Tree Bros- Roses Mean Love, Dork
Maybe this will make up for the Angst?
Evan wiped his forehead, pushing back his hair. He'd probably got dirt all over his face, but he didn't care. He was too busy making sure the garden was absolutely perfect.
"You good?"
Evan looked up, and gave his boyfriend a crooked smile. Connor was leaning nonchalantly against the back door frame, sipping on a cold glass of lemonade. "You know, the house is nice... and cool..." Connor dragged out his words, trying to tempt his boyfriend.
"But..." Evan dragged out, mocking Connor. "Plants."
Connor sighed, and jokingly rolled his eyes. "Whatever, tree boy."
Evan chuckled, going back to his work.
Connor watched Evan for a few moments before going back inside, shutting the door behind him.
He went back to the kitchen and poured Evan a glass of water, making sure to put plenty of ice. He grabbed his phone and his own drink, and stopped at the back door. He adjusted his sun hat, making sure it fully covered him before he stepped back outside.
Evan perked up, surprised to see Connor again. He didn't say anything as Connor handed him the glass of water, taking it carefully out of Connors hands. He took a sip before handing it back to Connor. "Thank, uh, thank you."
He turned back to his flowers, and Connor let out a loud chuckle. "That's all the thanks I get? You took one sip. One. I came outside, Hansen. For you."
Evan laughed, and took another sip of the drink. "Thank you." Evan said, giving Connor a kiss. "Now, now I have to, I have to do things."
"Very specific."
"Shut up." Evan mumbled, laughing.
Connor walked away, grabbing one of the lawn chairs from his patio, and brought it over to Evan. He put it down on the grass, close to Evan, but far enough away to not freak him out.
Evan noticed, but just rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile but failing.
Connor smirked, taking out his phone to act like he was just going to play on his phone. Once Evan turned back to his plants though, Connor put the phone down and watched Evan with heart-eyes. He looked so calm and happy, and it made Connor feel the same.
Connor took a sip of his lemonade, smiling softly as Evan pulled out a dandelion. Evan placed it to the side, and spread the dirt back over where he'd just taken the flower. He leaned over, fixing one of the roses he'd planted, and he couldn't contain the soft smile on his face.
"You know," Connor said, cutting the silence. "You're really hot. Especially when you get all happy about plants."
Evan blushed bright red, covering his face with his gloves. He tried to cover his smile, but Connor saw it. He put his drink down, and sat down next to Evan.
"You're. So. Fucking. Hot." Connor mumbled, kissing him after every word. Evan laughed, leaning into Connor. Connor nuzzled into Evans hair, hugging him closer to his chest.
"I'm getting you all dirty. I'm, I'm covered in dirt..." Evan trailed off.
"I don't care." Connor grumbled. He pulled back, and saw the dirt on his black skinny jeans. "Okay, maybe I care a little. Why don't we go inside and chill for a little while? Netflix sound good?"
Evan raised his eyebrows, and Connor realized what he said. "I didn't mean Netflix and chill, just like... Jesus, uh-"
Evan chuckled, standing up and pulling Connor up after him. "Come on, dork." Connor chuckled, running with Evan into the cool house.
A while later, Evan sat with Connor on the couch, watching Stranger Things again.
"Do you know why... why I planted those flowers?" Evan asked abruptly. Connor paused the tv, and turned to Evan.
"Uh, cuz you like flowers?" Connor asked.
"No," Evan rolled his eyes, smiling. "Each um, each one has a different meaning..." Evan trailed off, blushing as he looked away. "But uh, to sum it up..." Evan looked up at Connor, the pointed out the window. "Roses mean love."
Connor glanced outside, and sure enough, most of the flowers were roses.
Connor smiled wide, and turned back to peck Evan on the lips. "You're a dork. I love you."
Evan smiled wide. "I, I love you too."
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