Monster that I know
Ok... I'm sorry... this is super late and not exactly treebros but I couldn't help it, requats are open
7 hours.
That's how long Zoe had been waiting.
7 hours of empty phone calls and unread texts.
Who was she waiting for you may ask?
The answer to that is simple: her brother.
Their parents were out of town for the weekend, and they had suggested to have a sibling night, or actually, Connor had suggested it.
"Hey on Friday when the parents are out you wanna maybe see a movie"
Shocked by this question, Zoe agreed, which is how she ended up buying 2 tickets to finding Dora at 5:30 Friday night.
Ever since the therapy, meds, support groups, and his crush/friend Evan, Connor has actually been getting better.
It's been months since he's had an outburst, and Zoe for once felt like she has a brother, instead of a monster.
But all of that changed tonight.
Finally, half past 11, she heard keys fumble in the door way, and a door slam. To say Zoe was upset was an understatement. She got up from the chair and attempted to hold her temper.
"Welcome home, I was beginning to think you were never coming back" she spit out. If Connor noticed her tone her didn't show it, he just continued walking, so Zoe tried again.
"Hey, did you forget about the movie? Or just decided it would be fun to get my hopes up and blow me off? I waited here for hours, and you couldn't be bothered to answer any of my calls??"
Connor sighed. "Fuck off"
That was it. That was Zoe's breaking point.
"Ok listen up asshole, I get that hanging out with your stupid little sister might not be fun but maybe you should of fucking considered that before you suggested it in the first place, you think I've enjoyed wondering if you were dead in the side of the road or arrested or who knows what? Well guess what bitch I haven't"
Apparently that was Connor's breaking point too.
"SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" he pushed past her going up the stairs as Zoë kept screaming at him.
"YOU KNOW WHAT? I THOUGHT YOU WERE GETTING BETTER, BUT YOU WERN'T! YOUR JUST THE SAME MONSTER YOU WERE AND YOU ALWAYS WILL BE" her voice was starting to get horse from yelling, angry tears were squeezing out of her eyes now, instead of profanities screeched back at her like she expected, she heard something that diminished her anger and shattered her heart in half.
A scream, a scream of regret, anger, and pain. It went on for at least 30 seconds before being choked off by sobs and a door slamming. Zoe stood still slamming her fists into the wall and walking into her own room, slamming the door. Zoe just sat there, curled up in the corner of her room, crying softly. After a few minutes of this she grabbed her phone and called a familiar number.
It rang once... twice.... three times before he finally answered.
"Hello? Zoe? What's up?"
Everything Zoe was feeling exploded as she began sobbing in the phone with Evan.
"Ev... It's- It's bad tonight.. I can't talk to him, you need to come over, your the only person who can calm him" she sobbed.
"Hey hey Zoe just breath, just breath, I can't come over, I'm in New York to see Hamilton with mom Remember?"
Zoe hiccuped. "Can't you call him or something? Please please Evan, Evan you have too!"
Evan sighed. "Zozo, you can do this, if you can't talk with him, I don't know, be creative, I have to go, moms about to attempt taking a pigeon into the theatre, I gotta- wait! Mom no- but" and with that Evan hung up.
Be creative huh... Zoe thought to herself. She grabbed some construction paper and got to work.
Connors POV
Connor was laying in his bed, blasting music when he heard a knock. He opened his eyes to see a paper being pushed under the crack in the door, as he got up to read it, another one was pushed in its place. They had crude drawings on them (much to everyone's surprise, Connor was the true artist of the family, while Zoe could barley manage stick figures) of what he assumed to be Zoe. The next one had another stick figure which vaguely looked like him. Each one had the stick figures in different position doing different things. In total there were 24 papers. Put together the said:
Things kinda got out of hand
And I'm sorry
I was worried
And I kinda exploded
As stupid as it was
I was really looking forward to seeing Finding
Not because I wanted to watch the movie
But because I was excited to spend time with you.
Which we can still do.
We do have Netflix
If you want to join me for a Sherlock marathon
If you need some time that's ok too
But just know
I love you
And your not a monster
Things aren't going to be perfect all at once
And I understand that
Small steps
We all have good days and bad days
And I want to help
Anyway I have some Oreos and Netflix, so whenever your ready I'll be downstairs
Connor wiped the tears from his face and took a breath.
Zoe grabbed the Oreos and turned on Netflix, starting Sherlock. Half an episode in, she felt the side of the sofa sink with someone sitting down. She looked to her right and saw her brother with blood shot eyes, and passed the Oreos. That's how they stayed for the rest of the night.
Sorry, this is an old draft that I just now finished, I forgot this weekend and I'm pretty sick right now, so I'll try to write more soon, but all I can do now is sleep while watching I love Lucy.
I just reread this a few hours later and I should not write when I'm feverish, it's so bad... sorry, also a little update cause I'm bored I went to the doctor and I have the flu.
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