Chapter 48 - Our story
The day was dawning and Rosaly looked at the man sleeping next to her and thought that she had never had a more beautiful sight than this. She had woken up very early, just as the sun was beginning to set, and had not been able to go back to sleep.
This time the reason was because she wanted to make sure that Shawn Mendes had returned to her arms again, after the harsh words they had exchanged on their last date, and she had thought that this time he had left her forever.
How she loved that man and how good it felt to be loved by him. And how many sacrifices had he made for her? Sacrifices she never thanked him for, and she never thought about how much it had cost him to give up so many things to be there with her. What greater proof of love than that did she need to understand that they were made for each other, that she would never love anyone like that again, and that no one else would take care of her the way Shawn did?
And what had she given him in return but running away from what she felt, disappointing him with her fear, rejecting the hand he always extended to her, letting him think that she didn't trust him, and that she preferred a distance between them that hurt instead of the love that made her happy and healed her wounds?
Shawn could have any woman he wanted, but among all the others he had chosen her, and it had been like a miracle that she had stumbled upon him the first day they met, and that their hearts sang the same song and made them fall in love so absolutely. As if somewhere in the universe someone had decided that it would be like this, writing in the lines of destiny that this love would be born with roots so strong that no one and nothing could destroy it.
And what an incredible human being Shawn Mendes was, so generous in his essence, so honest, sincere and original! She had never met someone so sensitive who was willing to give of himself so completely without a minute's thought of himself, how he could get hurt or come out hurt in the process.
And by the gods or fate she had him in her hands. For that reason, she had to give him something in return, she had to make him understand how grateful she was for all the things he had done for her, for fighting for that love tooth and nail, for giving her the best time of her life, and above all for loving her so intensely.
Rosaly watched Shawn's eyelids flutter, and stroked his hair, which was in complete disarray. She loved that wild look he had when he woke up. Shawn Mendes at his most primitive was a vision of paradise. She watched his long body with his legs intertwined with hers, every muscle in its place, and remembered how it felt to feel her skin against his, the heat those perfect lips provoked in her every time they slid over her body as if they wanted to unveil all the feminine secrets in him, the unusual brown eyes that at that moment were deep in sleep, but when they looked at her, Rosaly couldn't hide anything from them. They were too deep and already knew her so well. She was so crazy about that man that she would do his will. She would go back to Canada with him, because to live without Shawn was to drown in unhappiness, she had tried twice and only succeeded in adding more pain to her heart. So, if she had to take risks, she would take them all hand in hand with Shawn, she didn't want to suffer his absence anymore, she was tired of trying not to get hurt and ending up hurt the same way in the end. So she would enjoy the gift that life had given her and be happy, no matter what it cost her.
- Baby, are you awake yet? What time is it?- Shawn said as soon as he opened his eyes and I see Rosaly looking at him.
- Six-thirty. - She answered smiling. How she loved to look at that face with its perfect features, waking up to that smile was like being caressed by the sun itself, so warm and vibrant.
- Why are you up so early? Did something happen? - Rosaly closed her eyes for a second and thought how much she had missed that subtle touch on her skin in those weeks they had been apart. She opened them again and replied;
- No, I was just thinking.
- And what is so important to keep you awake at this hour," Shawn asked intrigued.
- I was thinking about the two of us," she took his hand and intertwined her fingers in his.
- And what were you thinking about? - For a minute Rosaly saw a worried wrinkle form on Shawn's forehead and wondered what he was thinking.
- How lucky I am to be loved by you, and how much better and easier everything is to have you in my life. It's like nothing can hit me or hurt me," Shawn smiled and pulled her into his arms.
- You know I'd do anything to see you happy, right?
- That's the problem, Shawn. - Rosaly said, looking up at him.
- Why are you telling me this? - he was serious now, and seemed tense.
- Because I don't think you have to do anything for me anymore. You've already risked your life, your career, and the safety of your family just to keep us together.
- You know I don't care about any of that. I love you, and I would do it all over again if I had to," Shawn hugged her tightly and Rosaly sighed.
- I know, and that's why I want you to know something. I'm grateful for everything you've done for me so far. I admire you so much for who you are, and I feel completely safe when I'm with you, so I surrender my life into your hands. I don't want you to do anything else for me, because the time has come for me to do something for both of us. - She stopped talking, and Shawn looked at her amazed and confused.
- What exactly are you saying, Rosely?
-- I'm telling you than I'm going back to Canada with you," the look Shawn gave her, first incredulous then so full of love for her, made Rosaly's heart sing with happiness. It felt so good to do something for the man who had given her nothing but joy since they first met.
- Are you really telling the truth? Are you not kidding me?
- I would never do that, I love you, Shawn, and all these days away from you have only proved to me that we were meant to be together, I'm nothing without you. - He hugged her tightly as he said:
- Don't say that, my love. You are all the wonderful things there are in the world. You are everything to me, I am nothing without you. Until I met you I thought that all girls were the same, and that they only wanted me for my fame and money, but you showed me that I can be loved for myself, so I have to be grateful for having you in my life.
They then kissed, and it was a kiss full of promises for the present and the future, leaving behind the past of suffering and frustrations. Shawn broke away from her to say:
- Do you mind if I talk to my mother. She asked me to call her to see how things worked out between us.
- Sure. - Rosaly answered as she watched Shawn walk to the window and dial his mother's number. He talked to her for a few minutes and then came back to Rosaly after he hung up.
- She was so happy. She asked me to tell you that she hopes you will visit her as soon as we get to Canada," he said excitedly.
- Okay. -Then Rosaly continued, "I'm going to take a shower," and got up.
- Alone? - Shawn asked in a mischievous way.
- I was counting on a certain brown-eyed boy to wash my back," she said, also maliciously.
- Oh, is that the famous "I'll wash your back and you wash mine?
- Exactly, honey. - Rosaly said with a laugh and headed for the bathroom, while Shawn followed her, imagining that once again they would have a hot morning under the shower
Shawn looked down at Rosaly who was almost asleep in his arms. Her eyes were heavy with sleep, but she tried to keep them open as she watched his face with a passionate gaze, but then she couldn't resist any longer, and she sank into a peaceful sleep, snuggled into his body.
He touched her face tenderly, then her hair, and finally kissed her forehead, but he didn't look away, he just couldn't close his eyes and go to sleep. He wanted to prolong those unique and special moments that filled his heart with joy and hope. They had just made love, and it was incredible, much better than all the other times they had loved each other. Maybe it was because they were anxious to end the longing they felt and needed to make sure they were together again.
In the last few weeks he had to restrain himself from talking to Rosaly and spoiling the surprise he was preparing for her. Every night his heart begged him to call her or send her a message, but he had managed to hold on to the longing he was feeling, partly because he imagined her smile when he found out about the surprise, and partly because he had talked to Daniela almost every night to get news of Rosaly and to arrange with her and Ricardo what he wanted to do at their wedding. They had been excellent accomplices, and had given him enough strength to encourage him to continue with his plan, telling him how much Rosaly was missing him.
To control his anxiety, he spent most of the time composing in his room, playing the piano, and also devoted more attention to his family, especially his sister who was in a difficult adolescent period and needed more affection from her older brother.
Another thing he had found time for was dinner with Brian and Lexy. For the first time he could see that his friend was happy, and that he had found in his girlfriend his perfect partner. They liked the same things. They had the same opinions on certain subjects and had a lot of fun together. It was so good to see his friend getting on with his life, even his behavior had changed, he no longer showed his usual restlessness, it seemed that calm had finally caught up with him after he had started dating Lexy, and Shawn was immensely happy for his friend.
But being with them reminded him of Rosaly, and missing her hurt like never before, but he had hung in there, and the result was better than he had expected. Seeing Rosaly's eyes light up as he sang the song she had once told him she loved was the best gift to him, and the night they had next was even better.
He loved making love to her, because the connection between them was enormous. He knew exactly where she liked and wanted to be touched without Rosaly having to tell him. They were so connected to each other that when they touched each other a real party took place in their bodies, as if no sadness could reach them, together they reached the highest degree of pleasure, and it was like this because they loved each other in a way he had never thought possible.
They still had to talk about so many things, especially about this impasse between them. He decided that he would do whatever Rosaly wanted, his mother was right, he was being selfish, because he was forcing a situation that was very difficult for Rosaly, he had to understand the fear she had of Caio, and try to help her get over it. Only God knew what she had endured during the years she had lived at the mercy of that man, for although Rosaly had told him some details about her ex-fiancé, Shawn suspected that there was much more that she had not wanted or not had the courage to tell him.
He loved that woman so much that he would do anything to see her safe and happy, he would move heaven and earth to give her everything she needed, he would even move to Brazil if that was the case, just so he wouldn't have to be away from her, he couldn't bear to lose her again, he couldn't lose her, or his world would be worthless.
Shawn had never thought that he would need a woman this badly. He had never imagined that he would fall so much in love with someone that he would think about giving up everything for that someone, but the truth was that he didn't care about anything, he didn't care about fame or popularity, and he could make his music wherever he wanted, because the only thing that mattered to him was Rosaly and being able to sing whatever and wherever he wanted.
He and Rosaly would have to talk about all that and decide what they would do. At least if Caio was caught, Shawn was sure that Rosaly would feel safer, but that scoundrel seemed to have disappeared off the map. The detectives that Shawn had hired were on his trail, but they hadn't found anything significant yet. The guy was smart and always seemed to be one step ahead of the police, but since no crime was perfect, Shawn was sure that sooner or later he would make a mistake and finally pay for all his crimes, including the hell he had put Rosaly through.
How Shawn felt like confronting him and taking the law into his own hands. A despicable man like that should be punished in every way possible, and Shawn hated him without even knowing him. Even at that moment when he had Rosaly safe and secure in his arms, he couldn't forget the days she had been missing at the hands of that scoundrel. Shawn had never felt so helpless in his life, not knowing what to do to bring her back into his arms at a point where his life no longer made sense. The only people who knew how desperate he had become were his family, Brian, and his manager. He had to deal with the emptiness, the pain, and the anger all at the same time, and he had almost gone mad.
If it hadn't been for his fans he wouldn't have continued, but knowing that there were people who loved him and supported him without even knowing it gave him the strength to get up every day and do his best to make them happy, even if inside he felt half dead.
Fortunately all that had passed, and Shawn was there with the woman he loved who was the reason he was so happy, and he no longer wanted to pressure her into making a decision that he felt was right for both of them. He would accept whatever solution she presented as long as it kept them together, he would support her in everything and stand by her unconditionally.
Tiredness finally overcame him and he fell deeply asleep, only to wake up later to discover a pair of almost green eyes watching him. Rosaly stared so deeply into his face that he wondered if something was tormenting her to keep her awake at that hour:
- Love, are you awake yet? What time is it?
- Six-thirty. - The smile she flashed him made him want to kiss her, but he held back because he wanted to find out why she looked so worried.
- Why are you up so early? Did something happen? - he saw her close her eyes when he touched her. He loved to see her reactions to his caresses, it was exhilarating to see that he could affect her like that. She opened her eyes again and said:
- No, I was just thinking.
- And what's so important to keep you awake at this hour? - Shawn was beginning to worry about that distracted look on Rosaly's face.
- I was thinking about both of us," her answer had him even more worried. Did she regret being there with him? Shawn needed to know, so he asked cautiously:
- And what were you thinking? - he held his breath waiting for the answer, praying she wouldn't say it was over between them. He couldn't stand it.
- About how lucky I am to be loved by you, and how much better and easier everything is to have you in my life. It's like nothing can hit me or hurt me," Shawn let out a slow breath; he hadn't expected that answer, but her words made him immensely happy.
- You know I'll do anything to see you happy, don't you? - he had said.
- That's the problem, Shawn. - Her answer had affected him again, and he asked:
- Why are you telling me this? - The tension and anxiety tinged him again, and his head began to throb.
- Because I don't think you have to do anything else for me. You've already risked your life, your career, and the safety of your family just to keep us together.
- You know that I don't care about any of that. I love you, and I would do it all again if I had to," he had to convince her that it was all right, and that she was the most important person in the world to him.
- I know, and that's why I want you to know something. I am grateful for everything you have done for me so far. I admire you so much for being the way you are, and I feel completely safe when I'm with you, so I surrender my life into your hands. I don't want you to do anything else for me, because the time has come for me to do something for both of us. - Her words left him confused, what did she mean by all that? He needed to know immediately, so he asked again:
- What exactly are you saying, Rosely?
- I'm telling you than I'm going back with you to Canada - did she really say that? Shawn wondered. Wasn't he dreaming?
- Are you really telling the truth? You're not kidding me? - Shawn asked
- I would never do that, I love you Shawn, and all these days away from you have only proved to me that we were meant to be together, I am nothing without you. - He didn't hold back any longer and hugged her, saying, touched by her words:
- Don't say that, my love. You are all the wonderful things there are in the worlds. You are everything to me, I am nothing without you. Until I met you I thought that all girls were the same, and that they only wanted me for my fame and money, but you showed me that I can be loved for myself, so I have to be grateful for having you in my life.
The kiss they exchanged translated everything that was in their hearts, and that could not be summed up only in words. He broke away from her only to say:
- Do you mind if I talk to my mother? She asked me to call her to see how things turned out between us.
- Of course. - He left Rosaly for a few minutes and dialed her home number. His mother answered on the first ring, and he said just a few words to explain how things were, "Rosaly is here and she's coming home with me," his mother had just told him to go visit her as soon as they got home, and Shawn promised that they would do just that, then he hung up and went back to Rosaly, because he didn't want to waste a second away from her.
- She was so happy. She asked me to tell you that she hopes you will visit her as soon as we arrive in Canada. - And Rosaly replied:
- Okay.-I'm going to take a shower.-and she headed for the bathroom. An idea crossed Shawn's mind, and he asked with eyes full of lust:
- Alone? - she looked at him sensually and replied:
- I was counting on a certain brown-eyed boy to wash my back.-
- Ah, it's the famous "I'll wash your back and you wash mine?"-he remembered those words he had heard in one of the Elvis Presley movies he used to watch with his mother
- Exactly, dear. - Rosaly answered, smiling. Shawn couldn't resist and followed her thinking about the private party they would have in a few seconds and couldn't help but smile.
They arrived in Canada just as it was dawning, and Shawn woke Rosaly who had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder with a kiss on the forehead saying:
- Baby, we're home.
She stretched, gave him a kiss on the lips and said:
- Good morning.
- Good morning," he replied, smiling.
When they left the airport it was pouring down rain, but Rosaly didn't mind, she loved the rain, it gave her a cozy feeling, and an urge to lie on the couch and eat popcorn all day. She had spent a few days like this with Shawn in his apartment, and they were unforgettable moments.
Shawn was excellent company when it came to spending time doing nothing but snuggling and flirting with each other. Maybe the reason was because he rarely had such moments with his crazy concert schedule, and when he had the opportunity, he made the most of it.
The last time they had these moments was right after she got out of the hospital, and Shawn had extended his days off to take care of her, who couldn't leave the house because she was still weak. They lay on the couch all day, and at other times on the carpet watching an old black and white movie.
There had been a moment when Rosaly had teased Shawn under the blankets, initiating a hot kiss that made him moan with desire for her, because it had been a long time since they had made love on doctor's orders, and they had missed each other. She had touched him in every way possible, and Shawn did the same to her, but just as they were about to consummate the act, Shawn pulled away and headed for the kitchen, leaving Rosaly frustrated.
They talked about it later, and Shawn had scolded her for teasing him like that, when she knew they couldn't have that kind of intimate contact until she was fully recovered. Rosaly had snorted the entire time of the conversation, but then promised him that she would never do that again. They soon made up and enjoyed the closeness between them as never before.
- What are you laughing at, Rosely? - Shawn asked puzzled when he saw her smile at the corner of her mouth.
- Nothing, I just remembered something. - She replied, kissing him on the cheek.
- Aren't you going to tell me?
- It's nothing important, it was just a memory. - Rosaly changed the subject, saying - What time did you tell your mother that we would visit her?
- As soon as we arrived at the airport.
- Can't we leave it until tomorrow? I'm tired and I'd like to get some sleep.
- Sure, honey. I'll talk to her," Shawn said, hugging her around the waist. He called his mother and explained the whole situation. As soon as he hung up he said:
- My mom said it's okay. Since tomorrow is Saturday she said we will spend the day by the pool, if it doesn't rain.
- I really want to see her and Aaliyah too. Will your father join us?
- Yes, he's not traveling this week," Shawn replied, opening the car door that Mike had brought with him so that Rosaly could sit with him in the passenger seat.
- That's great. We'll have the whole family together," Rosaly said excitedly, and then remembered her mother and brother.
They had given her the greatest encouragement to come with Shawn, her mother especially, who had told her that she deserved to be happy, so she was giving her blessing for her to leave with Shawn. Rosaly knew that she would miss them very much, but she needed to go on her way, next to the man she loved and she needed to stay by his side, because her future depended on it.
They arrived at Shawn's apartment, and Rosaly left herself on the couch exhausted. They had agreed that she would stay in his apartment, because her old apartment had been rented by someone else when she left for Brazil, so she had decided to accept Shawn's proposal. He had told her that she could stay as long as she wanted, because for him, Rosaly would live there forever, but she had said that she needed to think about it and let her decide that later.
Rosaly was almost asleep on the couch when Shawn stopped what he was doing to watch her. He then walked over to the sofa, picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, and lay down with her. They woke up much later for lunch, and spent the rest of the day making out. They went to bed early that night, because they wanted to get to Shawn's house early and enjoy the sunny day by the pool.
Summer was at its peak, and Rosaly loved the water and the heat. Coming from a tropical country where it was hot almost all year round, having the right to go to the beach whenever she wanted because of the harsh cold made her stressed sometimes, but she had learned to love that country, especially because it was where Shawn was born, and now it would be hers too, because she didn't intend to leave unless Shawn didn't want her anymore.
Saturday dawned beautiful, it didn't even seem like it had rained all day Friday. It was as if it was welcoming Rosaly, presaging what her life would be like from then on. She was so grateful that she had met Shawn and that his family had accepted her so well as if she were a permanent member of their family, and Rosaly only hoped she would never let them down again.
When they arrived at Shawn's home, his parents and his sister Aaliyah were waiting for them, and they treated Rosaly with such affection that tears came to her eyes She had truly been blessed to have this wonderful man and his family in her life. She had no doubt that she would be happy with him, no matter where they were, or what they were doing, Rosaly knew that there would always be a home waiting for them.
Shawn had not only saved her from a horrible man, he had also saved her from becoming a sad and empty woman, because he had filled her life with so many good things, that when she looked back she could no longer remember what her life was like before him. For this reason, she wanted to dwell only on the present and the future they would have together.
She was sitting on the lounger with Shawn's mother while he, his father and Aaliyah were swimming together in the pool and talking. Rosaly stood admiring the scene and then said to Karen:
- It's so beautiful to see them together. They are a complete family.
- Of which you are now a part, dear - Karen reached out and touched Rosaly's hand lovingly.
- Thank you for those words. I also wanted to apologize for all the trouble I've caused you, and for never having been judged for it," Rosaly said, squeezing Karen's hand affectionately.
- Honey, we would never judge you. You are not to blame for the actions of your ex-fiancé, let alone for wanting to protect yourself from him. I also want to thank you for thinking about Shawn and wanting to protect him.
- I know that you must think that I am a coward. But, I swear I left here because I couldn't bear it if something happened to Shawn or even to you. All I wanted to do was keep you safe.
- I know and for that I am grateful. You have been an angel in Shawn's life. He had become so cold and cynical about life that I feared I would lose my son to the world of fame, but you brought him back to us, and that is priceless. - Karen said, smiling.
- I love him so much," Rosaly said looking at her boyfriend who smiled as he felt her gaze on him.
- He loves you so much too. I've never seen Shawn as happy as he is now.
- But, I know I've hurt him too," Rosaly said regretfully.
- But that's part of a relationship. It's not always a bed of roses. I've been married to the same man for years, and although we love each other very much, we also have moments of crisis. The important thing is to always keep the companionship, the respect and love.
- I admire your family very much. And I'm sorry for all the trouble my past has caused, I'm not free of it yet, you know that, don't you?
- The only thing that matters is that you are here with us. And any problems that may occur from now on, we will solve as a family. - Karen smiled at him and Rosaly smiled back.
- Thank you," Rosaly said gratefully. - Rosaly said gratefully.
- You're welcome. Now let's enjoy this day," Karen settled down on the lounger and closed her eyes.
Rosaly smiled happily at the conversation she had with Karen. She felt very relieved that they had talked about everything openly. Until that moment Rosaly hadn't realized how much weight she had been carrying on her shoulders, but it had been lifted that afternoon by Shawn's mother, and she had never felt better. She loved that family as she loved her own, and being a part of it was a gift she had never thought she deserved.
Shawn approached her and said:
- Shall we go swimming?
- Sure," Rosaly said, taking his hand and stepping into the pool.
They swam for a long time together with Aaliyah and Manuel, Shawn's father, with whom Rosaly talked for some time. The next thing Rosaly knew, she was alone with Shawn in the pool. Both his parents and Aaliyah had gone in, leaving them there:
- Looks like we are left alone.- She said to Shawn who smiled saying.
- Good, because I was dying to kiss you,- and pushed her to the corner of the pool where he gave her a breathtaking kiss. Rosaly encircled his neck with her arms, and surrendered to the kiss completely, gluing her body to his. Shawn moved his hands down to her hips, pressing her whole body against his, making Rosaly feel what was happening to him with just that kiss. He detached his lips from hers transferring them to Rosaly's neck where he left thousands of kisses of fire that began to slowly consume her. When Shawn's hand went to the back of her bikini with the intention of untying it, Rosaly stopped him by saying breathlessly:
- Shawn, we are inside the pool. Someone can see us.
- Let's go to my room. I need you now. - He said, running his lips over the skin of her face. Rosaly was about to protest saying that they shouldn't, but the look in his eyes made her too hot, and she realized that she needed him too at that moment, so she just nodded.
They walked slowly up the stairs and went straight to his room. When they entered Rosaly didn't have time to observe the details of the place because Shawn had already pushed her onto the bed, covering her body with his.
- You drive me crazy," he said between kisses, nibbling the skin all over her body.
When Shawn pulled the bikini off Rosaly's body, she was so aroused that she encircled his waist with her legs feeling Shawn's intimacy rubbing against hers, causing her to breathe hard, wanting to have him completely inside her. But he wanted to prolong their pleasure a little longer, so he brought her on top of his body, letting her control the action, sliding her body over his, her lips touching him from head to toe, lingering on the most sensitive parts of his body like his abdomen and groin, and when he felt her mouth touch his hard, excited member with her tongue, he gasped for air. That woman was doing whatever she wanted with him, and Shawn simply could not resist her charms. He had to feel her more, so he laid her down on the sheets again, and distributed kisses all over her face, touching her luscious breasts with his thumbs, and then with his lips, moving down to her abdomen, touched the thighs that wrapped around him, pulling him tightly to her. His hands reached up to Rosaly's intimacy, feeling its wetness, making her more and more aroused, and driving him crazy with desire.
Rosaly began to move her hips back and forth as his fingers continued to touch her more and more intimately. And when Shawn realized that she was almost reaching the ecstasy of her own body, he took her, moving along with her until the pleasure made them moan each other's names out loud.
- That was amazing. You're amazing," Shawn said when they were calmer and more peaceful.
- I love you so much, Shawn. Every time we love each other, it's better than the last time.
- You're too delicious, girl. I'll never get tired of loving you.
- Neither will I," Rosaly replied, touching his messy hair.
- I think we should take a shower and go downstairs before they realize we're gone," he said, brushing a strand of her hair away from her face.
- That's a great idea," Rosaly agreed.
So they showered together, and got dressed. When they went to the kitchen where lunch would be served, everything was ready. Then they sat down at the table and began to eat and talk while Rosaly looked at all the people gathered, and thought that there was the man she loved, and the family that had adopted her with so much love, and she had never felt so blessed as she did at that moment.
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