Boyfs- A Nerd and a Jock pt2
Warning: Bullies, and I may or may not have made Rich and Jake be kinda ooc.
"For our project, our 'big American break through' was actually uh, from a show!" Jeremy started, glancing over at Michael.
"Star Trek specifically." Michael said, a wide smile on his face. "In the original series from 1968, they supposedly made national news, all from a kiss."
"An, and interracial kiss, to uh, to be exact." Jeremy added. "It was between two loved characters. Uh..." He trailed off, glancing at Michael.
"Captain Kirk, the white, male leader, and Uhura, the ships translator, who was African America! It was greatly heated back then wither or not two people of different races should even be together."
"And since Star Trek is a show all about peace, they decided to take their stand and show that it was okay. It was, it was important because it really showed America that things that weren't just straight white couples are the only things out there."
"Yeah. Love it love, no matter what it looks like." Michael smiled, turning towards the teacher. "So, thank you!" He grabbed Jeremy's wrist, pulling him to their seats.
He leaned towards Jeremy, smiling wide. He lowered his voice, whispering to Jeremy. "That was actually radical! Thank you for letting me do Star Trek."
"No, thank, thank you for not being a complete asshole." Michael chuckled. The two continued to quietly whisper, not noticing the two jocks glaring at the pair.
"I'll be right back, Micha. We're still, like, riding home together, right?" Jeremy asked.
"Duh! I need to prove that I'm the champ at Mario Kart." Jeremy snickered.
"Right, by losing every time?"
"Shut up." Michael huffed. "I'll be out in the car."
"Rad. I'll be there in a second." He waved Michael away, and turned to go to his lockers.
"Oh!" He mumbled, running into someone. "Sorry, I didn't, I uh." He tried to pick up his folder, but a foot stepped on the paper.
"Hey, nerd. Stop messing with our friend." Jeremy nervously glanced up at the voice.
"What are you, what are you talking about?" Jeremy asked, looking between Rich and Jake.
"Stop turning Michael gay, you fucking nerd. He's ours."
"Yeah," Rich added. "And stop trying to turn him into one of you. He's a star football player, not a Star Trek fan."
"I'm not, I'm not-" Jake grabbed him by the collar. "Leave our friend alone." He punched Jeremy, dropping him to the floor.
Rich delivered a powerful kick to his gut, making Jeremy wince and hunch over in pain. Rich lifted him up, and shoved him against a row of lockers. Jeremy tried to stand, but he couldn't.
Jake, with an angry look on his face, delivered another blow to Jeremy's face. Jeremy already could feel the blood running down his face, and knew he'd at least have a black eye.
Jake was about to throw another punch when he was slammed out of the way.
"Jere. It's okay, I'm right here." Michael whispered. "They won't hurt you anymore." He whipped around, anger flooding his emotions.
"How. Fucking. Dare you." He grabbed Rich by the collar, as if to mock him. He was about to deck him, but he heard a small whimper of pain from Jeremy. He dropped Rich and turned back towards Jeremy.
"Hey, stay awake, okay? I'm gonna take you home." Michael gently scooped Jeremy into his arms, caring him out of the school and away from the jock.
"I'm sorry." Jeremy mumbled one they were in the car.
"Why?" Michael asked. "You didn't do anything wrong. Those assholes don't even know me, they had no right to do what they just did."
"I-I mean for getting, uh, blood on your jersey, but that too." Michael glanced down at his shirt, laughing slightly. "Jesus, Jeremy."
Jeremy laughed, wincing in pain when he did.
"Did Rich kick you? In the gut?" Michael asked softly, pulling into his driveway. He waited for Jeremy to nod before he ran over to the other side, helping Jeremy out.
"I'm gonna fucking murder them." Michael mumbled, unlocking his front door. He slammed it behind him with his foot, and gently placed Jeremy on his couch. He ran to the fridge and got an ice pack, then grabbed the first aid kit.
Running back to Jeremy, he carefully dabbed the blood away, and put the ice pack on Jeremy's eye. "I'm sorry." Michael mumbled. "They always hurt the things I love."
Jeremy raised his head, grabbing Michael's hand. "You..." He trailed off. "You love me?"
Michael's cheeks were now tinted pink, be he played off his confident demeanor. "I mean, yeah. I've liked you for," He chuckled. "Almost five years now, but the guys wouldn't ever let me get near you."
Jeremy smiled softly. "Is the blood gone from my face?"
"Uh, yeah?" Michael said, taken back. "Uh, why-?"
Jeremy pressed his lips into Michael's. He grabbed Michael's shirt, pulling him closer. Michael gently placed his hands on Jeremy's hips, placing him on his lap. Michael tried to be soft with his motions, but Jeremy was having none of it. He just wanted Michael, and he wanted him now.
"Hey," Michael pulled apart from Jeremy, making Jeremy whimper. "Why don't we continue this later, when you aren't dying?"
Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Fine."
Michael chuckled. "Why don't I turn on some classic Star Trek, and we can just kinda... cuddle and shit?"
"Sounds romantic." Jeremy chuckled, snuggling himself into Michael's chest. Michael ran his fingers through Jeremy's hair, a soft smile on his lips.
The two sat on the couch, falling into a deep sleep; both dreaming of a place with no conflict, moving across the galaxy with the other in their arms.
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