Part 29 - Love between us
It was 9:00 a.m. when Shawn stopped by to pick up Rosaly. She'd woken up an hour earlier to pack her things before they left for her destination. To make herself more comfortable, she had put on jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers, and braided her hair. She had hardly put on any make-up, preferring just a little lipstick and eyeliner.
She thought about the trip she would take with Shawn and the show he would do later, and felt a little nervous. Rosaly knew that there would be reporters and paparazzi everywhere, plus reporters and millions of cell phones, which would make it hard for her to hide or go unnoticed, but Shawn had told her not to worry that he would protect her from everything, but Rosaly knew that no matter how much he stayed with her most of the time, he couldn't be everywhere at once.
She took a deep breath and tried to calm down, thinking to herself that if exposing herself was the price she would have to pay to stand by that wonderful man, she would gladly pay, because she wouldn't let Caio take that happiness away from her either. She and Shawn would make it work, she was sure of that.
The noise of the bell took her out of her thoughts and she ran to open the door. Shawn looked at her with delight when he saw her. She looked like a little girl with the hairstyle and clothes she'd chosen for the trip. He kissed her lightly on the lips and said:
- Yes-she answered, taking the leather jacket she'd left on the couch, and went out with Shawn into the pleasant air of that nearly spring morning. As Shawn put her luggage in the trunk, they couldn't see the car stopped across the street.
The driver was looking at them both. His eyes glowing with hatred twisted his attractive features. When Rosaly smiled at Shawn and he gave him a quick kiss, his hands on the steering wheel crisped so hard they could break someone's neck if he had the chance. Rosaly and Shawn got in the car, and his Ferrari started moving. The other vehicle was following them at a safe distance, but the couple hadn't noticed why they were completely involved in the conversation they were having inside the car. This fact continued until Shawn entered a private landing area, preventing the stalker from continuing his attempt. The driver then threw a frustrated punch at the steering wheel regardless of the pain that went up his arm. "If she thinks she's gonna get away from me, she's wrong. I'll go as far as I have to to bring her back, for she belongs to me," he turned around and returned the same way he had come.
Meanwhile, Shawn and Rosaly settled inside the private jet, and when she leaned over to pick up the bag that had accidentally fallen to the ground, Shawn held her hand and asked
- Are you still nervous about the show?
- A little. - she answered, trying to smile, but deep down, she felt a cold hand squeeze her heart.
- You don't have to be nervous, Rosely. I promised you I would protect you, and I will. Nothing bad is gonna happen.
- I know it. - she said, trying to convince herself, but something told her it wouldn't be that simple. She snuggled up to Shawn's body, and he passed an arm around her protective shoulder. Rosaly closed her eyes, feeling Shawn's hands caressing her hair, making her relax so completely that she fell asleep. She woke up some time later, with Shawn kissing her forehead and calling her name:
-Forgive me for waking you up, my love, but we're in Toronto. I'd carry you, but I think we'd get a lot of attention, and at the moment it's not exactly what we want.- Shawn said jokingly.
- Did I sleep that much? - She asked, trying to fix the hair that escaped from the braid she'd made that morning.
- Don't worry, it's beautiful.- He took her luggage in one hand and the other rested on Rosaly's back, guiding her out of the plane. When they arrived at the end of the staircase leading to the Toronto airstrip, they were surrounded by paparazzi, journalists and fans everywhere. Rosaly did exactly what Shawn had said. She walked next to the security guard using dark eyeglasses, and was two steps behind Shawn, so all attention would be focused on him, and she would pass unnoticed to thousands of glances that turned to them as they passed. Rosaly admired Shawn's calmness in walking in the middle of that crowd of people with a smile on his lips, and always being nice and willing to take a picture or answer questions. She concluded that he had been in the middle of it for so long that he had learned to deal with that kind of situation. But, even so, she wondered if he didn't feel sucked in by so many people that wanted to approach him, touch him, know about his life. She had never asked him, but she imagined that it must be difficult for him to meet everyone's expectations, always be perfect and not disappoint the thousands of fans who seemed to see him as a semigod. They couldn't see that he was just a man who also had his bad days and his frustrations, they saw him as a superhero and so they didn't give him the right to make mistakes. That's why Shawn had almost a compulsive desire for organization, perfection for detail, and impeccability in his shows. And all that was also the cause of his growing anxiety, his moments of impatience and nervousness. And seeing him deal with it all in such a sensible and mature way made Rosaly admire him and love him even more.
They arrived at the hotel and went straight to the room. When they were alone, Shawn hugged her and asked;
- Is everything all right?
- Yes, Rosaly answered, hugging him by the waist.
- I'm sorry about all this craziness. I didn't want you to be scared.
- I'm not scared. And you don't have to be sorry. It's your job, I understand.
- That's nice. For a moment I thought you'd run out and abandon me. - He said, and Rosaly realized he was kidding.
- I'm a strong girl. I think I can handle a bunch of Paparazzi.-Rosaly responded in the same tone.
That's my girl. - he kissed her on the lips.
- It can't be an easy life, can it?- she touched his face lovingly.
- No, it's not. But I love it. It's so much love I get back, it makes up for everything else. - Rosaly smiled at him realizing that all of that was part of him, just like it was part of her now, and she would never be the same again. Then he asked:
- Shall we have lunch?
-Sure. - He took her to lunch at the hotel restaurant, and later while Shawn had just gotten the last details of that night's show right, Rosaly took a nap.
At seven o'clock she had dinner alone at the hotel, as Shawn had warned her that he would only return to the hotel to pick her up for the show. An hour later, she started getting ready. She took a bubble bath, washed her hair, and moisturized her skin with a scented body cream that she had gotten from her brother last Christmas at home.
She opened the luggage she had brought and tried to find the appropriate costume for that night. She did not want anything sophisticated, but something elegant and tasteful, something that would do justice to her companion. She chose a black dress that she had only worn once at a party at her friend Daniela's house, and which Caio had complained about all the time because of the neckline, and she had left at the bottom of her wardrobe, like many others he had forbidden her to wear. So she decided that he would dress it as her symbol of liberation, and in honor of the new life he was beginning from that moment on.
Shawn appeared at exactly half past nine and found her ready waiting for him. When Rosaly opened the door, he held his breath surprised at her appearance. To say that Rosaly was wonderful would be an inappropriate compliment, perhaps sensational was the right word to describe her that night. She wore a short black dress that let her legs out, it was tight at the waist, and then its skirt fell round her hips to her thighs. What caught his attention was the deep neckline at the back that left her back exposed to her waist. Rosaly had left her hair loose, tiding it only on one side with a silver clip. What Shawn loved most about her was that Rosaly wore little makeup, only highlighting the lips she had painted red, and the eyes she had marked with eyeliner. She didn't need any other artifice to look beautiful, because for him she was beautiful by nature.
- You look incredible. I really want to kiss you, but I don't want to ruin your makeup. - he couldn't take his eyes off her.
- Oh, thank you. I didn't really know what to wear, so I took a chance. I'm glad you liked it. - She said happy with his approval, then she ran her eyes through Shawn's clothes and spoke: You look amazing, too, and she hadn't exaggerated. Shawn wore tight black leather pants that shaped his male hips, and a white regatta that showed off his muscular arms, also highlighting his hard, well-defined abdomen. He would certainly make the joy of all the women in his show, and Rosaly thought to herself, that now she understood why it was so difficult to date a celebrity.
It was impossible not to be jealous of all the looks that would be on him that night, the only thing that made her feel so sure about all that was that she knew that only she could love him completely, while the other women could just imagine what it was like to have him in their arms.
- My God! You take my breath away. Can't we just cancel this show, and run away to some place far away together? - he said jokingly, but his eyes sparkled with desire.
- No, we can't. I don't want to be responsible for a mass rage. - Rosaly answered in a joking tone, too.
-So we'd better go before I change my mind. - Shawn hugged her and drove her to the car, driving to the stadium where he would do the show.
When the two of them showed up, an entire team came to greet them to assure Shawn that everything had been prepared as he had instructed.
They still had some time before the show started, so Shawn wanted to introduce her to some people. They were talking to the music production company of the show when a very attractive blonde boy approached them smiling and said:
- Hey, Shawn. Looks like this show's gonna be great.
- Brian! I'm glad you could make it, man. Shawn hugged the guy lovingly, and Rosaly realized there was a lot of affection between them. Suddenly, the boy turned to her, watching her with his beautiful blue eyes, took her hand, and took it to his lips:
-And who is this lovely beauty lady?
- Hey, take your hands off my girl, you silly. - Shawn exclaimed in a humorous manner.
-Oh, so you're the girl responsible for my friend's good mood. I can see he has very good taste.
-In this case, I think The good taste is mine... - Rosaly looked at Shawn and smiled.
- Wow, what a witty girl. I love it. Welcome to the family, honey. – ten Shawn then introduced them and stayed together for a few minutes chatting. When it was time for the show to start, Shawn said to Brian:
- Take care of her for me. - his friend nodded and he turned to her and asked:
- Are you gonna be okay?
- Yeah, I'm gonna be fine. Go out there and do your best, hon.. - she said, giving him a quick kiss.
As soon as Shawn stepped onto the stage, Rosaly felt a frenzy take over the crowd, the fans screamed Shawn's name, throwing flowers and gifts at his feet, which he made a point of picking one by one.
Rosaly watched everything ecstatically. Shawn was incredible when he sang. He interacted with the audience, screamed, jumped, and played his guitar with an energy that make her feel her heart sing with him.. It was wonderful to see the response of the audience to his musical performance. They loved him and they got love back, and seeing him sing with such passion, Rosaly could now understand why he was idolized by people of all ages. Shawn had an inner light that stood out when he sang, and that light he could spread to everyone watching him, including her, for it was that rare glow that few people had that made him so special, and that had won her over in the first place. Shawn Mendes was really an icon of his generation.
As the show continued, Brian looked at her and asked:
- What are your real intentions with my friend?
- What?- Rosaly didn't understand the meaning of Brian's words.
- I want to know what's really going on between you two - he looked directly at her waiting for her answer. Rosaly looked into his eyes, and answered truthfully:
- I love him. - And Brian believed her, for the way Rosaly said it showed him she didn't lie.
- Sorry if I sounded intimidating and overprotective, but Shawn's already suffered a lot of disappointments, you know.
- It's okay, I understand. It's a brother thing, isn't it? I have a brother, too, and he would do the same thing for me. - she smiled at Brian, and he knew she'd already won his affection.
They both enjoyed the show again, and Rosaly found herself singing with Shawn Stitches, If I can't have you, Never be Alone, Mercy, Nervous and lastly In my blood. When the last chords of the song ended, Shawn stood in front of the audience, and spoke:
- I want to sing one last song and give it to someone who came to see me today. This song is not mine, but it has wonderful lyrics, and I know that person loves it. Sweetie, this one is for you.
Rosaly held her breath when she heard him sing your song by Elton John. He hadn't forgotten how much she loved that song, and Rosaly knew at that moment that she had never loved someone like she loved Shawn Mendes.
- You know he's publicly declaring himself to you, right? - Brian asked with a smile, and she just nodded in agreement, too emotional to talk.
Rosaly closed her eyes and his beautifully tuned voice reached her ears. Then she remembered every kiss they exchanged, every caress, every smile, every thing they shared, and it was as if everything involved her with a powerful and irresistible energy, taking her directly to Shawn and his love.
When he finished singing the last line of the song, Rosaly opened her eyes and saw the crowd cheering Shawn standing up, consecrating him once again as one of the world's most admired pop idols. He said goodbye to his ardent fans:
- Thank you, folks. You guys were amazing as always. - and left the stage listening to a great chorus behind him that said, "We love you, Shawn."
In a minute he was with Rosaly and Brian who hugged him in admiration:
- The show was beautiful, Shawn.
-Thank you. - He responded almost automatically, as his eyes were set on Rosaly, who reciprocated by letting him see all the pride she was feeling.
Realizing the intensity of the moment, Brian left them alone. Shawn approached Rosaly, took her cheek in her hands, and kissed her making her feel all the love he had for her. They broke up, and Rosaly said with her eyes glowing:
- Thank you for the surprise.
-Did you like it?
- I loved it. You haven't really forgotten that I love this song.
- It's impossible to forget anything that comes from you. - He hugged her tightly, and they stayed that way for a few minutes, then he took her hand and said.
- Let's go to my dressing room. I want to get rid of these sweaty clothes and take a bath.
The dressing room was close to where they were, so they didn't take long to arrive there. Shawn opened the door, and Rosaly took a look at the place. It was spacious, comfortable, well-ventilated, and Shawn could rest there as much as he wanted, because the walls were soundproof. She took a look at the only table there, and noticed that Shawn's production had left various kinds of food and drinks for him to serve himself after the show.
-Are you hungry?- he asked.- Rosaly shook her head in negative, so he took an apple and started eating it while asking:
- Did you get along with Brian?
- Let's just say we had an enlightening conversation about you.
- What do you mean? Shawn asked confused.
- He asked me what my intentions were with you.
- I can't believe he did that. -- Shawn said incredulous.
- I didn't care. I think it's nice that he cared about you. He reminded me of my brother Ricardo. He used to question all my little boyfriends at school. At first I was very angry, but then I realized he was taking care of me.
- You miss him a lot, don't you? - Shawn asked, seeing that she got serious.
- Yes, I do, but being with you makes it a little less lonely. - Rosaly shook the hand he held out to her with affection.
- Well, can you wait a minute? I'm gonna take a quick shower and get right back.
- All right, - she answered.
In fifteen minutes he was back and when Rosaly looked at him, her heart skipped a beat.
Shawn had his hair all wet, he was barefoot, and was wearing only one pair of jeans. God, how cutel he was! Looking at Shawn was like looking at a painting, he was undeniably too attractive and sexy. She'd seen him naked before, but it had been days since they'd touched each other, and the sight of that manly chest without a piece of clothing covering him doubled her need for him.
Shawn passed Rosaly as if he didn't notice her hungry look on him. He was going to pick up a clean shirt from the closet he kept there for those occasions, when Rosaly held his wrist, looked at him boldly, and said:
-Do you want to provoke m, Mr. Mendes? Let's see who is better at doing it.. – she pushed him gently onto a huge couch in her dressing room, and made Shawn lie on it. Then she stripped off her black dress, wearing only red silk lingerie. Rosaly's vision in front of him half-naked, made Shawn's heartbeat accelerate, but he made no gesture to touch her. He wanted to wait and see what she would do next. Rosaly laid on top of him, letting her body stick to his and kissed him, first gently, then intensely. Then she lowered her lips over Shawn's chest, and with the tip of her tongue she traced each ripple of his muscles, and when her long, well-done fingernails scratched Shawn's abdomen, he groaned loudly and lost control of himself. He reversed his position with hers, skillfully stripping off the lingerie that still covered her body, and ripping off his own jeans and briefs he wore underneath at once, throwing them into the pile of clothes thrown to the ground. That girl was driving him crazy with her caresses, and he wanted to drive her crazy the same way.
He provoked her by touching every little piece of her body, descending deeper and deeper until he heard her begging for him. And when he himself could no longer bear his desire for her, Shawn possessed her, and they moved together until the explosion of the senses swallowed them, leaving them at the mercy of the force of passion that enveloped them. At the height of love, Rosaly heard Shawn whisper in her ear, "say you are only mine."
- I'm all yours. - She answered and everything else ceased to exist, and their groans mixed until they ran out of breath, hearing only the sound of their accelerated breathing that little by little returned to normal.
Later, when they had returned to the hotel, and made love again, Rosaly got up from her bed, went to the window and watched the city lights flicker like stars everywhere, then she turned and looked at the man who was even more desirable when he was sleeping like that, and her heart was filled with love for him. Then she went back to bed, tucked herself into Shawn's body and went back to sleep, feeling completely safe in his arms.
Hi, I hope yoou like, and please let me know your opinion. Sorry for any mistakes. Kisses.
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