In This Wrong Situation
For a moment she thought that was all he was going to say...then he took her by surprise, and not the good kind.
He stood up rather abruptly causing the legs of the chair he was sat on to make a horrible scratching sound across the floor, he raised his hand and poked her in the chest harshly causing her to jolt backwards.
"Time?" He asked, barking a laugh. "You need time? That's rich, and hilarious!" He sniggered, waving his hand dismissively at her.
"I..." She began but was quickly interrupted by him speaking again.
"You know what?....Take all the time that you want. Take forever as a matter of fact! I'm am so bored of you and how useless you are to the point where I'm just done with you. There are hundreds of other girls out there - prettier, smarter, and way less uptight - just waiting for a guy like me. So why don't you take your hideous self and run along? It would be so much better for me....oh and fyi, I already have another girl. We've been sleeping together for a month, so yeah...Imma let you chew on that!" He mocked coldly.
Her eyes burned with tears that were desperate to fall, but she wouldn't allow them. Not in front of almost the entire school, and she certainly wouldn't give him the satisfaction of watching her break.
"" She stammered, trying to keep her voice as steady as possible.
"One more thing..." He said, making her mind race for only a few seconds.
Reaching over the table and picking up one of his friends' cartons of yoghurt, he removed the seel and dumped the entire content over her head. Her shoulders hunched and she let out a surprised squeal.
"There we go! So much better than looking at that plain Jane face of yours." He sneered.
Not knowing what to do, she just stood there in stunned silence with half the people in the cafeteria staring at them and the other half laughing. She felt completely and utterly humiliated.
Stiles closed his eyes and rubbed them in disbelief, unsure if what he had just witnessed was real. He quickly realised it was when half of the room erupted into fits of laughter. Though what they were laughing at wasn't funny to him.
He had had enough of standing by and doing nothing. This was the final straw and if this couldn't convince Lydia how wrong Jackson was for her then he didn't know what would. Getting up from his seat, he made his way over to where she was stood, next to Jackson's table and took matters into his own hand.
"Oh look's your freaky boyfriend coming to your rescue." Jackson remarked as he noticed the other boy's presence.
"Shut it you fool! I've had enough of watching you bully her like she's one of your little minions. News flash! She isn't. She's the most amazing, most smart, talented and beautiful girl I've ever known and that is what you are throwing away. It's your loss because when she is successful and you're not, you are gonna wish that you had treated her right." Stiles snapped defensively.
Though he knew it wouldn't do anything to persuade Jackson. Instead the boy just burst out laughing like the ignoramus fool he is.
"Real mature." Stiles sarcastically commented adding an eye roll for impact.
"Whatever nerd! Just take your lame girlfriend and disappear!" Jackson dismissed.
Not bothering to respond to the idiot's remark, he turned his full attention to the girl who was stood drenched in yoghurt. Uncaring of the gooey substance that covered her, he placed his had on her upper back.
"Come on...I'll help you clean up." He said, leading her towards the door; away from Jackson and the laughing crowd.
Once in the hall, he reached into his bag and pulled out a pack of wipes.
"Here...this should help..." He told her, handing her a few wipes from the packet.
Without speaking a word, she took them with a nod of thank you and began furiously swiping them across her skin and her clothes.
"Nothing like a bit of drama on this perfectly okay school day, eh?" He half joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Unfortunately his attempt did nothing. She didn't laugh, and still didn't speak. The only sound to come from her other than shaky breaths, was a small sigh.
"I'm guessing you're gonna head to the girls locker room....although you haven't brought a change of clothes with you." He spoke, with sudden realisation.
She shook her head to answer no to him, not using her voice. He was beginning to worry, and wished that she would speak.
"Not to worry, your jeans will be fine, and I should have..." He informed her, trailing off to look for something in his bag.
Having found what he was looking for, he presented them to her. She looked down at what he was offering and then up to his face, a look of uncertainty crossing her face.
"I know, I know...the hoodie will hang on you, but it's better than walking around with visible stains on your top. Please accept it." He spoke.
Deep down the silence was bugging him, but he didn't dare try and force her to talk if she didn't want to. That would not only be rude of him, but also unfair to her. He would endure the silence for now, but if she remained like it for too long he would have to do something to get her speaking.
She responded with a nod and slowly took the hoodie from him as they approached the girls locker rooms. She paused for a moment and turned to him. When she did, a small glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes, hoping that she might talk.
"I'll wait here for you." He informed her.
The hope he was holding quickly faded when she gave another nod and headed into the locker rooms.
While waiting he shoved his hands into his denim jeans pockets and leant his back against the wall. Many things were running through his mind, but more than anything...he just wanted her to be okay.
A/N: Slightly longer than the previous chapter but still not as long as I'd like. I'm getting there though, I promise.
Thoughts on this chapter?
Is Jackson a complete douche bag or what? And will Lydia speak up to Stiles?
Guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter.
On another note, the new fic Soldier only has one chapter at the moment but I will be uploading chapter 2 sometime soon. Thank you for reading, making it this far and being patient.
Other stories will be updated when I feel like it.
Also if you love werewolves maybe check out my Rise Of The Wolves book series. I'm currently working on the third book of the series. So the first chapter of that one should be up soon.
Comments, feedback, ideas, tips, thoughts and opinions are all welcome so don't hesitate.
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