Chapter 9- confused
Sitting in bed in her room Rosaly looked at the door, she locked the night before as if it were her enemy. She had barely nailed her eyes all night, for the memories of Peter's kisses tormented her sleep to the point where she got up several times in the middle of the night and walked through the room restless. She had tried uselessly not to think, but his face continued to invade her thoughts without asking her permission. How could she let it go that far? She did not even know him. She did not know if he had a girlfriend, a bride, or a serious relationship with someone. He could just be having fun with the girl from the cafeteria who he had met the other day and whom he had coincidentally met in the middle of the night and had offered him a place to sleep. Until then, Rosaly didn't understand what had happened to her. She had never opened the doors for a stranger, she was always cautious and suspicious, but it was enough for Peter to smile in such an incredible way for her to be seduced and forget her common sense. Was she losing her ability to deviate from danger when there was one in her way? Because if it were true there was no point in moving so far away if, she couldn't stay safe.
In addition, a relationship with someone would only complicate things. Not that she thought Peter would want to see her after the scene they starred in the living room rug, but the best thing would be to stay away from him. Facing this thought, Rosaly felt a pain in her heart, because the idea of not seeing Peter anymore or talking to him made her sad, and she didn't know why, or rather, she didn't want to know. She didn't want to know any more details about his life, to exchange confidences about his personal tastes, or to tell things about his families. Rosaly knew that if she continued to have contact with him, she could easily succumb to the charms of those eyes, and forget the threat hanging over her head. The problem was that Peter was too nice, too attractive and too sexy. She had to get him out of her head or she'd end up fooling herself and putting her own life at risk, and maybe his too. She could deal with the fact that she had to keep running, but she couldn't stand it if someone else got hurt in the process.
Rosaly took a long sigh, straightened a lock of her long hair behind her ear, and continued to look at the door without having the courage to open it. Her thoughts flew from one place to another without rest, and one of them escaped her severe vigilance, and brought back the sensations in her body with Peter's touch. He knew how to make a woman feel wanted; his kisses were a sea of lust and left her thirsty for what was to come later. However, she had run away and left him alone in the room, for she did not trust herself to resist the appeals of her own body. Rosaly moved restlessly in bed as she remembered the waves of desire that almost overwhelmed her at that instant. Her neediness had led her to that, and she was afraid she wouldn't control herself if Peter touched her again. She knew very well that she was not only afraid to give herself up to a stranger, but more than anything, she was afraid of losing her heart.
She had promised never to fall in love again, because along with love, other feelings also arose, and Rosaly had no emotional structure to withstand another disappointment like the one she had with Caio.
She had met him on the beach in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, when she was on vacation with some friends. He had emerged from the sea as if he were a Greek god; his brown hair wet by the sea gave him a wild look that enchanted her at first glance. His arms were strong, as his whole body was, and he had wonderful green eyes that glowed on his face with perfect, angular features.
When he approached her to talk to her, Rosaly could not believe that that magnificent human specimen had taken an interest in her. At first, she thought he had gone where she was, because he wanted to meet Daniele, her best friend, because it would make a lot more sense to her, as Daniele had a sculptural body that caused a stir where she was going, long, well-turned legs, blond, straight hair that she wore almost below her waist, and smart blue eyes. But, curiously, Caio hadn't even noticed her friend, he had gone to Rosaly and introduced himself. He was a great successful entrepreneur and branches of his company were spread all over Brazil, besides some North American countries, which made him the youngest businessperson in his work field. Caio was respected and his name was always mentioned in the social columns of the regional newspapers, what nobody imagined, is that behind that enigmatic look, there was a vengeful, cold and unscrupulous man who used his power to dominate everything and everyone.
Rosaly had also been deceived. She had let herself be carried away by the fascination of that man who had conquered her in the first minute that they met each other, with his beautiful and rehearsed words, making her believe that she was special and unique to him. Perhaps the inexperience of her seventeen years at the time was the worst factor in her immense naivety. He had been taking care of her since the beginning, treating her with dedication and affection, and they soon became inseparable. He took her everywhere, even on dinners and business trips, and Rosaly loved every moment because they made her feel important, as if she wanted to show the world that she had the best man in the country. And Caio fed her fantasies by giving her rings of brilliance, emerald earrings and expensive perfumes. She didn't understand that while Caio pampered her as if she were a princess, he made her a prisoner of her own wills. And she had fallen madly in love, becoming so blinded by what she felt that she could not see the little signs that showed the true character of Caio..
When he asked her to marry him, after a year of dating, it was natural for her to accept. She was so seduced by him that she would have gone to the moon to satisfy all his wishes if he had asked her.
The changes began slowly, with such subtlety that Rosaly did not immediately notice them. Caio gradually took over her life and when Rosaly opened her eyes, he was already dominating her completely. She could no longer go out with her friends, go to the mall alone, dance or even walk through the park having only her thoughts as a company, because all these things annoyed Caio extremely, and Rosaly was so deeply in love that she did whatever he wanted.
But, with time, Rosaly felt suffocated, she no longer had freedom to do the things she loved, and when she began to rebel against the tyranny of her fiancé he had become violent.
Rosaly only realized that she cried when she felt the taste of tears on her lips, wiped them quickly with the back of her hands She would no longer cry for the past, for she had already cried a lifetime in the last year, and that would not change her situation at all. She closed the doors of her memories and tried to concentrate on the real problem she had to solve, which was right on the other side of her bedroom door.
She straightened her hair with her hands, retouched her lipstick and passed on a little of her favorite cologne, telling herself that she was doing it all just to feel more secure and presentable.
She took a deep breath and opened the door, sharpened her ears, but she didn't hear any noise coming from Peter's room. She went into the kitchen and found Peter sitting at the table reading the paper the janitor left in the front door of her apartment every morning. He looked as comfortable as if he were in his own home, and Rosaly held her breath as she saw once again how handsome he was. His curly hair was capriciously tidy, his face looked relaxed, and changing its expression as his eyes ran free through the news. He wore the same clothes as the night before, but he still seemed to have come out of a men's magazine cover.
Suddenly, Peter raised his eyes and caught her standing in the kitchen door, watching him closely. Immediately, Rosaly felt her face burning, and to disguise it, she said: - Good morning, Peter.
- Good morning, Rosely. I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of buying coffee for both of us. Do you like cappuccino? - Peter asked, looking at her so intensely that baffled her.
- I like it, but you didn't have to do it. - Rosaly looked away from his face because it distracted her, preventing her from thinking straight.
- I did. You welcomed me into your house and gave me a place to spend the night, the least I could do was feed you. - He said it as a joke, but Rosaly felt a certain tone of malice in his words.
- Thank you for caring. - She simply said, she went to the kitchen counter and got some of the cappuccino he had bought. There were also milk doughnuts and brioches.
- What does this banquet mean? Are you trying to fatten me up? - Rosaly laughed looking at him.
- That would be impossible, honey. You have a perfect body. - Rosaly felt Peter's gaze on her, and the same warmth that had taken over her when she had been in his arm the night before threatened to take care of her again. Suddenly, Peter was so close, so close, she could feel his hands in her hair.
- I love your hair. So soft and long. - Peter spoke, taking a lock of hair on his hands and wrapping it around his fingers. Rosaly closed her eyes unable to say anything. What was he doing to her? She had to escape that spell or she'd be lost. She stepped back, trying to escape, but Peter hugged her down his waist, preventing her from moving.
- Why do you always try to run away from me? - his voice stirred her imagination, and Rosaly wished she could feel the caress of those gentle, exciting hands again.
- Rosely- She loved the way he spoke her name, it was so sweet and at the same time so sensual. - Please look at me.
She opened her eyes and saw the passion burn in his, Peter approached without looking away from hers. He stroked her face, and with his thumb touched her lower lip, making Rosaly breathe heavily. Then he kissed her and Rosaly responded, realizing at that instant how much she had wished to feel Peter's mouth over hers again.
As he took her lips, Rosaly felt Peter's hands descend from her hair, and lightly pressed her breasts onto the pink blouse she was wearing, and Rosaly moaned softly, feeling her skin shiver with the pleasure that it caused her.
Then Rosaly came back to reality, telling herself that it shouldn't be happening. She pushed Peter away from her and said:
- I have to get to work. The Weekend movement on Saturday is always intense. -She ran his hands through her hair, trying to disguise the turmoil in her heart, and noticing that Peter couldn't take his eyes off her.
- I'll take you.
- No. I'd rather go alone. I like to walk. The fresh morning air does me a lot of good. –She needed to run away from what she was feeling, or she'd end up denouncing her feelings for him.
- Are you sure? I can take you there in a second.
- Yes, thank you. - Peter seemed disappointed, but he didn't say anything.
They went out into the cold air that morning, and as they watched the kids having fun in the snow, Rosaly said:
- I've always wanted to learn ice skating but I never thought I'd have the skill.
- I also love ice skating. I always get the feeling I'm a kid again. - They stayed watching the kids a little more making a snowman, and then Rosaly said:
- I have to go now or I'll be late.
- Okay. - He replied. But when she started walking Peter said:
- Rosely. - She turned around answering
- Oh, yeah? - he seemed like he was gonna tell her something important, but then he changed his mind.
- Nothing. Have a good day.
- You too. - Then she started to walk again, longing to know what he had to say to her. She knew that what had happened that morning in the kitchen had been much more than the desire between two people, so she had to stay away from Peter, and things like that should never happen again, and with that thought, she kept walking and she didn't look back at any time.
hello guys. I hope you like this one. Sorry for any msitakes, Kisses
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