Tree Bros- LadyNoir anyone? Pt3
This is the 100th story I've posted. Nice.
Also, hella gay, and make out stuff, so I hope it was worth selling your soul for.
Evan shut his eyes tight, trying to ignore the rush of wind that he could now feel on his skin. This isn't happening this isn't happening this isn't happening. He felt his face for a mask that wasn't there, and his body washed over with panic.
Great, Chat knew who he was.
Before Evan could process what he was doing, he fell onto the ground, sobs racking his body.
"I'm sorry, I'm s-s-sorry, I'm sorry-"
Chat stood in shock, unsure of what to do.
He quickly moved to sit next to him, awkwardly putting an arm around his shoulder. "Prince, why are you crying? Why are you sorry?"
"I-I, I'm not, I'm not," Evan let out a broken sob, curling into Chats chest.
"Y-you're disappointed I'm ladybug, because like, 'Evan is too weak to be Ladybug' and you always think of Ladybug as this like, amazing person, who's, who's strong and, and I'm just not good enough and-"
Chat held Evan closer to his chest. "No, I'm not? Why would I be disappointed?" Evan tried to answer, but Chat stopped him.
"You're still Ladybug. You're still the same boy I love. Nothing changed except a mask." Evan carefully studied Chats face, and found no sign of him joking.
"And, if it makes you feel better..." Chat trailed off, moving Evan so he could sit up on his own. Chat stood up, brushing himself off, and mumbling his de-transformation spell.
Where Chat once stood, now Connor Murphy was. Evan finally put together all of the pieces.
"Y-you're Chat?" You're Chat?" Evans tears had begun to stop.
"Uh, yeah?" Connor asked, seemingly more insecure without his outfit. "Are you... disappointed?"
"No! No, no, no, I'm not, I'd never be-"
"Are you sure?" Connor asked. "Because, uh, at school? You kind of... ignore me? Which I totally get, I just kinda thought you didn't like me." Connor moved to sit down next to Evan. "No one does."
"W-wait, you honestly think that?" Evan asked, confused. "E-everyone thinks that, they aren't like, good enough for you!"
"Wait, really?"
"Y-yeah... that's why... I thought you would reject me... but um, now that I know you um, you like me..."
Evan moved his legs over so he was sitting on Connors laps, cradling him. He grabbed the hood of his hoodie, pulling him closer, but not all the way, waiting for the okay from Connor.
When it didn't come, Evan instantly flinched back. "I'm so so s-sorry, I thought, I thought-"
Connor cut him off by pulling him closer, pressing his lips firmly against his own.
Evan let out a soft moan at the intimacy, and lightly ran his hands through Connors hair. Connor let out a soft whimper at the slight tugging. Willing himself to pull away, he did slightly, and Evan whimpered at the lost of contact.
But he was greatly pleased when Connor attacked himself to Evans neck. Evans face flushed as he let out a soft moan, and Connor moved down to create more hickeys down the small boy's chest.
Evan was so happy, until he remembered.
"Holy c-cracker Jacks," he pulled away from Connor slightly. "School. We are supposed to be at school."
"Shit." Connor pulled Evan up, and dragged him towards the school. "Okay, once we get there, let me go first, okay? Come in a few seconds after me." Evan nodded his head, panting slightly at the sprint.
Connor stood tall, willing himself to fake some confidence as he walked into the classroom.
"Sorry Mrs.D, I was doing... stuff."
Evan walked in a few seconds later, looking at the ground, face still flushed.
The room filled with snickers as everyone realized the poor boy was covered in hickeys.
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