The hair (idk im bad at naming things)
Just something cute I thought of, enjoy!
To say Connor Murphy was pissed would be an understatement. Just once he decided to sit with the family in the living room, just once but no, Larry had to say something.
"Finally decided to be a part of the family huh?"
Just ignore it, Connor told himself. But then he decided to make another comment that was really the last straw. "Look at that f**", he said gesturing to a teen boy with pink hair on the tv. "Feel bad for his parents."
That was it.
Connor stood up and marched to his room, his sister , Zoe, soon followed slamming the door in her room. But before she could even call her girlfriend Alana, Connor barged in.
"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING" Zoe cried in surprise. Connor looked equally startled from the screaming and yelled back. "IM SORRY I NEED HELP"
Zoe looked up in surprise. "I need you to help me dye my hair....please." As much as Zoe wanted to spend the night playing video games online with Alana, the puppy dog eyes her brother gave won her out.
"FINE!, go grab the color you want and I'll get the bleach" Zoe said while gathering her hair dyeing supplies from when she put in indigo streaks in her hair. A second later Connor came back with a box of hair dye, and sat down. Zoe started to cackle.
"OMG you are something else con..."
"Shut up Jared got for me as a gag gift"
"Ok put this on and let's make you pink"
"This is a box"
"A fucking cardboard box"
"Shut up Ariel"
The next morning after waking up, Connor took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. He didn't know what he was expecting, his hair was...well.. pink. He slowly walked down stairs to join his family for breakfast.
It was just Zoe and his Mom at the table. When he sat down it was silent, until Cynthia smiled. "Well... I will say it was...a bit of a shock but I like it" Connor offered a thin smile back. "Thanks mom". Just then Larry walked out to the table. he started droning off about the traffic as usual, not looking up from his newspaper, until he glanced up to grab a piece of toast, he did a double take.
But before he could say anything, Cynthia locked eyes with him. Connor braced himself, preparing for the worst, as Larry cleared his throat. "you guys better hurry or your gonna be late."
Awestruck, Connor and Zoe slow;y got up from the table and when to the garage, when they just sat there. Connor broke the silence. " well... that went better then expected...". Zoe replied, shaking her head, " you can say that again." before pulling out of the driveway and heading to school, where Connor's boyfriend, Evan, couldn't stop playing with his hair.
OK it's short and late and not very good but it exists.
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