The letters
So this is something I made in my notes section awhile ago and I based the "how Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen got together" on this so I figured I'd post them, there might be a part two if some people request it but like I said it's kind of like the previous chapters and it's not very good, like the characters act differently then how they should but yeah, enjoy!
Dear Evan Hansen,
Zoe talked to you today. You and her are biology partners. You actually learned a lot about her that you never knew. Like how she used to take dance. And how she's terrified of moths. And how she hated the color yellow, and her favorite color is purple. This could be a good start. Ever since Connor shoved you, she's been a lot nicer to you. After he took my other letter to you I started panicking. I talked to Jared and then I started having a full panic attack.... my third this week. Maybe this is a new start. Tomorrow you are going over too Zoe's house to work on our biology project. We can pretty much do it on anything we've learned in class so far. I want to suggest doing it on trees but she will probably just think I'm a stupid geek. Who knows! Maybe for once I'll be able to talk without stuttering and have amazing confidence. And when I get There Connor will give be a great big hug and everyone at school will want to be my friend. And, maybe the queen of England will come just to see me cause, I mean, that's as, if not more, realistic than the other things that I've hoped for to happen...
You bestest most closest friend,
Dear Evan Hansen,
You did a few good things today! First off, you had the nerve to suggest doing your project on trees, and Zoe agreed!! So now on Monday you and Zoe are going to drive up to the national park to document the trees!! I've been wanted to go to the national park since it opened last year. Plus, you are going to be able to spend a WHOLE day alone with Zoe talking about trees!!! That almost out shines the bad thing you did today. Zoe told you that Connor wasn't there, and she went to get snacks so you were gonna try and look in Connor's room for your letter but he was in there and you opened the door and he stared at you and you panicked and for some reason got really nervous and tried to walk backwards and you closed the door and then ran into Zoe while she was holding a bag of whole wheat chips and she fell and there was a loud boom and Connor opened his bedroom door and glared at you so hard you almost burst into tears but you managed to hold them in and you sobbed when you got home and you were alone because mom was at work. To top all of this you can't even text anyone, (Jared or mom) Because you left your phone at Zoe's. Mom told me to order food, but I've messed up so much Today I would just mess up again...
Your bestest and closest friend,
Dear Evan Hansen,
Something weird happened today. Mom was still at work and you were pacing around the house when the doorbell rang and you were scared because no one ever stops by when mom isn't here. Slowly you approached the door and you saw longish dark brown hair and you started to hyperventilate a little Because you thought it was the weird lady trying to sell you iguanas again, but then you realized it was Connor. At first you were relived and then you started panicking again. You also felt butterflies again and I think it was just because your emotions were way out of wack. But he just stood there for a second until he reached into his pocket and handed me my phone and said, "you left this at my house" and then he turned around and walked to his car and drive away. Once you were back inside, you checked your phone, there was some text messages from my mom, but Connor had responded to them. It basically went like this:
Mom:hey Evan remember I'm on call tonight so I won't be back until later tomorrow
Mom: Ev r u ok?
Mom:Evan, hello?
Me(actually Connor): hi Ms. Hansen this is Connor I'm a friend of Evan, he was working on a project with my sister and he left his phone here, I can drop it off at his house tomorrow.
Mom: ok, thank u Connor,
Me(actually Connor):np 😁
Now, that was kind of weird but, the thing that's really strange was that Connow left his number in my phone, I now have four contacts, mom, Jared, Zoe, and Connor. I think I should text him thank you, but what if he thinks I'm weird and Annoying or something....
Your bestest and closest friend,
Dear Evan Hansen,
After about twenty times of rewording thanks for bringing me my phone, I finally managed to click send. It said the message was read. He didn't text back. Mom came home a few hours later. She was dead on her feet and told me just to eat left overs from my dinner last night. The only problem is, i didn't order food last night.. I getting kind of hungry, but I'm not gonna bother mom. At least tomorrow You get to go to the park with Zoe. Tomorrow could go one of two ways. It could be the best day ever(unlikely) or I can be my same pathetic self and tomorrow will go terrible, (extremely likely).
Well, I'll write you and tell you how it goes.
Your bestest and closest friend,
Dear Evan Hansen,
The day in the park went, well, really really good! I Arrived at Zoe's house a few minutes early and knocked on the door. Zoe came out with our lunches already packed. What surprised me was that Connor was following her. Zoe must of seen my confused look and quickly explained how she was still trying to pass her driving test, (she had failed it 3 times) and so Connor was going to drive us and hang out with us for today. Immediately my heart started pounding. We got in the car and drove in silence. When we got to the park, I started freaking out! There were so many trees and they were all native! I think I jump out of the car before Connor could park it causeing him to almost rim me over. When he slammed on the breaks he yelled "Hansen!" I thought he was mad and I stoped geeking out for a second but then I realized that him and Zoe were laughing. I ran Around a bit naming every tree I saw, until finally Zoe suggested we ate lunch. I had brought a blanket, (which had trees on it), and the Murphy's has made lunch. We ate, And then Connor went to use the bathroom. Zoe looked over at me and said, "so you really love me trees huh?" I nodded, and lay back so I could see the sky. Zoe did the same. Then we she turned over so she was facing my direction and I did the same. Then I looked into her eyes. They were a pretty blue. Then I did something that surprised me. I leaned forward and kissed her. Instead of slapping me like she did in 4th grade, she kissed me back. Then we pulled apart and I didn't say anything because I was to scared I would ruin the moment. Just then Connor came back. He looked suspiciously at Zoe and I before saying we should document the trees. I grabbed my note book and started writing and within five minutes I was done. Afterwards we walked around some more before heading home. They dropped me off. Before I could get out of the car Connor looked at Zoe and said "gonna kiss ur boyfriend goodbye?" Zoe shugged and said sure! She basically called me her boyfriend before kissing me on the cheek. For a second I thought I saw what looked like hurt on Connors face, but I think I was imagining it. Today was actually a good day.
Your bestest and closest friend,
What?!! A tree bros one shot without tree bros?? Yeah I wanted two leave it at a sort or cliff hanger, comment for a part two!!
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