Chapter 57 - Together
Shawn's scream echoed throughout the store. He couldn't believe his own eyes, it had to be a nightmare, it couldn't be true that Rosaly had rolled down the stairs without him being able to do anything to protect her from falling. He had tried to warn her when he saw a figure behind her that flashed like lightning against light, but it hadn't been fast enough for Shawn not to see its green eyes, and its sneering smile on an almost inhuman, but not unknown face, for Shawn had recognized it from the pictures his detectives had sent. Caio Vieira was nearby, and Shawn had been a fool not to have thought about the possibility of him meeting Rosaly, even though she was in another country. But to his real horror, that was what had actually happened, and now she lay unconscious at his feet.
He ran to her as he dialed the emergency number, his fingers trembled as he dialed, and he missed several times because of nervousness, and because her eyes were blurred, and as he ran his hands over them he realized that she was crying. It was necessary for the operator to take the cell phone from her hands and talk to the hospital receptionist, explaining who was calling and the gravity of the situation.
Meanwhile, Shawn was by Rosaly's side, stroking her pale face and talking to her softly as if she could hear him, and thereby feel encouraged to keep fighting for her life. At that moment, Shawn's state of despair was immense, he was fighting his growing anxiety, and his mental sanity that threatened to collapse from seeing her again in a dangerous situation, only now it was three times worse than before, because two lives were at stake and not just one.
Rosaly would have to be strong for herself and the baby, and it was something Shawn didn't consider fair, but there was nothing he could do to help her in that battle, except to stand by her side and pray that she would be okay.
- Baby, please hang in there. I'm here and I'm not leaving you, and I swear I'm going to make whoever did this to you pay. - He said as he nervously waited for the ambulance to arrive. What was taking them so long? He wanted to pick her up and take her to the nearest hospital, but he knew he couldn't do that, it could be dangerous for Rosaly and the baby.
Shawn felt the hatred come over him in the same proportion as his despair, and he wrung his hands together in his nervousness, and couldn't breathe properly, feeling suffocated. He closed his eyes, searching for the least bit of calm he could find, and remembered some relaxation exercises Rosaly had taught him. He needed to maintain his serenity, for that was what Rosaly needed right now. He remained like this for a second, and then he opened his eyes and held her hand as if he could lend her his strength.
When the ambulance arrived, it found him like this, and it was difficult to separate him from her. As soon as they placed her on the stretcher, Shawn saw a trickle of blood running down her legs, and automatically thought of the baby. Rosaly couldn't lose him, she would be devastated. This being that was barely noticeable in her womb was already so loved by both of them. It was not possible that fate, after having given her this joy, was taking it back. He could not accept this. Rosaly had suffered enough and didn't deserve to be the bearer of any more of that pain.
Shawn followed Rosaly to the ambulance, kissed her on the forehead, and his eyes watered again when the door was closed and the nurses wouldn't let him go with her, because his psychological state was so desperate that it would do more harm than good to the patient. He made his way to the hospital, and sent a message to Brian explaining briefly what had happened, asking him to meet him there.
When he arrived at the hospital, Rosaly had already been taken to the emergency room, and Shawn was left to wait. He was terrible at this kind of thing, because thousands of thoughts hit him at the same time, he became restless, his hands sweated cold, and his heart beat at a rapid pace. Shawn stared at the white walls in front of him trying to find in them the answers to this insanity.
He was in a hospital emergency room again, because of the same man that unbelievably the police could not find to arrest, it had been almost a year since this man had kidnapped Rosaly, and no clues about him had been found, and because of this, Rosaly's life was again at risk.
Where was he hiding? Maybe he was an aimless traveler who lived in the least likely places possible. Caio Vieira was still powerful, and for sure he had friends that helped him hide, and possibly they were anonymous friends, the kind that nobody knew of and therefore made it almost impossible for the police to discover his whereabouts. If Shawn could, he would search for that disgusting man himself until the end of the world, and only give up when he was behind bars, but luck never seemed to be on his side, or Caio Vieira was an expert at escaping from the traps the police were trying to set for him. How was it possible that a man like that was alive and well, when his love was trying to survive one more of his evil deeds.
- He heard someone calling him, and he felt better when he saw that it was Brian. His friend never let him down, and once again he was there to help him through another misfortune.
- My friend, what was that? - Brian said after hugging Shawn.
- It was him again. - Shawn said in a tired voice.
- He? Who? - Brian asked intrigued
- Caio, Rosely's ex-fiancé. - Shawn replied running his hands through his hair.
- That's not possible! He's been missing for so long. How did he know Rosaly would be here? - Brian asked incredulously.
- I don't know, I have the impression that he followed us, because he knew where we would be today.
- Goodness! This man must be a magician with the power to appear and disappear at will. And the worst of it is that he seems to be able to fool the police perfectly. - Brian said nonconformist.
- All I know is that I'm living another nightmare. - Shawn said, putting his head between his hands.
- Calm down Shawn, everything will be alright. - Brian said putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.
- I'm scared, Brian. What if Rosaly loses the baby? What if I lose both of them? I always tell her that I will protect her, and in the end the same thing happens. She fell down the stairs and I couldn't do anything," Shaw said desperately.
- Shawn, I've never seen one person care for another as much as you care for Rosely. The problem is that this guy is like a fox, I've never seen someone hide so well.
- And he's also vindictive. I don't know why he won't leave you alone. Doesn't he understand that Rosely has another life now and that she doesn't love him anymore? - Shawn ran his hands through his hair again and then rested his head on the wall behind him. His gaze was lost, and Brian didn't know what to say that time. He wanted to make sure that things would work out, but this time he was just as bewildered as Shawn. He hoped that Rosaly would be okay again, and that her baby would be born strong and healthy, otherwise his friend would suffer again, and Brian didn't know what would become of him.
The minutes of waiting ticked by, and just when Shawn thought he would go crazy from the lack of news, the doctor appeared.
- Is that so, doctor? - Shawn asked eager for news.
- She has been transferred to the ICU for better monitoring of her and the child. - The doctor explained.
- Do you mean she didn't lose the baby? - Brian asked the question Shawn wanted to ask but didn't have the courage.
- Not yet. We were able to stop the bleeding, but in the fall she dislocated the placenta, so we need to see how she reacts, and then we will know in forty-eight hours what the real diagnosis of the situation is.
- Can I see her doctor? - Shawn asked hopefully.
- Just through the glass. We can't release the visitors yet. - Shawn just nodded and went in the direction the doctor told him to go.
He looked through the glass and saw Rosaly surrounded by a bunch of equipment, and she looked so alone in that impersonal room that Shawn felt like crying. He needed her so badly, and Rosaly was frighteningly quiet, lost in her unconscious world of which Shawn was not a part. Then he said as if she could hear him:
- Get well soon, my love, for me, for you, and for our son. And when you wake up I will be right here waiting for you. - Shawn said as a lone tear ran down his cheek.
The touch on her back was gentle, but firm enough to make her fall, and roll down the stairs so quickly. But, rather slowly, hitting each step not too painfully, but dangerous enough to make her take a deep breath for air. Shawn's voice accompanied her to the last step when her fall stopped, and she could no longer keep her eyes open.
Rosaly then plunged into that particular world of hers, which took her away from Shawn, but brought back memories of all kinds good and bad, causing Rosaly to lose herself within herself. Caio's green eyes were there, as well as that humorless laugh that frightened her. The sarcasm and irony, the way he made her feel small and inferior, the way he hurt her for pure pleasure.
The dark and lonely days made her try to escape, but as she ran down a road with no turning back, her eyes searched for shelter, but found none. She was out of breath and tired, she was sad and crying, but then strong arms came to her rescue, and he had bright brown eyes like a sunny day on the beach. His joy was contagious, his voice soft as the breeze. Rosaly stopped running to take shelter in those arms that opened with such warmth. She closed her eyes and felt his love flow into her blood, the soft hands that wiped away her tears, the sweet kiss that healed her wounds. He was there inside her and with her, and everything came alive, because he sang a song that reached her heart like a bonanza after a storm. The strength of his words enveloped her with their charm, and the rainbow finally reached her heart.
Then passion like fire made her discover feelings she had never experienced before, and as she burned with each spark, she discovered that love was also there disguised between kisses and caresses, and it was then that everything began to make sense. It was at this instant that she found out who she was, and the man with the bright brown eyes held her life in both hands, and on his face was the unmistakable image of happiness, the same happiness that was born the day their souls met, the same happiness that held her future in a glass dome where no one could ever take it away from her again.
The fear was gone, and all the floodgates that held her captive opened, and the horizon didn't seem such a lonely place. But, that man she loved was still far away, and as happy as they were, he was crying. Why? The air of evil was still around, it hurt and it hurt, but it would never be stronger than her love. Rosaly opened eyes that were still heavy, and the first word she said was:
- Shawn.
He held her hand, as he had done in his dream moments before when she was still floating with her eyes closed.
- Hi, baby. You're finally awake. - he said, touching her face sweetly.
- Why am I here?
- Don't you remember? We were at the store and you fell down the stairs.
- Oh, my God! My baby. - She said desperately.
- Don't worry, he's still in your womb, you didn't lose him," Shawn said, squeezing her hand tightly.
- Thank God. - she said, breathing with relief.
- Sweetheart. You have to stop scaring me like this. I thought I was going to lose you both.
- Forgive me, I didn't mean to worry you like this. I promise I'll be more careful and avoid stairs from now on.
- If it's up to me, you'll never go near one again. - He said smiling
- Shawn
- What's up, baby?
- I love you.
- I also love you more than anything. - he replied, kissing her on the lips and enjoying once again the miracle of being together.
It had been two days since Rosaly had been in the hospital, and she was looking forward to being discharged. She was being treated well there, she couldn't complain about anything, but she wanted to go to the hotel to stay with Shawn and breathe other air than that of medicines and antiseptic. Even because, being there brought back memories of the past that she wanted to forget, and they didn't do her pregnancy condition any good.
Shawn did his best to be with her, but he had professional commitments to fulfill, and they couldn't be rescheduled, so she spent more time alone than with others, and consequently had more time to think.
Until that moment, she had not thought about how her accident had happened, because it had happened so quickly that she was not very sure of the facts. She had the impression that she had been pushed, but she couldn't say if this was really it, or if she had imagined that light touch on her back.
Ever since she had started seeing Caio everywhere, she no longer trusted herself to distinguish whether she was hallucinating or not, and she didn't doubt that that was what was happening, because she had lived for so long in fear of Caio reappearing, that her subconscious could very well be playing with her emotions, and making her see things that didn't exist, and she hoped that was all it was. But when Shawn came to see her that afternoon, her hopes for peace were shattered.
- Hello, baby. How are you feeling today? - he asked, kissing her on the lips.
- I'm feeling better. I want to get out of here soon, and stay with you at the hotel. - she said, holding his hand.
- I really want you to come back too, but we have your and the baby's welfare to think about. - Shawn said, squeezing her hands.
- You look tired. - Rosaly reached out and touched his face, where lines of tiredness were appearing around his eyes.
- Don't worry. - he tried to smile, but Rosaly knew all too well what Shawn's every reaction meant, and at that moment his facial expression indicated that he was worried.
- Tell me what's bothering you. - Shawn looked at her surprised. She always knew what he was feeling without actually having to speak. He cleared his throat, trying to buy time and minimize the way in which he would tell her about Caio. He was afraid that she would get too excited, and end up having a bad time. But he knew he had to, he couldn't hide it from her, Rosaly had to know she was in danger.
- I need to tell you something, and I want you to stay calm.
- What is it, Shawn? - she asked, her voice breaking, expecting the worst.
- Rosely, I said you have to stay calm.
- Just tell me at once. I hate suspense. - she said, squeezing Shawn's arm.
- That's fine," he said. I believe your fall was not accidental. It was triggered by Caio.
- I thought so. - Shawn looked at her in amazement. What did she mean? How could she figured it out?
- Do you want to explain what you just said?
- I've seen Caio around. - Rosaly bowed her head, but Shawn lifted her chin and made her look at him.
- Why am I just hearing about this now?
- I thought I was getting paranoid, and I was afraid no one would believe me. - she said, leaning her head back against the pillow.
- I would have believed you," Shawn stated. - Tell me what happened and where you saw him.
- The first time was at the club, after the show in Brazil. The second time was the day we went to the jewelry store, and the third time was at your last show here in France.
- Is that why you fainted?
- Yes, I'm sorry. I should have told you before. I would have avoided a lot of things. - Rosaly said with a serious face.
- Yes, but the important thing is that you are telling me now.
- I'm afraid of what he might do against us. - She said, hugging Shawn.
- Don't worry, baby. He won't beat us. I've already contacted the police. They're already looking for him," Shawn said as he stroked her hair. Rosaly nodded, but deep down she didn't really believe that. Caio wanted to end her life, and this last act of madness proved exactly that. She wished she had the power to know what his next act would be, to protect herself and Shawn, because Caio would not let this go unnoticed, and Rosaly knew how dangerous he could be. They were still hugging, when the doctor came to talk to Rosaly.
- I believe I have good news. You are doing well, so I'm going to release you today. - Rosaly looked at Shawn and smiled happily.
- But, I have to warn you that you had a mild placental abruption in your fall, so you should not travel further or you risk losing your baby. You need absolute rest for at least two weeks, and to avoid excessive exertion until you are four months pregnant. - Rosaly looked shocked at Shawn, while he asked the doctor a few more questions. As soon as he left, Shawn said:
- Don't be like this, my love.
- I can't let you go on this tour alone, especially not now.
- Rosely, I'm not alone. I have a team of security guards that take care of me. - Rosaly knew it was true, and how ridiculous it was to think that she, a frail and pregnant woman, could stop Gaius from getting close to Shawn, but just the thought of not being there with him devastated her.
- I know. But I want to be with you. - she said tearfully.
- It won't be for long. I'll ask Brian to stay with you until you can travel, and then he'll take you home.
- It wasn't supposed to be like this," Rosaly said with tears streaming down her face.
- No, but it happened and we have to adapt. In a month's time I'll be home, and we can stay together.
Rosaly didn't answer, she just hugged him, hiding her head in his chest, her silent cry wetting the front of Shawn's shirt. How much longer would she have to live like this, her life being commanded by the will of a man who had decided to end her life, out of pure whim and spite? She just wanted to live with the man she loved, and raise her child in an environment full of love and tranquility.
Minutes later, Shawn took her to the hotel. He helped her take a shower, and then got her fed. Soon, he lay down next to her and took her in his arms and they slept like that all night.
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