Kleinsen- LSOH AU
Based off of Little Shop Of Horrors, but it's also a little bit different. Jared (Audrey) will be the main part of this story.
Also I totally didn't do this because of the total eclipse of the sun I mean what
Jared sighed as his boyfriend finally left his apartment. He turned to his mirror and sighed when he saw the bruise forming already.
He opened his cabinet, and was greatly disappointed when he couldn't find the bath salts or makeup to cover it for work tomorrow.
Jared rolled his eyes and grabbed his purse, heading out for an impromptu shopping trip before the bruise got any worse.
Jared's heels clicked as he subconsciously pulled down his shorts. He hated his outfits, but they paid him good money for his night job to wear them, so he sucked it up.
He grabbed the cheapest foundation and some cheap bath salts, then quickly paid and rushed out of the store.
He could feel people judging him, but he hid his fears well, so he just held his head higher and headed back home, ignoring the slums.
He passed by the whole sale flower district, and couldn't help but smile. The plants reminded him of his job, which reminded him of Evan. Sweet, great Evan.
He passed by one of the shops, where a Chinese man stood outside, watering some of the plants. Jared smiled and nodded his head before glancing at the plants quickly and heading back on his way.
Suddenly, and without warning, there was this total eclipse of the sun. Jared paused and looked up slightly, surprised by the sudden darkness. He heard this slight humming sound coming from behind him, and when the light came back on, he turned to see what the sound had been.
And on the shelf, there was the weird, and exotic looking plant. It kinda... drew Jared in. He could have sworn it hadn't been there before.
"Excuse me sir," Jared interrupted the old Chinese man. "How much for this plant?"
The old man looked confused, but quickly coved it up. "A dollar ninety five."
Jared quickly dug through his purse and pulled out the cash, before happily taking the plant home.
Evans gonna love this! But, what does it eat?
Jared thought for a second. Maybe I'll just ask Evan for his plant book tomorrow.
He unlocked his front door, and placed his groceries on the bed. He looked around his small apartment, letting out a dissatisfied sigh.
One day he'd have a big house.
One day.
"Morning, Mr.Reyes." Jared walked over to the counter, trying to hide his eye. Connor had gotten mad at him again this morning, something about milk; he didn't know, but his makeup wasn't helping much.
"Morning? It's almost closing time! Not that we had any customers anyway." Mr. Reyes, his boss, trailed off. "Hey, what's that shiner?"
"Shiner? Sorry sir, I'm too young to drink. Next year!" Jared chuckled nervously, avoiding the topic.
"Jared, was it your boyfriend again? Now, I know it's not my business, but I'm beginning to think that, maybe he's not a very nice boy!"
"You don't meet nice boys when you live on Skid Row..." Jared trailed off as they heard a very loud crash as Evan fell up the stairs.
Mr. Reyes sighed. "Evan! That was the inventory!"
"S-s-sorry Mr.Reyes."
Jared rolled his eyes and went over to help clean up the mess.
"H-hey Jared." Evan asked with love in his eyes that Jared was to blind to see. "Is that new eye makeup?"
Jared blushed and glared at the floor, ignoring the comment. He didn't want Evan to worry about him.
"There really wasn't a point in you showing up today anyway, Jared." Mr. Reyes walked over to the two employees. "I'm closing down shop, for good."
Evan stood up quickly. "No! You can't, sir! P-please!" His face flushed red. "T-this is my home... Maybe we just, need to try something? Like um, something new!"
Jared's mind raced before continuing Evans sentence. "Yeah... what he was trying to say was, uh... I have a new, cool looking plant. Maybe if I go get it, and put it on the window sill, customers will like, I don't know, come in?" Jared ran over to the counter, and pulled out the plant from his purse. He walked it back over to the two other boys.
"I found it at this flower shop place, and I was like, hey, Evan likes strange and ingesting looking plants, so... yeah..."
"What the hell is it?"
Evan studied it, racking his brain for what it could be. "I... I don't know."
"Well, what are you gonna call it?" Evan and Mr. Reyes turned to Jared.
"W-well, uh, Evans the plant guy around here, so you name it, acorn."
Evan thought for a second. "H-h-how about Jared Two?"
Jared and Evans faces grew red. "You, you want to name the plant after me?"
"W-well, only if you want to. I mean, we don't have to, it was just a suggestion, and-"
"No, no I like it." Jared smiled as he placed it on the window sill. "See? Now maybe someone will see it and want to come inside!"
"Do you really think that someone is just going to-" Mr. Reyes was cut off by the door bell chiming.
"Hello! I saw that strange and interesting plant and I just had to see it up close. What is it?"
"It's a Jared Two!" Jared exclaimed happily. Mr. Reyes stared in awe as more and more customers piled in, talking about 'the new plant on the window sill'.
That day, they sold all of their flowers; a first for the shop.
Mr. Reyes happily chuckled as he switched the sign to read 'closed'.
"That plant is amazing Jared! Think of how much money the shop will make!"
Jared picked up the plant and smiled. His smiled turned into a frown as the plant drooped over and started to wilt.
"What's happening? Why is it like that?"
"I-I-it's probably hungry, sir," Evan motioned to take the plant. "I'll go feed it."
Jared moved the plant away from Evan. "Evan, you deserve a break. Why don't you and Mr. Reyes go and get some diner?"
Evan looked confused, but nodded his head excitedly. "Y-yeah, okay! I mean, sure."
"What about you? What are you gonna do?"
"Well, uh," Jared stuttered out. "I-I have a date, so..." He put the plant in his purse and walked to his apartment to get ready.
God he hated his 'Dates' with Connor. It always ended with him bleeding.
It was a good thing he had off from his night job tonight.
He grabbed a rag and started to press it against his bleeding hand.
Jared turned around in shock, only to find his little Jared Two making the noise. He tried to pet it, but it just snapped at his hand.
He back up and looked at his hand.
It still had blood coming out of it.
The plant wanted that hand.
The plant... wanted blood.
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