Tree Bros- Roller Skater Au pt2
Warning: Underage drinking
"Hey Evan, wanna come over to my house tonight? My parents left the liquor cabinet unlocked." Jared asked as the three boys sat together at the lunch table
"Um, I uh, can't? Because I'm, I'm uh... doing stuff?" Evan nervously fidgeted with the bottom of his blue sweater.
"Doing stuff? Geez Evan, could you be more vague?"
Evan tried to come up with an answer. "I-I'm, w-well, I-"
"-He's going on a date. With me." Connor put his arm around Evans waist and Evan blushed bright red.
"Y-yeah, so, I um, can't. S-sorry."
"It's fine. More for me anyway."
Evan let out a small, sheepish smile, silently cursing. He couldn't go on a date. Not tonight.
"So Hansen, mind telling me why I just bailed you out of a 'quality bonding moment' with Jared?" Connor asked while walking Evan to his car after school. Connor knew why Evan didn't want to go to Jared's, but he still wanted Evan to tell him himself.
"I-I, um? Would rather not? It's... embarrassing?"
Connor gave him a questioning look. "Embarrassing?"
"W-well, not really it's just, I'm just." Evan gave a big sigh as the reached his car. "Just, I'll pick you up later? And, and show you?"
Connor was taken back at how easily Evan broke. "Oh. Okay."
"I-I'll pick you up at 5."
Evan climbed into his car, not waiting for an answer as he tried to get out of the situation as fast as possible.
5 rolled around too quickly for Evan, as he grabbed his equipment and got ready to show Connor... everything.
He loved roller skating so much, but he didn't want anyone to take his joy away from him. He loved Connor but...
How would Connor react? Would he get upset? I mean, it's a rough sport...
Evan tried to shake the bad thoughts from his head. No, Connor would things it's... cool...
Once Evan picked up Connor, he drove silently to the rink. Connor would try to ask questions, but when Evan wouldn't give him straight answers, he stopped trying.
Eventually, they made it to the rink. Evan made sure to avoid eye contact with Connor, and quickly got out of the car, practically racing towards the door.
Opening it, he could practically feel his anxiety washing away. He smiled wide, breathing in the wonderful scent before remembering his boyfriend trekking behind him.
"Evan! Hey!" Evans friend, Michael stood, holding onto the rail inside the rink. "Glad you could make it!" Michael glanced behind him. "Who's the emo prince?"
Evan turned to find Connor standing right next to him, taking in all of the sights.
"T-this is my, um, boyfriend, Connor..." Evan trailed off.
"Gotcha. Showing him your radical turns?"
Evan gave a small chuckled. "S-something like that... is, is your boyfriend here?"
"Yeah, Jeremy's just getting his pads on." Michael turned to Connor. "Alright man, follow me. I'll show you where you can watch your hella awesome boyfriends tricks while he gets changed." Evan nodded his head and heading towards the changing rooms.
Michael stepped out of the rink, taking off his skates. "So, fun fact of the day, your boyfriend skates."
Connor gave Michael a small smirk. "So I've heard."
"Yeah man. He's totally tubular." Michael motioned to a row of seats. "Our practice isn't that long today since we have a meet tomorrow, so don't worry. Our team is pretty good!"
"Meet? For what, skating?"
"Well, yeah!" Michael exclaimed. "I mean, we have competitions, and tomorrow is one of them."
"What do you even do? Just like, skate around the rink, and the fastest one wins?"
"Well... kinda? I mean, roller derby is a bit different than that. More contact, yah know?" Michael nodded his head to himself. "Okay, I've got to go. Enjoy the show man!"
Michael wasn't lying about how amazing Evan was. He had such grace and confidence on the floor. You almost wouldn't recognize it coming from him.
Connor smiled as Evan skated around the rink, giving Connor small turns and jumps, trying to show off, but not too much.
But Michael also wasn't lying about the... contact.
Apparently, roller derby was a very physical sport. Connor was surprised Evan liked it, but he would dare say anything bad about it. How could he when he saw how much joy it brought Evan?
Connor made a mental note to go and watch Evans competitions.
If what they were doing on the rink wasn't their 'best', he couldn't wait to see what they could do competing.
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