Kleinsen- Castle on the Hill
Evan Hansen loved nature.
He loved the sounds of nature, flowing freely in its own path. He loved the animals all around, chattering with one another in a language he wished to know. He loved the calmness around being outside; no busy cars, no busy people. It was nice and peaceful, exactly what Evan needed. It even let Evan have a break from technology, which was something he felt everyone needed.
Jared Kleinman, on the other hand, hated nature.
He hated all of the bugs that would bite him. He hated how he constantly felt like the animals were planning his death, and how muggy and hot out it always was. But most of all, he hated that there wasn't any wifi.
Normally the two wouldn't care, and they would switch between an indoor date and an outdoor date. But Jared wanted Evan to have a special surprise, just to show how much he cared about Evan.
And what better way to show Evan that he loved him, then to go on a hike together?
Jared was highly regretting his decision now.
"Holy fuck how high is this mountain?"
Evan sighed, stoping for the eighth time in the past five minutes. "Are you, do you actually want to do this? We can, we can head back, and, and-"
"No, no, let's keep." Jared stopped, taking a breath. "Keep going."
Evan sighed, knowing that he would be stopped in the next minute by another sarcastic comment.
"This is it. This is my life now." Evan internally rolled his eyes. "I have climbed this hill, and I will die upon it."
"Shut up. We've only been hiking for," Evan checked his watch. "Ten minutes."
Jared sighed exasperatedly. "Seriously? Holy shit, I'm gonna die."
"No, no you aren't. Are you actually this fucking weak?" Evan asked, frustrated. Jared huffed and crossed his arms, and walked behind Evan.
Evan let out a breath in relief. He continued walking, taking in the beautiful sights and the amazing silence.
Jared forced himself to walk. He could feel the sun beating on his back, forcing him to slow down. He could feel thousands of small rocks in his shoes, and...
Jared tried to focus on the road in front of him, but his vision was clouded with darkness. He tried to call out to Evan, but nothing came out.
Evan only turned when Jared hit the ground. "Jared? Fuck you, you fucking asshole." Evan cursed under his breath, looking at the slope below them. This idiot just had to pass out here, didn't he?
Jared groaned he felt himself wake up. He tried to sit up, but the world started spinning.
"Woah, woah, okay, no, lay down please. Dear god."
Jared snickered as his head hit a pillow. He looked around, and realized he was in Evans room. "Wait, wait, we were, we were on the hill...?" Jared trailed off, confused.
"Yeah..." Evan trailed off, pressing a cold washcloth to Jared's forehead. "I uh, I carried you down? And, and I brought you here, so you uh, didn't die." Evan handed Jared a bottle of water, which Jared gratefully excepted, sitting up slowly and carefully.
Once Jared had chugged half of it, he asked. "Carried?"
"Yeah? I'm not, I'm not weak."
Jared rolled his eyes. "Thanks, that makes me feel loved."
"No, no, actually I'm going to, I'm going to force you to work out with me, now. This, this isn't okay. I don't want you to like, to like, die of a heart attack i-in two years." Evan turned away, not wanting Jared to see his tears. "I'm just, worried? I-I can't have you, not here, and-"
Jared cut Evan off by pulling his face closer to the bed. "I'm sorry. I'll... I'll work out with you." Jared shuttered. "And I'm also gonna make out with you. But first, I'm gonna, I'm gonna shower."
"Want help with that?" Evan asked softly.
"I... actually, probably." Jared smirked.
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