Chapter 58 - Darkness
It had been almost a month since Shawn had been on tour and there were only two more countries to go before he would wrap up the tour and return home.
Even though it had been incredible to tour all over Europe, and to receive more love and affection than he had ever expected from all of his fans, he was really exhausted and couldn't wait to get home to Rosaly.
He talked to her every night, but the physical lack he missed her overwhelmed his spirits. And she seemed no better than him judging by the way she talked to him on the phone. Rosaly was depressed and sad, and that worried him greatly.
Shawn knew that she was being well taken care of by her parents, Lexy and Brian, whom he had charged with taking care of her personally, as well as the security guards who had become a real shadow of her. Although she hardly ever left the house, due to doctor's orders. But sometimes Brian would put her in a wheelchair and take her to sunbathe in the park, which was one of her favorite places, because this way he prevented her from walking and at the same time becoming a prisoner inside her own home, as she always stressed in her conversations with Shawn.
He knew he was being hard on her, but there was no other way to keep her safe and look after the baby's welfare. Rosaly had cried a lot when she had to be left behind by Shawn and his tour, and his heart ached for not being able to be with her at a time when she needed him more than ever, but he had professional commitments to fulfill, and leaving her in Brian's company was not an option, but a necessity. But at least he knew she was safe, because he had taken care of her personally, and it was this thought that comforted him every night when he went on stage and enchanted his fans with his music and his talent.
But when he was alone, lost in his thoughts, he could still hear her crying voice telling him:
- Please, love. Don't leave me here alone. - Rosaly clung to his neck, her tears wetting his white tank top.
- I have to go, darling. You know that. And you're not alone. Brian will stay with you until you can come home," he had said, trying to comfort her by hugging her tight.
- But you won't be there. And I want only you, and no one else.
- Rosely, I need you to be brave and strong for both of us. You know I can't take you with me. You need to think about the baby and about yourself. I hate the idea of leaving you here, but there's nothing I can do.
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a spoiled girl, or weak. It's just that I'll miss you terribly," she had said, wiping her tears and trying to smile at the same time.
- I know. I'll miss you too, you have no idea how much. But, I promise that we will talk to each other every day, and when you can go home, you know that you can count on my mom, dad, and Aaliyah, as well as Lexy and Brian. - - Rosaly had nodded, and sighed deeply trying to look brave, but the sadness on her face still disturbed Shawn's sleep.
He got up and went to his bedroom window. They were in Sydney, Australia, and the view he had of the beach was admirable, too bad he wouldn't have time to put his feet on that white sand, and swim a few strokes in that sea of clear water that stretched as far as his eyes could see, because they wouldn't be there for long. They only had one show scheduled for that night, and then they would go to Vienna in two days, where they would end the tour and return to Canada.
Shawn took a deep breath when he thought that he had imagined a totally different scenario for this tour. All his plans had Rosaly included, and all those days would have had a different flavor if she had been there with him. However, once again Caio Viera had the pleasure of spoiling everything, and almost caused a tragedy.
The young singer felt a chill at the thought that he had almost lost Rosaly and his son, and if that had happened, he himself would have gone after that horrid man wherever he was, and flayed him alive, until he saw him lying on the ground begging for mercy.
How was it possible that someone could be so sordid as to spend every minute of his time making the life of a girl as amazing as Rosaly hell ? Why didn't he just let her live her own life, and go on his way finding something else to vent his obsession on? Caio seemed determined to destroy Rosaly's life. And why? Did he resent that she had been strong enough to leave behind a life of abuse, and had rebuilt her dreams bit by bit?
Shawn didn't know much about Caio, but what little he did know made him come to a conclusion. Caio was not only crazy, but he was also the worst human being Shawn had ever had the displeasure of knowing existed. Not even in the world of stardom, where he found people willing to do anything to harm their enemies, had he ever heard of anyone who would go to any lengths to make someone's life hell.
You had to have a soul poisoned by hate and a heart as cold as ice to live sunk in revenge, and unfortunately that seemed to be the exact description of Caio Viera.
Shawn looked at his watch, and thought that by this time, Rosaly would be awake. He picked up his cell phone and dialed her number, waiting impatiently for her to answer. On the third ring Rosaly answered, and her voice sounded strange, almost as if she was apathetic and cheerless, and Shawn didn't like the sound of her being so unhappy.
- What is it, my love? You look sad," he said worried.
- It's nothing. I didn't wake up in a very good mood today, I'm sorry," she said, her voice faint.
- There's nothing to apologize for. It's not your fault you're feeling sick. Have you been eating?
- I'm trying to. Please don't be angry," she said, looking like she was going to cry. God! How he wanted to be with her, to hold her, and make her smile. For the first time, he hated being on that tour, having to perform that night, and still having two weeks of work ahead of him before going home.
If he had a choice, he would give it all up and go back to Canada right now. Suddenly, the weight of success seemed too much, making his anxiety begin to awaken, but he controlled it by taking a deep breath and said to Rosaly:
- I'm not angry, love. I'm just worried. Have you started having nausea again?
- No, I just don't really have an appetite. I swear I try, but I can't," Rosaly said in a tired voice.
- Don't worry, you'll get better. It's just a matter of time. And the baby, how is he? Rosaly's condition didn't look good at all, and there was nothing he could do to help her at that moment.
- He is fine. At least that's what the doctor says," she replied, not sounding very enthusiastic about the baby, which made Shawn even more worried. This was not like Rosaly, and although she had been sad when he had left her to go on tour, she hadn't seemed so gloomy.
- When are you coming home?," he heard her ask.
- In two weeks. - Shawn replied, running his hands through his hair and wishing it was a day.
- I miss you, Shaw.
- I miss you too, baby. Just hang in there a little longer. - He said affectionately, but there was a pleading in his voice. There was something wrong with Rosaly, and he needed to find out what it was.
- Is Brian there with you?
- Yes, he just arrived with Lexy," Rosaly replied.
- I need to talk to him.
- Okay," Rosaly replied with a sigh.
- Get some rest. You need to be well for when the baby comes. - He said,
- I'll try," seemed like the only answer she could give him, and Shawn said nothing more, just waiting for Brian to answer the phone.
- Hey man, how's the tour going?- Brian asked.
- Tiring, but fantastic as always. I confess that I wanted to go home today.
- I can imagine how tired you must be.
- Brian, don't lie to me. How is Rosaly?" Shawn said in a tone of voice that would not tolerate lying.
- She's not doing well at all. Ever since we got back Rosaly has been acting strange. She doesn't talk, cries a lot, has to force herself to eat, doesn't sleep well, and has been having nightmares frequently.
- Did you take her to the doctor?- Shawn clenched his hands in grief; the situation was worse than he expected.
- Yes, he said she's in acute depression, which is normal given the trauma she's been through, but that it will get better if she follows all the prescriptions. - Brian explained
- What do you think, Brian?
- I'm not going to lie to you. If I were you, I would come home right away.
- Why?- Shawn asked worriedly.
- Because I get the impression that she's giving up. I could be wrong, and you know her better than I do, but, it's heartbreaking to look at her. There's too much sadness, and an emptiness in her eyes that scares me. I've never seen her like this, Shawn. Come home as soon as possible.
Shawn was still thinking about this during the show that night, feeling even worse than before. And this feeling lasted for the next two weeks as he fulfilled his work schedule.
He only relaxed again when he stepped on the plane that would take him to Canada, sighing with relief, he gave his first real smile in days, and slept the whole way home.
The day had dawned splendid that Friday, and as soon as she opened her bedroom window, Rosaly was greeted by a radiant sun that did her gloomy spirit an enormous amount of good.
Shawn would be arriving that day, and Rosaly's mood improved greatly just by receiving this information. Ever since she had returned to Canada, she had only spoken to him by phone, and although she was relieved to know that he was all right, Rosaly could no longer stand the thought of missing him.
Each day her restlessness reached its peak, and it was hard to get out of bed and know that she would be plagued by the same thoughts. Caio was stalking her, and like the coward he was, he acted in the shadows, frightening her even more than if they were face to face. Before, she believed that he only wanted to make her relationship with Shawn hell because he couldn't accept that he had lost his control over her, but now Rosaly knew that he was capable of murder and such a person doesn't measure the consequences of his actions.
Because of all this, Rosaly had nightmares again, but now they were more terrible than before, and she didn't know how to control them. She slept and woke up with the feeling that she was in the midst of her own horror, and she felt that every night while she slept her restless sleep, she performed a dance of death with Caio, which would have a tragic end for one of them.
When she got up, she couldn't talk about it with anyone, and so she languished in her growing depression. Even the baby didn't cheer her up anymore. She still loved him very much, and did everything the doctor asked her to do, and even though it was so hard to eat, because her appetite had practically disappeared, Rosaly forced herself to eat while her stomach protested furiously.
Rosaly could take care of the physical part of herself. She was slowly moving forward with her pregnancy, and she prayed that she would reach the end of it healthy and give Shawn the son he so desperately wanted. She had learned that week that it would be a boy, and she couldn't wait to tell Shawn . He would surely go crazy knowing that he would have a son to take to the soccer and hockey that he loved so much.
Despite the good news, Rosaly didn't stay excited for long, and soon, she returned to her vegetative state, as Lexy hadn't stopped of saying that week.
She wanted to free herself from the sense of catastrophe that was driving her to the darker side of her soul, but the uncertainty of tomorrow and the thought that Gaius was lurking in the background did not leave her alone.
She feared for Shawn and the baby, and didn't think much of herself in those moments. Inside her heart, she felt that she was lost, and that Caio would end her life in the blink of an eye, but if she could save Shawn and the baby, she would be happy to surrender her own life into the hands of that terrible man.
Rosaly was never really alone in her apartment, besides the security guards that had practically moved in, Brian and Lexy kept her company on a daily basis and supported her in whatever she needed.
Her mother had called a few times, and Ricardo hadn't left her without news either. His and Daniela's baby was born, and they couldn't wait to visit Rosaly and see for themselves how she was coping with her life in Canada, especially since she was about to become a mother.
Karen and Aaliyah had shown up that week, and Rosaly could tell by the look on her face that she didn't like what she saw.
- Are you really taking care of yourself, Rosaly?
- Yes, I am. You don't have to worry about me," Rosaly said with a tightness in her throat that almost made her sob.
- You look so pale. I should have taken you back to my place. All this loneliness isn't doing you any good," Karen said whining.
- I'm fine here, and Brian and Lexy are always with me," Rosaly replied, slurring her words a bit.
- What you need is a mother's care, and in the absence of yours because of the distance, I should be the one to take on that role.
- I'm fine, Karen. I'm just missing Shawn too much," Rosaly said with a sad expression.
- I understand you, dear. I'm his mother, and every time he goes on tour, my heart gets heavy with longing. Luckily he's almost back, and you two can be together again. - She said, giving Rosaly a friendly pat on the shoulder.
- I hope so. - Rosaly said and then sighed, thinking as soon as Karen left , what her mother-in-law would think if she knew that Shawn was in danger, as well as her unborn grandson.
Then the weeks went by, and Rosaly was crossing off the days left until the end of the tour on the calendar in the living room. For this reason, when she opened her eyes that morning, she felt different. Soon Shawn would be home, and her heart was already anticipating his return with joy.
She had a strengthened coffee, breathing relieved that her stomach was not giving her any problems. She washed her hair carefully, took care of her skin and nails, because she wanted to look as beautiful when Shawn saw her as he remembered her before he left.
Brian was supposed to pick her up at the airport, so Rosaly was left with the security guards while he and Lexy drove downtown to wait for her arrival.
Hours went by, and nothing showed up, making Rosaly apprehensive at first, but then she told herself that flights were delayed, and that she was being ridiculous.
Some time later, Brian and Lexy arrived, but Shawn hadn't come with him, which made Rosaly wring her hands nervously and ask:
- Where is Shawn?- Lexy took her hands carefully between his own, led her to the couch and said:
- You'd better sit down.
- Why? What happened to Shawn?" he asked again as he sank his body into the soft leather upholstery.
- We don't know," Brian said with an apprehensive face.
- What do you mean you don't know?- she was almost screaming, but she didn't care if the whole neighborhood heard. He wanted Shawn there with her like he had promised her the day before.
- Rosaly, calm down. Think about the baby. - Lexy said, worried about his reaction.
- How can I stay calm in this situation? I want to know where Shawn is now," she was crying, and Brian came over, sat down beside her and explained what had happened.
- He went ashore with everyone from the team, but then he said he was going to buy the donuts you love so much, and then he disappeared and no one has seen him since.
Shawn was missing. Rosaly's mind registered this. No, Shawn couldn't be gone, life wouldn't be so cruel to her and take away the man she loved so much. She just wanted him to walk through that door saying that it was all a joke, and that he was coming back to her.
But Brian's serious stare fixed somewhere on the wall shattered her illusions. Shawn was really gone, and no one could explain to him how it had happened.
The minutes passed by in agony, and all that could be heard was the ticking of the clock. Then Rosaly's cell phone rang, and she ran to answer it, thinking it might be Shawn, but then Caio's voice came on the other end of the line:
- If you want your little boyfriend back, come and get him yourself. - Then the line went dead, and Rosaly kept looking at the machine, trying to assimilate what she had just heard. When her mind finally understood what had happened, she began to scream, sinking into her own despair.
Hi, guys. I hope you like this chapter, and sorry for any mistakes I have had while writing it. Leave me a comment if you wish. Thanks and kisses.
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