Part 32- Complicated love
Shawn and Rosaly
Shawn was late. He had spent the whole afternoon at his father's company, who had taken advantage of his time off to ask for his help in updating some data on the computer. Shawn's father was old school, and he didn't really fit into the tech age. So whenever Shawn could, he'd help him out at the company.
That afternoon, his father had asked him to help install a new system that would facilitate his online negotiations. But the operation had taken longer than Shawn had expected, and had hindered all of his plans for that day. He wanted to pick up Rosaly at work, but he realized he wouldn't have time, so he asked the driver to pick her up. He didn't want her to walk the streets alone.
He'd come home almost eight o'clock at night. He had to shower as fast as he could and get ready even faster. He was ready in twenty minutes because he was very anxious to meet Rosaly. He went downstairs on two steps, picked up the keys on the table and was about to leave when his mother called him:
- Hey,Shawn. Wait a minute. I need to talk to you.
- Do you need to do it now,mom? I'm in a hurry.
- Yes, I do. Your girlfriend can wait a while.
-What is it? -He asked, sighing heavily and sitting with his mother on the couch.
- I want you to tell me a little bit more about this girl. It's Rosely's name, isn't it? he nodded and then asked.
-What do you want to know? - Shawn asked impatiently.
- I want to know everything you could tell me about her. Where does she come from? What does she do? How old is she? - Shawn looked incredulous at his mother and smiled.
- I'm not a kid anymore, Mom. I can choose my girlfriends without needing your approval.
- I don't care how old you are. You're still my son the same way. - Shawn's mother said authoritative.
-Okay. She's from Brazil. She's 20 and she works three jobs. Satisfied?
-Three jobs? -Mom asked in surprise.
- Yes, Mum. She doesn't belong to Canada's elite if that's what you want to know. She needs to work. Rosely works as a waitress at the Weekend, she's an English and dance teacher. Are you disappointed? - Shawn asked, seeing his mom's shocked face.
-I'm sorry, Shawn. I didn't mean to sound snobby. I just kept thinking about this girl in her 20s,having to work that way to support herself. What about her parents?
- They stayed in Brazil. Why do I get the impression that the you are shocked for another reason as well?- Shawn looked directly at his mother, ready to defend his relationship with Rosaly in case his mother made a harsher criticism about it.
- I'm not shocked. It just amazes me that you fall in love with someone so far away from your life. So far, I've seen you date only models, actresses, and singers. You're always in this crazy life. How did you take the time to pay attention to someone outside of that environment?
- When you meet her, you'll realize that Rosely is no ordinary girl. She's incredible. Beautiful, smart, mature for her age. - Shawn's voice softened just by talking about Rosaly, and his mother realized it.
- It sounds like you're really in love. When am I gonna meet this wonderful creature? - mom asked with a smile.
- I'm gonna talk to her about it today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go, because I'm already late. – he kissed his mother on the cheek and almost ran out to the car. Meanwhile in Rosaly's apartment, she faced the unexpected visitor with surprise.
- Hello, John. What are you doing here?
- I needed to talk to you. We didn't get many chances to talk at work today. - Rosaly realized that John was talking in a half-dragged voice, as if he'd been drinking.
- I was very busy today. But what do you have to say to me that couldn't wait until tomorrow? - She was starting to get uncomfortable with him at her door.
- No, we can talk in private here. May I come in? - Rosaly didn't want him to come in. John was weird and he'd never been like this before. But on the other hand, she didn't want him to make a scene at her door, so she let him in.
- Nice apartment. - He said, looking like he was in no hurry to start the conversation.
- John. I don't think you came all this way to compliment the decor of my apartment. - Rosaly's voice was dry and John looked at her like she was angry.
- All right, since you insist. - he came closer to her and said:
- I want to know what your real involvement with Shawn Mendes is? - Rosaly shook her head incredulously . Had he come over there to question her about her love life? By what right did he do that? She tried to calm down and said in a neutral voice:
- I don't think my personal life is any of your business.
- Of course it is. I saw you first, and this playboy had no business getting in my way. - He'd changed his tone of voice and Rosaly started getting nervous.
- I think you better go, John. This conversation is way out of bounds," she tried to get past him to open the door, but he held his wrist and kept it from continuing.
- No, I'm not leaving without you telling me why you preferred this kid over me. - The breath of alcohol on her face was making her nauseous, and she tried at all costs to let go of him, but his hands were like iron claws.
- I don't have to tell you anything. I never gave you hope. You deluded yourself.
- Is it because he's famous? Because he's got a bank account full of dollars? Is that what you want? A life of wealth, and marry to a pop star? - Rosaly didn't answer, he pulled her closer and closer, and she didn't know what to do. She looked at the phone, but she couldn't reach it. She looked for something she could use as a weapon in case she needed it, but she couldn't find anything. Then she heard John say:
- Kiss me, Rosaly. I'm not leaving here today until you give me a kiss. - She turned her face around as soon as John approached her. Realizing her resistance, he shook her hard, Rosaly lost her balance and fell. She looked at John standing in front of her, and had the distinct impression that she was seeing Caio. Her head mixed the two scenes of her falling on the floor of Caio's office, and now there in the same position in her apartment.
Her heart squeezed with anguish, and her eyes filled with tears. John looked at her lying on the floor and tried to help her up, but in her dread, Rosaly didn't see it that way. In her head he was going to hit her the same way Caio did. Then she put her head down, put her hands on it, trying to protect herself from the first blow.
That's when she heard a scream, the door being opened with a bang, and John being thrown across the room with a punch. In that instant, she heard Shawn's voice scream;
- You bastard, if you hurt her in any way, I swear I will kill you. - and ran to Rosaly, still standing in the same position, looking so shocked by everything that was happening that she couldn't even move.
- Rosely, are you okay? Did he hurt you? - Shawn's voice in her ear was like a balm to your pain. She just shook her head in the negative, hugged him crying. Shawn kept Rosaly in his arms stroking her hair until she calmed down.
John stood up from where he was standing, massaging the jaw where Shawn's punch had hit, approached where they were and said:
- I'm sorry, Rosely. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... -. Shawn wouldn't let him finish, in a heel grabbed him by the collar, and was going to give him another punch when Rosaly stopped him.
- Let him go, Shawn. - She looked at John with sad eyes and she was serious when she said:
-Go away, John. I'll talk to you at the Weekend tomorrow.
- Rosely, I'm really sorry.
- You heard what she said, go away, and be glad I didn't call the police and have you arrested for harassment and break-in. - Shawn said in a sharp voice.
John didn't say anything else, he walked to the staggering door and left the apartment.
Rosaly started shaking. Shawn hugged her again, and asked softly:
- Rosaly, is this guy the manager of the Weekend?
- Yeah, he is.
- What did he come here for? Shawn asked, taking her to the couch and sitting with her on his lap.
- I don't even know myself. He was drunk when he got here. He demanded that I explained what kind of relationship I have with you, then he wanted to kiss me. - She stopped talking, shaking her head like she couldn't believe what just happened there.
- Rosely, did you know about his interest in you?
- He asked me out a few times, but I never accepted. The girls who work with me also commented on his interest in me, but John never made that clear openly. But today at work, he seemed different, asked me about the trip to Toronto, but then he didn't bring it up again.
- What a scoundrel! He can't do that with an employee. It's harassment, Rosaly. I'll talk to my dad. He and the owner of the Weekend are long-time friends, John will be fired immediately. - Shawn's eyes were sparkling with rage.
- No, I don't want that. He's always treated me right. Today was the first time that ever happened. I want to resolve this situation in another way.
- Are you sure, Rosely?
- Yes, I'm sure. - She got up and went out the window looking at the landscape outside, then turned to face Shawn and asked:
- Do you think it's my fault? -Shawn was confused by her question.
- Do you think I'm to blame for what happened here? Caio said I was guilty because he punished me with gestures or actions, because I provoked him so much that I ended up leading him to it.
- Of course, it's not your fault. Your ex-fiancé was a scumbag, and John's not different from him , although you don't believe that. You're the most wonderful girl in the world, that's why I fell in love with you. - Shawn looked at Rosaly as he spoke, and realizing she didn't seem to believe him. He thought about what else he could say to make her stop feeling responsible for the behavior of two men who didn't know how to treat a woman like Rosaly. Then he understood that there was only one way to prove what he was saying. He approached her and lured her into his arms. He took off the shirt she was wearing, realizing that Rosaly had nothing underneath. Her lips touched Rosaly's bare breasts, sucking each one lightly, causing her to throw her head back trying to prolong that pleasure. Then she removed the shorts and panties she wore, watching in amazement at her glorious nakedness, then took off his own clothes, and laid Rosaly on the rug, letting his hands show her how much he wanted it, and his lips went down her body, letting no part of it go without feeling the effect of his kisses. Rosaly gasped and moaned softly, and her moans sounded like music to Shawn's ears, turning him on more than her touch on his skin. She stuck her fingernails into his back, and tied Shawn's waist with her legs, bringing him closer. Her kisses were hungry, full of fire and passion Shawn was melting in Rosaly's voluptuousness, and his body craved hers so much that he could hardly control itself. In a second, he made her his own, and together they began their dance of desire and madness. She shouted his name and he felt as if he were drowning in that sweetness that came from her, and that love that was greater than both of them. Slowly they came back to reality, and Shawn opened his eyes, pulling the sweaty locks of hair away from her face. Then Rosaly smiled, feeling her heart fill with feelings for that man who gave her everything with a single kiss.
- Are you aware of what it means to me, Rosely? You were made for me, and you're my girl, only mine.- Shawn said kissing her again.
- You're very important to me, too. When you came into my life, you brought back the joy of living that I had lost. You make me laugh, you make me sing, you're the coherence in the middle of all this madness. I don't even know where to start thanking you for all the good things you've given me.
'- Before I met you I didn't think love was for me, and I was destined for a lackluster existence, only in empty female company. You proved me wrong, for here I am, completely in love with the most incredible woman I have ever had the pleasure to meet. - Tears began to flow from Rosaly's eyes, and Shawn wiped them saying:
- Don't cry, my love.
- I'm crying because you make me so happy with this love that I never thought I deserved it.- Rosaly stroked his face.
- You deserve everything I can give you with these hands. - He held out his hands so that she could see them - and this heart - he pointed to the left side of his chest - could give to you - Rosaly smiled and they hugged.
Suddenly they heard the bell. Rosaly got up, put on a robe and went to answer the door saying:
- It must be our dinner. I'd almost forgotten.
So they went into the kitchen and delighted themselves with Japanese food and talked about unimportant things. They both needed that moment of relaxation to get back to normal. Later they went to bed and Rosaly asked:
- Can you sing for me Shawn? - He shook her head in agreement, and he laughed and said, "This is the first time anyone has ever asked me to do something like this, but it's okay. - Then he sang in her ear a part of the song never be alone:
And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
you'll never be alone
you'll never be alone
and she slept like an angel.
-Tganks for reading my story. It measn a lot to me. Tell what you think about it. I'll be really happy to know it.
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