told me about what you did with the blindfold the other day," Evan laughed, readjusting his arm in Connor's hand.
"Is it that hard all the time?"
"Sometimes, I guess," Evan shrugged, stopping. "But I'm glad I have you to help me."
"I'm gonna kiss you," Connor warned before connecting his and Evan's lips together for a longer than anticipated moment. He could feel Evan smile into the kiss, and they broke away a minute later.
"You know I told you you don't have to warn me every time you kiss me," Evan huffed, turning his head away.
Connor smirked, though Evan didn't see it. "I just don't want you to be caught off guard or anything."
"I'm a perfectly capable young man," Evan put his free hand on his hip defensively. "Plus, since I'm blind, all of my other senses are heightened, I think. Someone told me that once."
That was awful. But apparently I'm terrible at everything so.
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