Chapter 6 - Feeligs
It was seven o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, and Shawn was exercising in his private gym, to the sound of Bruno Mars who played on his sound system. He enjoyed these moments very much, because they were the only ones he could spend with himself and his thoughts, and they didn't give him much comfort lately.
Since Brian's father's dinner he felt restless, and his concentration was seriously compromised, only because of a girl he could not get out of his head. He closed his eyes and saw her dance with graceful and sensual movements, and if he tried a little he could imagine her dancing only for him within the four walls of his room.
He was going crazy, he was sure. How could he fantasize about a girl he might never meet again? He didn't know anything about her, he didn't know where she came from, what her name was, or where she lived, but the memory of her at that dinner exerted a strange fascination on him that he couldn't understand. Is it possible that he had been for so long without anyone in his life, that his lack left him like this, to the point of going out into the city looking for someone he had only seen once?
Shawn knew that if the problem was only physical, it would be easy to solve, because he had a huge list of names in his private agenda on his cell phone, and just dial a number and have what he wanted in the blink of an eye, but that lately did not satisfy him anymore. He was tired of going out with girls just for physical pleasure, because when he came home alone, he felt dissatisfied as if none of it made sense.
In fact, he missed having someone to understand him, to wait for him when he got home at the end of the day, to listen to him when he needed to let off steam, and make love to him with his heart and not just with his body. He had not known for a long time what it was like to have a pleasant evening, have a wine and have an intelligent conversation with someone. The girls he went out with seemed to be so dazzled by the star Shawn Mendes that they didn't care who he was inside. All they had to do was be seen with him at any party, thus promoting their careers in gossip magazines, and if these meetings gave them a torrid night with the prince of pop music, it would be a bonus that they wouldn't give up.
Shawn turned off the treadmill on which he ran and used it every morning in order to improve his fitness, because the amount of shows he did during the tours were so intense that he needed these exercises to help him endure the physical wear and tear that his travels required of him. He took a towel and wiped the sweat from his forehead as he walked to his room with the intention of taking a bath before going to work.
He opened the door to his room, and was surprised to see his sister lying on his bed reading a book.
- Aaliyah, what are you doing here?
- Good morning to you too, Shawn. Can't you see I'm reading? - she replied petulantly.
- Don't you have your own room to do that?
- Yes, but sometimes I like to read in yours just for a change.
- And from what I can see, you took one of the books from my Harry Potter collection. - Shawn asked, feeling a wave of love for his sister. Aaliyah was one of the few people who didn't treat him like he was royalty, because her brother's fame didn't dazzle her. Contrary to what it should be, all that publicity around Shawn's image bored her, and he often heard her complain to her mother that she hated no longer being able to walk the streets anonymously like any other girl. Running away from reporters and paparazzi had become a routine she hated, and the girl always asked when that madness would end and she could have her brother back?
- I didn't know they were exclusively your property. I imagine that if they are on the shelf anyone can read.
- Aaliyah, this is my room, so it is my property. Just tell me what you are doing here, because I know that it is not for books. You've never been interested in them before, and they've always been in the same place they are now. - He said, waiting for her answer.
The girl sat on the bed, her long hair falling down from her face. He put the book aside and said:
- I was missing my brother, who is now so famous that he doesn't have time for his little sister - her accusing look made his heart shrink from remorse. He sat on the bed next to her and said.
- It's my job, Aaliyah. - he replied simply.
- I know it's her job, but I preferred it a thousand times as our life was before. You don't talk to me anymore, Shawn. You're running from one tour to another, and even when you're at home you don't seem to be here at all. You were a lot more fun when nobody knew you, because now I don't even see you smile anymore. You always seem tired or worried about something, you live so trapped in your ivory tower that you've forgotten the world out here. - Shawn knew she was right, he was just amazed that a sixteen-year-old girl had noticed all that, but his sister had never been an ordinary girl, she was too smart for her age, and Shawn was very proud of her.
- I'm sorry, little sister. I promise I'll find some time for us to play video games together this week, okay? Shawn said messing up her hair with her hands.
- You told me the same thing last week, remember? So please don't make me any promises that you don't intend to keep, because it hurts less and I won't be disappointed if nothing happens.- The girl got up from bed and walked to the door.
- I don't know why you complain so much. You have everything a girl your age could want. - Aaliyah stared in the direction of her brother, and said:
- I'd rather have nothing if it brought my brother back to me. - She then turned around and left the room, leaving Shawn alone.
His sister's words impacted him more than he wanted to admit. Shawn was fully aware that he was at fault with her. When Aaliyah was little and he had to take care of her, they had a lot of fun together, whatever activity they had to do became a real celebration. There were many times when his mother had come home and found the bathroom flooded because of Shawn's miraculous ideas of turning the bathtub into a swimming pool, which had caused him a lot of trouble. He always promised he wouldn't do it again, but every time a new opportunity presented itself, there was Shawn in the middle of the confusion, and he always ended up dragging Aaliyah with him, which the girl loved, for she had learned early on to understand that being with Shawn was to have a lot fun.
But this was all over when Shawn began to become known and famous. There were no more jokes or time to talk. Everything was done in a hurry, sometimes even without planning. There was always a show to do, a program to give interviews, a cd to record, and so the moments of fellowship with his sister were relegated to the background. He knew that his sister's complaint was well-founded, but he didn't know what to do to reverse the situation.
He couldn't change his name or stop being famous overnight, although this idea seduced him a few times, but he knew it would be impossible to change who he was, because music was part of his DNA, just like Aaliyah was part of his family, and stopping playing or writing his songs was something difficult for him to conceive, besides, he loved being close to his fans, knowing that he could influence them in a positive way made the effort worthwhile, even hating the superficiality that was part of the other side of the coin.
Shawn shook his head... How many times had he thought about it? More times than he wanted to admit, but he also knew that when you were caught in the net of success, it was hard to break free. He had somehow managed to preserve his individuality, but he still suffered the consequences of his choices, of his talent discovered so early, and of his need to prove his worth. He just didn't expect everything to swallow him at once, like a giant wave that had changed everything he loved and knew. Suddenly, he was at the top of the world, and what good had this brought him, besides the recognition and admiration of thousands of people? Of course he appreciated the affection he received, seeing his songs in the first place in the hit tracks, but that brought him a different pleasure, he didn't think how much he would profit from it, what mattered was to realize that the message he had tried to convey had reached his goal, and this fact was what most satisfied him.
He thought of Aaliyah and could understand her frustration. It shouldn't be easy to be seen as the sister of the idol Shawn Mendes, because comparisons and charges were inevitable, but he hoped she was mature enough to understand that this was what other people thought, not what he really was, because for her he would always be the zealous and loving brother who had been in the past, and no matter how distant Shawn seemed to her she could always count on her older brother.
Shawn took a quick shower, and dressed even faster. He would have a busy morning with the recording of the new cd that was already dragging on for weeks. They were late for the launching, but Shawn didn't care much about deadlines, as he was too perfectionist and would never present his fans with a work he didn't appreciate. He knew that he annoyed his manager that all the time he tried to hurry him so they could finish the work soon, and put his new songs on the market. In the past, they had a lot of argument about it, but after years of coexistence, they managed to establish priorities, although sometimes they disagreed with each other.
He was leaving home when he found his mother at the front door, with a bunch of flowers in her hands. She loved gardening and plant care was one of her greatest pleasures, to which she devoted at least an hour of her time twice a week.
- Good morning, dear. - she said as Shawn kissed her on the cheek.
- Good morning, Mom.
- Where are you going in such a hurry? I thought we'd have breakfast together. - she had said when she saw him walking hurriedly towards the family car garage.
- I can't. I have to get to the studio early today.
- Are you going to leave without eating anything? - his mother said by arcing an eyebrow.
- Don't worry, Mom. I promise I'll eat something on the way.
- Will you at least come to have lunch with us? - Shawn knew she was upset only by her tone of voice.
- I'm not so I said, I have a lot of work to do today.
- Shawn, that's not healthy. You're always running and you never feed properly. That way you'll end up sick.
- It's okay with me, Mom. Stop worrying. Now I have to go. See you later. - he said goodbye and walked to his car that had been left in the driveway the day before. As soon as he heard his mother's voice saying goodbye to him, he was already inside the vehicle, driving it to the street.
The morning went by faster than he expected, and by the time he realized it was time for lunch. He realized that he wouldn't have time to go home as his mother wished, so he decided to go to the Weekend and make a quick snack, because he still had a lot of work that day. The place was almost empty when he arrived, except for one or other executive who took a juice with one hand, and the other kept connected to their cell phone by which they checked their e-mails or answered voice messages.
Shawn sat down at his favorite table and waited patiently for one of the waitresses to come to him. He looked for his headset and realized that he had forgotten it in the studio. Then he looked around and saw Rosaly coming towards him. As the other day she wore the navy blue dress, her hair was braided gracefully, and she was carrying her notebook in one hand, and again she was not smiling. Observing her, he could have sworn that Rosaly was upset by something, for her forehead was frowning, as if something were bothering her.
- What would you like?- her voice sounded dry, professional and without any emotion.
- Pineapple juice. - he replied,
- Do you want anything to eat?- Her voice remained the same.
- What do you suggest? -He asked, trying to make her talk to him for longer.
- The turkey sandwich is excellent-she answered her question without taking her eyes off the order book.
-I'll take your suggestion. - He saw Rosaly quickly write down his order and leave right away.
While waiting, Shawn thought that was the strangest conversation he had ever had with a girl. Normally, when he ate at a diner or restaurant, he was always welcomed with a pleasant smile and kind words, but Rosaly didn't seem interested in pleasing him. And that intrigued him, and somehow hurt his male ego, accustomed to drawing attention wherever he went, and even with that disguise he caused curiosity and fascination, for he saw the other waitresses whisper when he arrived and left, but Rosaly seemed an exception to that rule.
He was still thinking about it when she came back, with her usual efficiency and Shawn felt a huge need to make Rosaly look at him, and said the first thing that came to her mind:
- You have beautiful eyes, do you know that? - He saw Rosaly blush violently as she raised her eyes to his surprise. She seemed disconcerted for a moment and her face denounced confusion. But in a few seconds she recovered and answered with her secure voice again:
- Thank you. Can I get you anything else?
- No, thank you. - he answered, watching her go away, leaving him frustrated.
What a weird girl! He had praised her and Rosaly hadn't even given her a smile. It was almost as if it didn't matter what he said, or rather, it was almost as if he didn't really matter to her and it bothered him. Shawn was used to the girls surrounding him and doing everything to get his attention, not the other way around, and that fact was new to him.
He spent a few moments still watching her, but soon he had to leave. He would have to spend a few more hours working in the studio, so he rushed and paid the bill and left. As he walked to the door he passed Rosaly who was answering a table, but she didn't even notice him, further increasing his frustration.
He got into her car shaking his head dissatisfied with himself. Why did that girl's indifference mess with him to the point of making him so angry? She was just another girl like so many who had been through his life, so why should he worry about whether she ignored him or not? She pushed that thought deep into her mind, she didn't have time for it now. He had to focus on his work, and that's what he did when he arrived at the studio after lunch.
And it was only when the receptionist said goodbye to him that Shawn realized it was nightfall, and he was practically alone in the recording room. He quit his job that day, turned off the lights, said goodbye to the night watchman and walked to the parking lot to pick up his car.
As soon as he fastened his seat belt, and began his journey back home, he realized that he was being followed. He looked through the rear-view mirror of the car to see if it was a fan who had discovered where his studio was, and had waited until that time to get an autograph, a selfie, a hug, anything she could keep as a souvenir of him. But Shawn soon understood that she wasn't a fan, but a couple of paparazzi looking for a hole in the news about him that would lead them to stardom.
Shawn took a deep breath, the anger growing deep inside him. He was fed up with this kind of situation, for he had been through it so many times, that he could no longer tolerate his life being seen by everyone, as if it were a reality show for some television show. He hated feeling exposed, trapped and persecuted. He hated being taken by surprise, because when that happened he didn't know what to do, and at that moment he was without any creativity.
He drove for a few minutes through streets he didn't know, trying to find a safe haven to hide in. He wouldn't go home until he got rid of that inconvenience, because he didn't want to wake up the next day with those vultures camped on his street, taking pictures even from his balcony.
He realized that it had started to snow and the temperature inside the car had dropped considerably, so he turned on the heater and continued driving, until his car started to fail and Shawn remembered late that he had forgotten to fill it up. He picked up his cell phone to call the nearest gas station, and saw with dismay that he had run out of batteries. Damn it! What else could happen that night to make his situation worse?
Shawn decided to get out of the car and look for a phone where he could ask for help. He put on his cap and sunglasses, because he didn't want to have any more surprises that day. The street was deserted, and he walked for about ten minutes until he found a set of apartments where he thought someone might give him a phone. He entered through the half-open gate, looked for the janitor, but there was none, so he walked to the door of the first apartment he saw, where there was a small balcony, prepared to knock, but it was at that very moment that he heard a scream.
Hi, guys. iIhope you like this part. I'm waiting for your comments. Kisses. Sorry for any mistake.
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