Boyf Riends- Timer
Jeremy hummed under his breath, tapping his feet along to the beat. He didn't notice Michael watching him intently, with a small smile on his face.
Jeremy did a turn to the beat, and his heart flew out of his chest. Pulling out one of his headphones, he yelled at Michael. "Dude!"
"Sorry, sorry." Michael chuckled, the smile Turing into a smirk. "You just looked so... what's the word I'm looking for?"
"Hot?" Jeremy tried jokingly.
"I was thinking more awkward and lanky, but sure, hot works too." Jeremy snickered and pushed Michael on to the bean bags next to them.
"Anyway, what are you doing here?"
Michael mumbled something from his spot face down in the bean bag chair, and Jeremy rolled his eyes, helping his friend up.
He saw a glimpse of the timer on Michael's wrist, and quickly looked away. That's Michael's business. He doesn't want you to know, and that's okay. It doesn't matter that if yours worked, you would show him. It doesn't matter.
Michael instinctively pulled his wrist back, rubbing it slightly.
"Sorry. I didn't, I didn't see anything." Jeremy mumbled, looking away.
"It's uh... it's okay." Michael mumbled back, staring at the floor.
Jeremy awkwardly coughed. "So, uh, wanna play AOTD?" Michael nodded, smiling wide.
That was close. Michael thought as Jeremy set up the tv. Be more careful, Micha.
"Wait, so no one here has actually seen Michael's timer?" Christine asked the group. They all turned to Jeremy. "You haven't seen his timer?"
"It's just, it's just something he's kept hidden from me. It's not, it's not that big of a deal." Jeremy mumbled, rubbing his own broken timer. "He's just, isn't super comfortable with showing anyone."
Jeremy shifted uncomfortably as his friends continued to stare at him. "Let's just, let's just drop it, okay?"
The group was silent until Jenna started to talk about the last math test, and the table erupted in chatter.
Jeremy looked at his timer, wishing again that he knew who his soulmate was. He'd wished it was Michael, but if he hadn't come out and told Jeremy that they were soulmates, then they probably weren't.
Why would Michael hide that anyway?
Michael paced around the living room, debating whether or not to finally tell Jeremy.
"He's your best friend! He wouldn't hate you, even if he didn't like you back, sweetheart." One of his mom's tried. "You should just tell him."
"What if I'm his soulmate, but he's not mine?" Michael asked, pushing back his frustrated tears. "I don't, I don't want him to leave me again."
"He won't. He loves you too much to lose you again. Trust me." Michael's mother pulled Michael into a hug. "Just... trust me on this one. Please? I'm sure he would be more than happy to figure out the truth."
"I have something I need to tell you." Michael rushed out as Jeremy slammed his locker door.
"What's up?" Studying Michael's face, he pulled him into an empty hallway. "What's wrong? What happened? If it's those jack-asses again-"
"No, no, it's about, uh." Michael motioned to his arm, shaking slightly.
"Oh. Oh." Jeremy looked up expectingly at Michael as he pulled up his sleeve.
Jeremy looked confused as he glanced at the watch. "Did... did you already met... her?"
Michael sighed. "This is a two part confession. One, I'm gay. Two, my soulmate is uh... is you."
Not looking at Jeremy, Michael studied his shoes. "It went off when we first met, but uh, you, you didn't hear it, and I didn't, I didn't know how you would react since yours is broken, and-"
Jeremy cut him off with a hug, letting Michael bury himself in Jeremy's shoulder.
"It's okay, Micha. I love you. Thank you for, for telling me." Jeremy mumbled, ignoring the bells going off as he hugged Michael tighter. "It's gonna be okay. I promise."
"You're not, you're not mad?" Michael asked softly.
"Never. You're my soulmate, how could I be mad?" Jeremy asked, gently placing a kiss on Michael's forehead. "So thank you, soulmate. I thought I would be alone forever."
"Nah man." Michael started. "It's a two player game. I'd never leave your side."
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