Boyf Riends- Hogwarts AU pt2
Jeremy glanced over at the other team.
The Gryffindors were neck and neck with the Hufflepuffs, but the latter were winning.
He glanced over at Michael dreamily, who winked at him before scoring a goal.
Jeremy cheered with the other Slytherins and Hufflepuffs as the Hufflepuffs scored another goal.
Michael spun around happily on his broom, blowing a kiss towards Jeremy.
Jeremy's face turned bright red, before shock covered the poor boy's blush.
A bludger was coming straight for Michael.
"Michael! Behind yo-" Jeremy panicked as Michael fell to the ground.
"Michael!" Jeremy pushed through the crowd, struggling to reach his boyfriend.
One of the other Hufflepuffs lowered themselves next to the rink, so that Jeremy could reach Michael.
Jeremy mumbled a weak 'thank you' and climbed onto the broom. She gently lowered them to the ground, leading him to Michael.
"Michael! Jesus Christ." Jeremy mumbled under his breath as he reached Michael's limp body. He glanced up at the nurse standing there.
"Is he, is he gonna be, okay?"
"If I can take him to my office..." she trailed off, an uncertain look on her face. "I'm assuming you want to come with me?"
Jeremy nodded his head, glancing back at the team. They already had a replacement for Michael.
Jeremy tapped his foot impatiently. He watched the clock tick away, counting the seconds.
"Jesus, Michael..." He mumbled out loud. "You can't do that to me." He ran his hands through his hair, ignoring the tears pricking his eyes. "You said, you said you would be safe, Michael. You said, you said it would be fine. You wouldn't get hurt and, and-"
Jeremy let out a soft gasp as strong arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. Jeremy buried his face into Michael's chest, trying to stop his sobs.
"Hey, hey, it's okay baby. I'm right here, I'm not leaving you. I promise." Michael gently lifted Jeremy so he was on his lap on the bed. "It's okay, I'm okay baby."
Jeremy nodded his head, but didn't move from his spot. Once Jeremy's sobs slowed, Michael adjusted him so that they were laying down next to each other.
Jeremy grabbed Michael's hand, gently placing a kiss on his forehead. "You jerk."
"Hey, this probably doesn't help my cause, but if it makes you feel better..." Michael trailed off, a slight smirk on his face.
"Uh, before you had that 'emotional breakdown'," Jeremy let out a small laugh. "Well, I was going to pretend to not know who you were, and make you be like 'baby no!!1!!!1!' But then you started crying and I was like 'abort abort' so I didn't."
"Wow. I feel so loved." Jeremy glared at his boyfriend, slighting hitting him. "Freaking jerk."
"Hey, hey, I didn't do it!" Michael let out a soft laugh before coughing slightly. "Shit, everything hurts."
"That's expected. You got hit right in the center of your back." The boys screamed and Michael pushed Jeremy off the bed. Jeremy landed and brushed himself off; awkwardly leaning against the wall and pretending to be normal.
"Don't worry boys, I've seen far worse." Madam Pomfrey chuckled slightly. "Michael, I know you're in pain, but if you take this," she handed a vile to Jeremy. "Every night for a week, you'll be better in no time."
"Sweet! So like, I can leave?" Michael asked hopefully.
Madam Pomfrey chuckled again. "Absolutely not. You're on bed rest for two weeks." She began to walk back towards her office. "Oh, and Jeremy?"
"Yes ma'am?"
"Visiting hours are on the front door. And remember, no night visits."
"Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am." Jeremy blushed as he remembered last times visit.
"That's all. Be safe boys." Madam Pomfrey left the boys alone, with Michael snickering loudly at his boyfriend.
"Nice one Jeremy."
"Shut up, or I won't visit you for a week. Jerk."
Michael smiled, gently pulling Jeremy down to kiss him on the lips.
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