Chapter 50- Christmas
- Five, six, seven, eight, belly curl, very good, now do a full turn, head movement, turning to the left, eight May diagonally, and we're done," they all clapped their hands in appreciation, and Rosaly said, smiling.
- You were great, girls, a few more rehearsals and you can present this choreography at Christmas. The students left the room and headed for the changing rooms, while Rosaly gathered her things to go home. Suddenly she heard applause and turned to face Shawn, who was standing in the doorway, staring at her with eyes full of admiration.
- Wow, I love your class. I wonder if there's room for me in this class," he approached her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
- How long have you been there? - Rosaly asked, stroking his hair.
- Long enough to see that my girl is as good a teacher as she is a dancer. I'm very proud of you, baby," Shawn said, kissing Rosaly on the lips and making her stand on her tiptoes to hug his neck. As soon as they separated, she said with sparkling eyes:
- Thank you.
- I only told the truth. You're really amazing, you should see yourself dancing, you seem to float instead of walking, and the movements you make with your hands are so graceful, but I have to confess that those movements you make with your hips drive me crazy, and I keep imagining what it would be like if you moved them over mine:
- Mr. Mendes. You're getting more and more depraved. This is my workplace, did you forget?" Rosaly pretended to be angry, bending down to pick up a veil that was on the floor, giving Shawn a full view of her buttocks covered only by a pair of clingy gym pants and making him say maliciously:
- It's not my fault if my girlfriend is sexy as hell, and has this body that makes me think about her twenty four hours a day. - Rosaly looked at him mischievously and said:
- Oh, you mean you think about my body twenty-four hours a day?- she moved closer, hugging Shawn around the waist, and putting her hands in the back pocket of his pants.- And what are we doing when you think about me like that?
- We're making love in that hot tub you happen to have here in the studio. - his voice was pure lust and Rosaly felt her skin getting hot inside her clothes.
-You're not implying what I think you are, are you?
- I'm not implying anything. I'm telling you in plain English what I want to do to you right now. - Rosaly's breath hitched as she tried to escape the sensuality of his voice.
- Shawn, we're in the studio. Can't it wait until we get home?
- No. I need you now. Besides, there's no one else here but us," he pulled her back to him, this time Shawn placed his flat hands on her back and pressed their bodies together in a way that made Rosaly realize how turned on he already was. She sighed and let him take her on his lap and lead her to the bathroom where they immersed themselves in a bubble bath with lots of touching and caressing.
Minutes later, they were inside the bathtub covered with only the minimum of foam that remained. Rosaly had her head resting on Shawn's chest, who was sitting right behind her. He slowly moved his hands down to Rosaly's breasts, caressing them with his fingers while saying:
- You are so beautiful. I love your breasts, they are so small and round and fit perfectly in my hands. - Rosaly stirred restlessly, feeling her body react to Shawn's touch, and sighing when he brought his hands to her waist, placing them protectively on her belly. She loved it when Shawn complimented her, it made her feel like the most wonderful woman in the world. Not that she was someone who only cared about her appearance, but seeing Shawn's admiring gaze on her at times did her self-esteem the world of good.
For a long time she had not been able to look at herself with eyes other than failure. Three years of her relationship with Caio had had this effect on her. He had gradually taken away any pride she might have felt in herself, and in time she had begun to see herself through his eyes as well, and her heart had become bitter. Caio would never give a compliment if he didn't know that behind it there was a hint of irony, carefully prepared to hurt or inferiorize someone. And he knew how to do this like no one else. He was a master at destroying people's souls, as if this would boost his vain and cruel male ego.
With Rosaly he had been especially vicious. Because she was young, with little knowledge of life, Caio had transformed her into a puppet that he used at his pleasure. He didn't care about the wounds he caused her with his way of making her feel incapable of pleasing him no matter how hard she tried. And at that time, Rosaly was so young and inexperienced that she didn't realize that the flaws Caio pointed out in her were the same flaws he saw in himself, so he needed to humiliate her to feel better and powerful, hiding his own imperfections of character and human incapacity in the shadows.
Rosaly needed a lot of time to get rid of the negative energy Caio had placed on her, and only when she met Shawn was she able to see herself differently, recovering her self-love.
Shawn had the gift of making her feel special and beautiful, and when he said something positive about her career, he made Rosaly see the qualities she had and felt motivated to continue. And after some time living with him, Rosaly realized that making people feel good was a characteristic of his personality.
Shawn was a human being who exuded an energy so magnificent that it was contagious to everything around him.
- You know I think you're beautiful too. The first time I saw you without your disguises I thought I was standing in front of a magazine cover model.
- I thought you fell in love with my striking personality," he said.
- That too, but it was after I got the urge to slide down your amazing body and get all into your perfect abs" she said, lightly scratching his abdomen and making Shawn gasp. He grabbed her waist and turned her to face him, taking her lips in a kiss that made Rosaly float beyond the clouds. That man had a way of kissing that would make any woman reach paradise, without even needing to be touched, was it really lucky that he was hers alone, or maybe fate got tired of seeing her suffer and wanted to give her a truce? Rosaly didn't believe in such things much, but in this case she really thought that Shawn had been sent to her by the gods as a gift to heal her wounds and give her new life.
The kiss ended, and Rosaly kept her eyes closed feeling the magic between them invade her body and radiate an energy that made her feel so alive and so happy. She opened her eyes and saw Shawn watching her with a smile on his lips, and that look that amazed her and made her heart fall in love with him all over again.
- Why are you looking at me like that?she asked.
- I was wondering how you could get more beautiful every day. I love everything about you, from your hair to your feet, and all the other things that are part of you. How could I have been so blessed with someone so amazing?- he hugged her lovingly.
- You're making me too cocky, Mr. Mendes," Rosaly threw her arms around his neck and brushed a damp lock of hair away from his forehead:
- Honey, you can be cocky all you want, because I'll never stop telling you how much I love you.
- I love you too. And may I say that I am the one who is blessed to have you, because I can't imagine where I would be now if I hadn't found you. - Rosaly said, and Shawn's gaze on her was pure tenderness.
- If you hadn't found me, I'd find you if I had to travel the whole world. You were made for me, Rosaly, and no woman can complete me like you. - They kissed once more, and soon after, Rosaly said:
- I think we'd better get out of this tub and go home. It's getting late.
- It's getting late. - Shawn agreed.
Soon they were home and prepared some pasta. While they savored it and drank wine, Shawn asked:
- What do you want to do for Christmas?- they were in November and in a month it would be December, and as a child Rosaly loved that time for all the symbolism it represented, the colored lights, the presents, the decorated trees and family gathered, but when her father died, Rosaly lost the will to celebrate, because her mother was sick thevwhole time, her brother was far away, and her relationship with Caio was so toxic that she could no longer see joy in a date that had always been festive for her.
- I haven't thought about it yet. It has been a long time since I have known what it is to celebrate something like that. The last few years have been hard for me.I used to love Christmas when my father was alive, but then it seems that the magic is gone, and I don't care anymore.
- But we can change that, my love. At home Christmas is always a big party, with relatives and family friends all around. My mother loves these dates, and has always done everything so that we value these moments," he hugged her tenderly, "I promise that this year will be different and you will have the best Christmas of your life.
- If you say so, I believe you. But, be patient with me, I think it will be a while before I start to appreciate Christmas for everything it represents," Rosaly said, smiling.
- The important thing is that you will be there with me," he said, bringing her face close to his, wanting to look into the eyes he loved so much, "We will create our own Christmas tradition. And I swear that you will never feel sad again and we will celebrate our first Christmas together.
- Of course, my love. Anything you say," Rosaly said and kissed him one more time.
Shawn looked up at the snow that was beginning to fall softly through his studio window, and excitement took over him. Soon it would be Christmas, and he simply loved all the celebration that preceded it.
His mother was mainly responsible for his almost adoration for everything related to Christmas, because since he was a child she made all the members of the family involved in the household activities at Christmas time. A month before, she would gather all the ornaments that would be used to decorate the tree and set the day and time that everyone should be home to decorate it, and this included the employees. Absences were not forgiven, so no one dared to go against Ms. Karen's wishes, not even Shawn's father.
On Christmas Eve a large supper was prepared, and all kinds of food and drinks were served. As Shawn's father was of Portuguese descent, delicacies such as pastel de Belém were on the menu, as well as English sweets and pies.
Shawn was very grateful that his mother preserved certain traditions that were part of his childhood, adolescence and now adulthood. He thought this kind of thing was very important, because it was what gave meaning to the word family, and he wanted to extend that meaning to the children he would have in the future.
That year his favorite day would have a special taste, because it was the first Christmas he would celebrate with Rosaly. He could almost see her around the table where her mother was serving dinner, her face flushed from the ambient light, and her charming smile as she savored the French toast that was her mother's specialty.
This was how he imagined her when they had their children, the accomplice looks in the exchange of gifts and the joy that would be part of all their days. Shawn took a sip of the hot coffee the secretary had served him, and turned his gaze from the snow to look at Rosaly who was sitting across the room, working on the thousands of e-mails he received every day, and remembered the previous afternoon when he had picked her up from work. He had arrived half an hour earlier than expected, and had taken the opportunity to watch her teach him the complicated steps of belly dancing, and had been impressed.
She had a lightness when dancing as well as a delicacy when teaching, and her students seemed fascinated, with the perfect movements of his body that had a harmony that mesmerized whoever was watching.
This was how he had felt the first time he had seen her dance at Brian's father's dinner party, as if he had been transported to another planet and another space of time. And when she had danced just for him in the apartment, Shawn had felt even more attracted to Rosaly. The way she had shown herself to him without any vanity or arrogance, and as she twirled around him he had felt as if he could follow her in her dance, feeling in the perfect undulation of her hips the softness of her skin between his fingers.
And in that instant when his eyes followed her around the room as she counted down the steps, Shawn realized that the magic was still there and that he didn't even need to touch her to be seduced, because in the second act of the choreography they were rehearsing, he was completely at her feet.
The bath he had suggested after all the students had left was just a pretext to take her in his arms and touch her, and making love to her under the foam was as exciting as loving her on the sands of a deserted beach.
Rosaly kept impressing him with her rare beauty, there was no beauty like that anywhere, because when he looked at the perfection of that body he was seeing her with the eyes of his heart. And he didn't mind letting her know the admiration he felt for her in every way, because he also loved to see her reactions when he paid her a compliment.
Last night they had one of those moments, still in the hot tub in her studio. He had said with Rosaly's still warm body tangled in his:
- You are so beautiful. I love your breasts, they are so small and round and fit perfectly in my hands," he had seen the pleasure on her face when he had said that, and had been thinking how much he would like to give her more moments like that. Rosaly deserved so much and wanted to be the man who would make her feel complete , leaving behind anything that made her unhappy.
As he thought about all this, he admitted that it wasn't only Rosaly who liked to receive compliments. He also loved it when she said nice things about him, even if it was about his physical appearance, which had always been a problem for him in the past, because when someone said that he was considered a sexy symbol of his generation, he got very upset, because people could only see his physique, and forgot about the talent behind the man, and Shawn hated that. However, when it was Rosaly who said it, his heart understood that she was saying it with the love she felt for him, seeing beyond his muscles or attractive face that he could possess. So last night when she had said:
- You know that I think you are beautiful too. The first time I saw you without your disguises I thought I was in front of a magazine model. - he really didn't mind, he even felt proud that she saw him like that, because there was no greater pleasure than to hear the person you loved looking at you with admiration and love. He could see the difference now from the empty compliments he had received before to the point of frustrating him with his career, and the affectionate way Rosaly spoke of his body as if it were not just a trivial detail, but something to be admired and valued, without neglecting to look at the human being he was.
Last night he had even feigned indignation at what she had said and answered:
- I thought you had fallen in love with my striking personality.- And Rosaly had looked at him as if he were the most delicious thing in the world and had retorted:
- That too, but it was after I felt like sliding down that amazing body of yours and lapping up that perfect abs of yours. - He hadn't resisted that explicit provocation anymore, and had kissed her with a passion that went beyond him, and when they parted he could see her eyes shining as if a whole constellation of stars lit them up at that moment, and she had never looked so wonderfully naked to him inside that bathtub, with her hair stuck on top of her head and foam everywhere. This girl was like a sorceress who enchanted him with just the divine taste of her lips.
They declared themselves to each other again, talking about the love they felt, and how blessed they were to be living that life together, and to be able to little by little build the future they wanted to share, and there was a moment when Rosaly said:
- I can't imagine where I would be now if I hadn't found you. - Shawn had looked at her lovingly, touched her face and said:
- If you hadn't found me I would find you even if I had to circle the whole world. You were made for me, Rosaly, and no woman will complete me like you.
After that more kissing followed until Rosaly suggested they go home, where they prepared a delicious dinner, and while they ate Shawn talked to her about the family Christmas celebrations. He knew how Rosaly felt about it, and he didn't want her to feel forced to remember sad things on a day that should just feel joyful to be among friends and loved ones.
However, she had agreed to enjoy Christmas Eve with his family and although the memories of her father that she had on these dates were very strong, they made her heart squeeze. Shawn had promised her that he would see to it that she had the best Christmas of her life, and that from then on they would begin to build their own traditions that would be perpetuated by their future children, and she had agreed, kissing him softly on the lips.
A gentle tap on his shoulder made Shawn turn around, and when he saw that it was Rosaly, his smile broadened. She kissed him on the cheek as she slid her fingers through his back muscles in a light massage.
- What do you say we go home and get something to eat? It's already lunchtime. - she asked.
- Great idea, what do you have in mind?- Shawn asked, stroking her hair that fell across her shoulder in soft curls.
- How about some vegetable soup? The day is perfect for it.
- Perfect," his fingers were on her cheek and Rosaly wrapped her arms around his neck, "what will we have for dessert," Shawn asked:
- This is a surprise. - She answered, narrowing her eyes mischievously
- I love your surprises. - He laughed maliciously as well.
- Then we'd better go home and enjoy all the time we have before we go back to work.
- You're absolutely right, my love. - Shawn agreed.
So, without wasting any more time, they headed home where more loving moments were sure to await them.
Christmas Eve dawned all white, which delighted Rosaly. It was so different from Brazil where the weather was too hot and many families ended up choosing to go to the beach because of the heat.
It was the first time she would have a Christmas like that, full of snow, and she felt like a little girl waiting for Santa Claus in his sleigh coming straight from the North Pole.
Shawn seemed happy too. He had taken some time off from the studio and had taken a completely different attitude than usual. The Christmas mood had infected him and he looked like a big kid putting up decorations all over the apartment and putting up the Christmas tree in the living room. He had spent hours doing that as if it were a sacred ritual, and had dragged Rosaly along with him in the task, telling her that this was the most important part of Christmas.
Rosaly had to admit, she had a lot of fun doing it, as the tree was finished, she clapped her hands together in delight at how beautiful it looked, and felt that this was another tradition that she and Shawn started together that year, and that it would be repeated for years to come, or so she hoped. She hadn't discussed it with Shawn, but she really wanted that one day they could get married and have a family of their own. She would be the happiest woman in the world if she could give Shawn a child, she dreamed about it, and wondered what it would be like to see him in the role of a father.
She could clearly picture him with a little baby in his arms, lulling him to sleep while she sang him a lullaby in his beautiful, in tune voice. She could also see him teaching him to play the guitar after a few years, and his proud look when she saw him play his first notes.
They were beautiful images that she hoped would one day come true in the near future, but that she would keep to herself for now, because she didn't want to create too many expectations.
Rosaly had never been one to make long-term plans, and with all the trouble she had been facing because of Caio, she didn't want to rush into them and end up disappointed later. She and Shawn were still building their life together, so she preferred to take things one step at a time.
The day passed quickly, as she took advantage of Shawn's departure with Brian to do the last of the Christmas shopping. Lexy went with her, and the two of them had a great time at the mall, ending the day at an ice cream parlor where they enjoyed the different flavors offered.
When Rosaly got home, she was full of packages and happy that she had spent that afternoon in a normal way like everyone else, without being locked up in the house as she normally would have been. Things were changing for the better, and Shawn was responsible for the new life she was leading.
He came home when it was getting dark, and they both showered and got ready to go to Karen's supper.
As Rosaly was putting on her shoes, she almost stopped breathing when she saw Shawn standing in the doorway, watching her.
How beautiful that man was. Not a day went by when she was not amazed by his beauty. That night he was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, black skinny pants, and brown leather shoes. He had put a long ice-colored jacket over it, and his hair was naturally slicked back, with a few strands of hair falling across his forehead into little curls that gave him a very sexy look.
Shawn looked at her as if he had other things on his mind at that moment besides the dinner they would be having, which made her whole body shiver. He glanced down at the red dress she was wearing, and her mischievous smile told him that he loved the cleavage between her breasts, and the practically bare back that was the highlight of the dress.
- Honey, do you want to drive me crazy? How am I going to spend the whole night with my hands off you? - He said, stepping closer to her and inhaling the perfume Rosaly wore up close.
- You're going to have to behave. We're going to your mother's house, and you know we'll be in the middle of a lot of people," she tried to remain indifferent to the way he was looking at her, but it was hard to contain the sensual wave that hit her. She still tried to avert her eyes from his, taking a neutral stance.
- Baby, you don't know everything I'd like to do to you right now. Please don't blame me. This dress of yours is driving me crazy," his breath was hot in her ears, and his lips were an inch from the most sensitive spot on her neck. Rosaly swallowed hard and said with her voice on edge:
- Shawn, I don't think...- She couldn't finish, as his tongue was in her earlobe, making her lose her mind , and what little was left of her self-control. She threw her head back, letting him bite her neck, making her moan loudly and wish he would take her to bed and forget they had a party to go to.
Shawn saw Rosaly completely surrendered to his caresses, and could see how aroused she already was, by the way the nipples of her breasts were marked by her dress, and the way she buried her hands in his hair. He would love to prolong those moments with her, but his mother was waiting, and she would not forgive him if he was late for a family party. So when Rosaly brought her hands to his shirt collar, and started to open his shirt, he stopped her from continuing.
- Baby, all I want is to tear this delicious dress off your body, but my mother would kill me if we didn't show up for the supper she has prepared.
Rosaly straightened her body, leaned her forehead against Shawn's, took a deep breath, and tried to pull herself together. Shawn drove her out of her mind, just one look and she was lost like a crashing wave on the wild sea. Resisting him was impossible, for her whole being, her soul, and her heart belonged to that man.
- You're right. I think we'd better go or we'll be late, and the last thing I want is to keep your mother waiting," she answered as soon as she pulled herself together. Her body was still burning from Shawn's touch, but this was no time to think about that. They had a party to attend.
Fifteen minutes later they were already taking off their coats, and kissing Karen on the cheek. Shawn arrived by the Christmas tree and left the presents he had brought under the tree, and then they went to join the other guests
Rosaly was introduced to Shawn's relatives that she didn't know yet, and immediately felt welcomed by them as if she were family, and was talking to a cousin of his about her age when her smile froze on her lips when she saw Lauren at the party.
She greeted Rosaly with a sarcastic smile, as if laughing at some private joke, and Rosaly began to feel a flame of anger burn inside her. Lauren was deliberately teasing her, and Rosaly could hardly disguise what she was feeling. She wished that girl wasn't there, but of course she wouldn't miss an opportunity to get close to Shawn, even though she knew he was engaged. With her good girl and family-friendly attitude, she could fool anyone she wanted, except Rosaly who knew exactly why she was there.
When they sat down to dinner , Rosaly hurried to sit next to her boyfriend before Lauren took her place, giving Lauren no chance to approach him.
After dinner, it was time for the gift exchange. Rosaly got a French perfume video from Karen to whom she gave a black pearl necklace. Shawn gave her a collection of old movies, she gave him a gold watch. But it was Aaliyah's gift that gave her the biggest surprise . When Rosaly opened the box the girl handed her, there was a richly crafted red belly dancer's outfit made of soft and delicate fabric. Rosaly gave her a kiss and handed her a little box with a silver bracelet inside.
- How beautiful, Rosely. I love it. Can I ask you something?
- Anything, dear," Rosaly answered, laughing.
-Do you dance for us?- The girl asked with her eyes shining with anticipation.
- I promise you I'll dance another day, okay? This isn't the right place for that. - Rosaly replied, stroking her hair.
- Okay," she said, smiling, then moved away to sit next to Karen on the sofa and talk to some relatives.
As was bound to happen, several requests for Shawn to sing, caused him to sit down at the family piano and start playing. Lauren took advantage of this moment to stand next to the piano and began to sing with him. From where she stood, Rosaly could see the accomplice look they exchanged, and the smile Shawn threw her with each note on the piano made Rosaly's body go rigid with anger. She then made a decision, walked over to Aaliyah and said:
- I've changed my mind, dear. I'm going to do the dance you asked me to do.
- How nice. We'll go to my room and you change there.
In a matter of minutes, Rosaly was ready and returned to the room. A circle was opened so that she could begin her dance as soon as the music started playing.
Rosaly moved as if she were floating, making the undulating movements as sensual as she could. She felt every male gaze in the room on her, including Shawn's who followed her every move, visibly disturbed. He had only seen Rosaly dance in such a daring way for him within four walls, not in public, and he didn't feel at all comfortable with that.
Rosaly finished her dance to loud applause. When she looked at Shawn, she saw the furious look on his face and didn't care. She had gotten his attention and that was what she wanted.
She went to Shawn's room to change. As soon as she entered she saw him come up behind her and say in an altered voice:
- What was that exhibitionist act just now? - his eyes sparkled, which made him dangerously more attractive.
- I don't know what you're talking about," she turned away from him, "but Shawn brought her back by pulling her by the wrists.
- Of course you do. You deliberately wanted to provoke me, and I want to know why. He squeezed her waist tightly as she tried to free herself.
- You didn't think of that when you were smiling all melty at Lauren. - she said angrily.
- So that's what this is about? Jealousy of Lauren? - he pulled her into his arms, and she said angrily:
- Please , don't touch me. - Shawn looked at her with an arched eyebrow and asked:
- Why?
- Because I don't want to.
- Don't want to or pretend you don't? - as she didn't answer, he glued his body to hers as he said:
- But I want you and nothing will stop me from touching you now.
Rosaly responded in the same way, eager to feel his tongue entwined in hers. Shawn then sat down on a nearby chair, pulling Rosaly's skirt up to her waist and sitting her on his lap.
She wrapped her legs around his waist, giving Shawn free access to touch her however he wanted. He tugged at her panties, and brought his hand down to her hot and wet intimacy that was waiting for his touch. He made circular motions with his fingers on the most sensitive spot on Rosaly's body making her moan frantically as her hips moved over his hand, making her hot and feverish. He withdrew his hand and moved it up Rosaly's back, unbuttoning the bustier she was wearing and dropping it to the floor, freeing her breasts for good . Rosaly threw her head back as she felt Shawn take one of her breasts into his mouth, sucking on her nipples until she almost screamed his name. Her skin warmed and trembled as Shawn left his mark all over the soft expanse, kissing it, biting it, licking it, until he wanted some more himself. Finally, he pulled off her skirt wrapped around her waist, tossing it to the floor with the rest of her clothes, and carried her to bed.
Lying on the sheets, Rosaly watched Shawn undress, and there was something sensual about seeing him like that with his eyes locked on hers and taking off each piece with torturous slowness. When he was completely naked, she felt his body on top of hers, her skin burning with the heat coming from his and it was like feeling extra ecstasy as her hands slid down his sallow back, pressing every ripple with her fingertips .
Then she rolled over on top of him, standing over his body. Her mouth tasted every part of Shawn's body making him delirious with the audacity of her caresses. His intimacy pulsed on her lips, making him moan like crazy, but before he could reach his limit, she positioned herself over Shawn and he penetrated her. Soon they were riding in a single, synchronized rhythm that brought them to climax in a few seconds and exhausted them. Shawn encircled Rosaly's waist, covering them both with a thick blanket. He kissed Rosaly's hair and asked:
- Will you explain to me what happened? Why did you dance like that at the party?
- Didn't you like it? - Rosaly asked maliciously.
- You know I love to see you dance, and I don't mind if you dance in public, but the way you danced I prefer it when we're between four walls.
- Why is that? - She continued teasingly as her hands stroked the muscles of Shawn's arm around his waist.
- Because when you dance like that it's like you're making love to me through your movements. It reminds me of how it feels to touch you and kiss you and hold you in my arms. And it made me crazy with jealousy to see you dance for other people, as you dance for me," he confessed, looking embarrassed.
- You know that I danced only for you. I was in the middle of other people, but all my movements were only for your eyes. Only you know what they mean. Do you think Lauren got the message?
- What message?- he asked with a mischievous smile.
- That you're only mine," she said, looking into Shawn's eyes.
- I am yours. Never doubt that. - He kissed her passionately, tucking her under his body. When they finished kissing, she said, touching his chest with her lips:
- Do you think your mother will mind if we don't go back to the party?
- Why? What do you have in mind?- he asked, enjoying her touch on his skin.
- I want to spend the whole night paying back all the promises I made to you while dancing tonight," Rosaly said as her hands made Shawn gasp at her boldness.
- I think I can handle her lecture tomorrow.
So they gave themselves body and soul to that moment, while outside the snow fell thickly celebrating that love with a beautiful White Christmas.
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