Chapter 47 - What moves me
- Why can't you come to Canada with me? - Shawn asked sighing as he zipped up his last suitcase.
- You know why, Shawn. Let's not argue about this right now. - Rosaly hated it when they argued. It was her last moments with Shawn before he went home, and she didn't want to waste time on an argument that wouldn't lead to anything.
- Sometimes I think you don't love me enough, Rosely. - Shawn said, looking directly at her.
- How can you think that? I've already proven to you in every way that I love you. How can you doubt my feelings? - Rosaly couldn't believe that Shawn had actually said that. She was suffering as much as he was from their separation, and Shawn didn't seem to understand how hard this decision was for her. If only he knew that because she loved him so much she had to let him go. She couldn't put him at risk, didn't he understand?
- You could prove yourself to me one more time, leaving all your past behind and coming with me to Canada. - he came closer and took her hands in his. - Please, Rosely, let's be happy together, how she wanted to give in, those eyes almost convinced her that they could live together in peace, but she couldn't weaken now. She needed to be strong, even if inside her heart was torn with pain.
- Shawn, I can't. Try to understand. As long as Caio is out, I can't be with you. I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt in this whole thing. It wouldn't be fair to you," Shawn released her hands and looked at her indignantly.
- Do you know what I think, Rosely? That you don't want to be with me, and you're using this whole thing with your ex-fiancé as an excuse to dump me. Why don't you just say to my face that you don't want me anymore, that you're tired of being the pop star's girlfriend. That you've had enough fun and now you've had enough of me? - Rosaly felt as if someone had slapped her in the face, but deep down she knew that Shawn was saying all this because he was hurt and angry.
- Shawn, I love you. Nothing would make me happier than to get on that plane and go away with you, leaving all my complicated life behind. But, understand. I feel trapped. There isn't a single place in the world where I feel safe. I need to feel free so that I can love you without fear or ties," her eyes were filled with desperation, and Shawn's were filled with sadness.
- Are you really going to let this guy take over your life like this? Are you going to give up everything we have because of a coward who's only done you harm? I don't understand why you want to give up everything. - he came closer again and touched her face tenderly. - I told you I can protect you, Rosely. I have security guards, I can hire more if you want. I'll do whatever it takes to have you with me, but please don't let me get on that plane alone," his voice was so pleading that Rosaly's heart was clearly breaking. She had to summon the strength to say.
- Baby, I can't understand. You can't protect me twenty-four hours a day, and I don't want to live like I'm in prison. I want to be able to walk down the street without having to look back to make sure no one is following me, I want to be able to do everything I love without fear of being surprised by a crazy person who could show up at any moment and hurt everyone I love. I can live with the idea that Caio might hurt me, but I could never live with the burden of guilt if he did something bad to you. - she touched him on the cheek, and hugged him around the waist.
- I can protect myself, Rosaly. That's not your job. - he said, touching her hair and hugging her tightly.
- You don't know Caio. He would find a way to hurt you.
- Rosely, I..." she interrupted him.
- Please, Shawn. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I've made my decision, and I'm not going back on it. - She lifted her head, looked up into his eyes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and brought him closer to her lips. - I love you, Shawn. You have no idea how much," her mouth searched his and then they kissed with a passion and desperation that left them both heartbroken and sad.
- I have to go," he said, pulling away from her in a cold voice that brought tears to Rosaly's eyes.
- It's okay," he said. - she answered.
- I want to ask you a favor. I don't want you to come with me to the airport. If we have to say goodbye, let's do it right here. - Rosaly looked at Shawn, feeling an unbearable pain spread through her chest. She wanted so much to prolong those last moments and Shawn had just shattered her illusions. She searched his eyes, but found no warmth or emotion of any kind. Had she lost him for good?
- If that's what you want. - she replied in a shaky voice, watching Shawn pick up the bags from the floor and walk to the door. He turned to her and said:
-Goodbye, Rosely," he then started walking toward the stairs leading to the hotel exit, dismissing the elevator. Rosaly followed him in silence, and when he continued walking without looking back she couldn't stand the pain in her heart and called out to him:
- Shawn, will you call me? - he looked at her inexpressibly and answered:
- I don't know.- despair took over her at hearing those two words, and then with a pleading voice and tear-filled eyes she said:
- Please don't give up on me.- Shawn said nothing, he continued on his way without looking at her again. And that's when Rosaly realized that she had lost him.
The sobs came to her dry, unrelenting lips shaking her body violently. She walked a few steps and sat down at the bus stop almost blinded by the tears that rolled on and on. She had made a decision that had taken away the only love of her life, and now she simply didn't know what she would do. She had tried to make Shawn understand her reasons, but he wouldn't listen. But, deep down, she knew she couldn't blame him for that. He had done so many things for her, for the feeling between the two of them, for their future together. He had reached out to her, offering her a lifetime of love, and Rosaly had simply refused to take it. What was he supposed to think? Or what was he really thinking? Her refusal had made him doubt her love for him, but what Shawn hadn't taken into consideration was that precisely because she loved him so much she had acted unselfishly and let him go, but she hadn't calculated that he would walk away from her for good.
The bus arrived and Rosaly got on without even paying attention to anything. She sat down on the last seat as usual, and stared out the window. When the bus passed Paulista Avenue she saw the big screen with Shawn's picture still on it and began to cry softly. She loved him so much that the thought of a life without him was unacceptable to her. She needed him so much, she needed to know that he was with her, even if they spoke by phone, messages or video call. In fact, she had counted on his understanding, and had thought that they could keep in touch like that and see each other from time to time until the situation with Caio was resolved, but Shawn had refused to accept her decision, and now they were separated for good.
Rosaly had learned to know Shawn in all their time together. He was humorous, easy to get along with, and funny, but he also knew how to be stubborn when he wanted to be, and when he made a decision, he hardly ever went back on it. He was as proud as he was generous, and because of this, Rosaly had understood that when he said good-bye, he was ending it for good. What would she do? Could she live without him? Could she move on knowing that she had lost him forever? She didn't know how to answer any of the questions that her head persistently tormented her with.
She arrived home, and went straight to her room, passing Daniela, her mother and Ricardo without even saying a word. She lay down on the bed, hiding her head under the pillow, and then heard Daniela's voice knocking on the door:
- Rosaly, may I come in?
- Yes, the door is not locked. - she said, her voice muffled by the pillow.
- What happened, Rosaly? Were you with Shawn until just now? - Daniela asked, sitting down on the bed beside her. Rosaly raised her head, her eyes watering, and answered:
- Yes.
- And why are you like this? Did you have a fight?
- We didn't, but he broke up with me. - she said, her voice failing and starting to sob again.
- Why did you break up with me? - Daniela asked, not understanding what had happened for Shawn to take that attitude.
- Because I didn't want to go to Canada with him. I tried to explain my reasons, but, he wouldn't understand me. He told me that I don't love him enough, and even accused me by saying that I am using Caio as an excuse to stay away from him. Shawn didn't understand a word I said, Daniela. Doesn't he understand that I'm trying to protect him and that I would die if anything happened to him? - Daniela took her hands in hers and said:
- Rosaly, why are you so stubborn? You knew that your decision would hurt yourself and especially Shawn. Don't you realize that by your attitude you've made it clear to him that you don't trust his ability to protect you? How do you think he's feeling, after the woman he loves made it clear that he's incapable of making her feel safe?
- But, that is not true. He can't be thinking that. - Rosaly said, completely shocked by what her friend had told her.
- That's what I would think, wouldn't you? - Rosaly pondered for a few seconds what her friend had said, and came to the conclusion that she was right.
- My God, I never imagined that Shawn would think like that. Now what do I do? - she asked her totally bewildered friend.
- That question, my friend, only you can answer.
Shawn was looking at the time on his cell phone, getting impatiently in the airplane seat. They had been flying back to Canada for exactly two hours and he couldn't wait to get home. He was exhausted from long hours of flying, getting on and off in thousands of different cities, and although he had enjoyed every show he had ever been to, he couldn't wait to get into bed and sleep for hours.
He remembered Rosaly and felt his chest tighten. He had been avoiding thinking about her, but there were times when it was impossible. He had dreamed so much of having her with him, had desperately wanted her to come back with him to Canada and pick up where they left off. But she had destroyed his plans by refusing to return with him, and Shawn could not handle it well.
He knew that the words he had used to vent his frustration had been cruel, he had hurt her, and Rosaly didn't deserve that, but he couldn't stand it any longer. He refused to let a madman dictate the rules of his relationship with her, and worst of all, Rosaly let herself be manipulated by him.
He hadn't planned to leave her the way he had, and when she had asked him not to give up on her, he had practically made Rosaly think that he had given up. But in his heart, Shawn knew that he would never give up on her, no matter how hard things were, he couldn't leave her because he loved her too much. She hadn't sent him any messages either, which made him imagine that she must have been hurt by him.
Shawn understood her fear, but what he could not and would never accept was why she let her fear of Caio reappearing be greater than her love for him. Shouldn't they be fighting together? If their love was true and real, shouldn't they take every risk to stand by each other even if it took the ultimate consequences? He couldn't help Rosaly if she wouldn't allow it. Shawn couldn't protect her if she didn't trust him.
He looked at his cell phone again and checked that there were no messages from her. He felt like a bastard for leaving her at the hotel door crying without giving her any hope that he would ever look for her again, but, he was feeling so angry, he would rather keep walking than go back and console her. Why hadn't he told her that he loved her? Why hadn't he made her understand that she was the most important thing in the world to him, and that he would never let her go? Shawn had almost lost her once and he didn't want to go through that experience again.
Shawn put the phone aside, closed his eyes and tried to sleep, waking up an hour later to Andrew shaking him gently:
Hey, Shawn. We're here. Get ready to disembark," he stretched, feeling relieved to finally be in his home country. As he left the plane and walked through the airport lobby, his fans as usual were waiting for him. The noise of the screams and the flashes exploding in his face annoyed him a little, but he didn't refuse to take the usual pictures with his fans, reminding himself that they were not to blame for the situation he was in. As usual, he was attentive and friendly to his audience and then got into Andrew's car, who drove him straight home.
As soon as he entered the house, Aaliyah came to meet him, hugging him around the waist and kissing him on the cheek.
- Hello, little brother. I'm glad you're here. I've missed you," Shawn smiled, feeling comforted by her sister's affection.
- Hi, sweetie. How are you? - he smiled, ruffling her dark hair with his hands.
- I'm fine. Rosaly didn't come with you? - His smile died as soon as he heard her name, and he was about to answer when his mother came from the kitchen saying:
- Hi, honey, did you have a good flight?
- Yes, Mom. It was great, but the best thing is to be home. - he answered, kissing his mother on the cheek.
- Why didn't Rosely come with you? - his mother asked.
- Because she didn't want to. - he answered.
- Did you have an argument? - his sister asked.
- Not exactly, but we had a difficult conversation," he put the bags on the floor, running his hands through his hair impatiently.
- What kind of conversation did you have? - Karen insisted, not knowing.
- The kind where you say stupid things and end up hurting the person you love the most. - he replied with his head down.
- Did you do this, Shawn? Did you hurt Rosely?
- I think so, Mom.
- And why didn't you apologize? - Aaliyah asked.
- It's not that simple.
-It is simple,. It was enough just to say. "Okay, Rosely, I'm sorry I was an idiot, but I love you," the girl concluded.
- You are too young to understand certain things, little sister. This whole situation is very complicated.
- I don't know what else there is to understand besides the fact that you love her, and she loves you. - your sister said with a sigh.
- Aaliyah is right, Shawn. Love should be the only thing that matters in this case," your mother pondered.
- I know. I guess I acted like a complete idiot. But, it's just that I was so frustrated with her refusal to come home with me that I said some things I shouldn't have.
- And what were her reasons for not coming back with you? - Karen insisted on knowing.
- The same as always. Fear of Caio.
- That's understandable, after all she had been through at the hands of this man, don't you think?
- I know, Mom. But, I told her that I could protect her, only she kept insisting that she's afraid that Caio will hurt me, and that if that happened she couldn't live with the guilt," Shawn said as he sat on the living room couch with his arm bent behind his head.
- Shawn, can you imagine how hard it is for Rosely to live with fear? Now it's even worse, because before she had to fear only for herself, but now she has to worry about everyone she loves, especially you? - Shawn heard his mother's words, and for the first time that day he understood the burden that Rosaly was carrying. How foolish he had been. Had he lost her?
- What do I do, Mom?
- Why don't you call her and talk to her like the two sensible people you are?
- What if she doesn't want to talk to me?
- You insist until you get her to talk to you. -. Karen said, smiling.
- What if I lost her? - he asked with troubled eyes.
- It wouldn't be the first time you had to win her back," his mother said, squeezing his shoulder affectionately. - Now stop talking and go take a shower, and I'll make you a decent meal. From your downcast face I'm sure you haven't eaten properly during this tour.
Shawn picked up his bags and went up the stairs to his room. His mother was right. He needed to talk to Rosaly. They loved each other too much to let the beautiful story they had written together end because of a difference of opinion. He would have Rosaly by his side and he would do whatever it took to get that.
Rosaly had been sitting in front of the mirror for half an hour and had no desire to leave. But soon she would have to pluck up courage and get up, because she couldn't hide in her room forever. It was her brother's wedding to Daniela and she was the bridesmaid, so there was no way she could make any excuse and not show up.
The woman staring back at her in the reflection of the mirror looked beautiful. Her long hair was pinned up in the act of her head, leaving only a few loose curls framing her delicate face. Her eyes were marked with eyeliner to highlight her greenish almost almond shape, her lips were painted with a bright pink lipstick, and she also wore a bit of shadow to brighten her look. The dress she had chosen for the occasion was long, tight and lilac, with a slit at the side that showed off her well made right thigh, it was strapless and the neckline was discreet enough to highlight her pretty, tanned bosom, while her pair of silver earrings matched beautifully with the dress, and with the bracelet she had gotten from Shawn a few days before he traveled to Canada. She lowered her head, and sighed, trying to make the pressure she felt in her chest lessen and allow her to breathe normally.
Shawn had left three weeks ago, and since then not a word had been exchanged between them. She had waited for days for him to send her a message or call, but nothing had happened, making her certain that it was really over between them. She had thought about calling him in those moments when her longing for him became unbearable, but had given up when she remembered the cold look he had given her the last time they had spoken, because if she called and he refused to talk to her, Rosaly would certainly be devastated and she would rather not risk feeling worse than she already did.
The days that passed after his departure were terrible for Rosaly, even worse than they had been when she had returned from Canada. At that time she had still hoped to see Shawn again, but now she knew that she would never see him again, because his silence all those days had given her the answer she didn't want to hear. Shawn had given up on her, and that hurt too much, but what had she thought? That Shawn would wait for her forever? He was young, rich and handsome, he would soon find someone to replace her, and Rosaly would be nothing more than a memory from his past. Tears threatened to fall, but she swallowed them, because they would ruin her makeup, and she wouldn't have time to redo them.
Crying had become her routine every night, because during the day she disguised her suffering as much as she could. She didn't want to worry her mother, who was busy making wedding preparations for her only son, and she also didn't want to spoil the happiness of Daniela and her brother, who seemed more in love every moment than ever. Seeing them like this reminded her of herself and Shawn, and she suffered a little more because he wasn't there. So she locked herself in her room at night, and only her pillow was witness to her countless tears and sobs that seemed to break her in half, because she couldn't believe it was over, she couldn't accept that she had lost the love of her life all at once.
Finally, she stood up from where she was sitting, balancing on her silver high-heeled sandals, and headed out of the room. It was time to go to church and she found her mother waiting for her. Ricardo had already left for fear that traffic might delay him, and Rosaly thought she had never seen her brother so nervous in her life. He hardly ever asked for calm, but in those days he seemed more agitated than the bride herself.
Rosaly and her mother arrived at the church accompanied by Daniela's brother who would pair with Rosaly at the altar. Since Shawn was no longer in touch, the bride had to find another best man to replace him, and her brother offered to be her best man along with Rosaly. So they made their way to the altar where the places were marked for the groomsmen, while Rosaly's mother sat in the first pew near the bride and groom.
The music began to play and Daniela entered, gloriously in her father's arms. She was wearing a champagne dress that marked her bust and fell loosely down her belly to her ankles. It was a simple, but tasteful dress, which enhanced the beauty of Rosaly's friend, who was resplendent on the most important day of her life. Her long blonde hair was tied up high in an elegant bun, and she held in her hands a bouquet of flowers made of azaleas, her favorite flowers.
Then Daniela walked down the aisle of the church with a huge smile on her face, and as she approached the altar, Rosaly's brother took her hand, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and led her to the priest who would give the blessings to both of them. Throughout the ceremony, Rosaly couldn't stop wondering if she would ever live that experience. But soon she discovered that the only man she would ever want to marry no longer wanted her, so it would probably never happen, she was doomed to live a lonely existence for the rest of her days, and this thought caused Rosaly a heartbreaking feeling.
The ceremony was over, and after the traditional greeting to the bride and groom, everyone headed for the ballroom where the party would take place, and although she wasn't very excited, Rosaly forced herself to sit at the table that Daniela had reserved for her along with her mother and pretend a joy that was not in her. Rosaly laughed, pretended to enjoy herself, but ate or drank very little, she simply couldn't swallow anything. There was a knot in the pit of her stomach that made her feel nauseous and without any appetite.
The time for the bridal waltz arrived and a piano was placed near the table where Rosaly was sitting, and then Shawn entered. Rosaly's eyes widened in amazement, not believing that he was really there. How gorgeous he looked in a black tuxedo that matched beautifully with his brown curls that had been carefully arranged that day instead of their usual rebelliousness.
He took the microphone and without taking his eyes off her he said:
- Hi guys. I know that now would be the time for the traditional waltz of the bride and groom, but I asked their permission to sing a song of mine in honor of them and the woman of my life. Rosaly, my love, this is for you. Rosaly's heart was beating so hard she thought it would explode, and when he sang the first lines of Mercy she thought she would burst into tears. She loved that song and Shawn knew it, so as he sang, she followed his every phrase as if it came straight from her soul and joined his in a perfect connection:
you've got a hold on me
Don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet
But I fall when I'm around ya
Show me an open door (You show me an open door)
And you go and slam it on me
I can't take anymore
I'm saying
Baby, please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
I'd drive through the night
Just to be near you, baby
Heart open, testify
Tell me that I'm not crazy
I'm not asking for a lot
Just that you're honest with me
And my pride is all I got
I'm saying
Baby, please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me?
I'm a puppet on your strings
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice without blinking
Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice (and I would do it twice without blinking)
Oh, please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me?
I'm a puppet on your string
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free
I'm begging you for mercy, mercy
(On my heart) I'm begging you, begging you, please, baby (On my heart)
I'm begging you for mercy, mercy (On my heart)
(On my heart) ooh, I'm begging you, I'm begging you (mercy for my heart)
When he finished singing, tears were falling down Rosaly's face. He reached over and took her hand and pulled her into his arms, wiping her tears away with his thumb and saying:
- Don't cry, my love. I don't want to see you sad because of me.- Rosaly looked into the brown eyes she loved most in life, shook her head and said:
- I am not sad, I am crying with happiness because you are here. I thought I would never see you again," she reached out and touched his face tenderly, trying to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She looked to the side and saw Daniela and Ricardo smiling at her, so she knew that they had been Shawn's accomplices in the surprise he had made for her.
- How? - she asked confused.
- I called Daniela three weeks ago to ask her what she thought of my idea, and she agreed to help me. Don't be angry with her, I asked her not to tell you. - he stroked her chin with his thumb, and they stared at each other for a few moments in silence. And of course, a few teenage girls from the party approached him shyly asking for Shawn's autograph and a picture. When he was free again for Rosaly, she said in his ear:
- Let's get out of here.
- Where do you want to go?
- Anywhere you want to take me," she replied, smiling,
Shawn took her hand and they left the party in a discreet way. Rosaly waved to Daniela who was taking some pictures with the guests, and her friend waved back, she also looked at the table where her mother was sitting at the table talking to Daniela's mother, then she followed Shawn without worrying about anything else.
They got into his car and drove straight to the hotel where he was staying, followed as always by his security guard. They went up the stairs without patience to wait for the elevator, because they were in a hurry to end the longing they were feeling for each other. When they entered the room, Shawn locked the door and took Rosaly in his arms. He brought his hands to her hair, removing the clips that held it in place and letting her shiny, curly hair fall down her back in breathtaking waves. Her dress was quickly removed as was his tuxedo, and when their mouths touched, they devoured each other simultaneously because of how much they had missed each other all those days. Rosaly pushed Shawn onto the bed, and climbed over his body, touching him as she had wanted to do for days. Her lips trailed down his body, and her tongue tasted so good on Shawn's skin. How she had missed those hands that slid down her back, squeezing her waist tightly, letting her see through his moans the size of the desire he had for her. They rolled around on the bed changing positions several times, and in one of them Shawn drove her crazy as he teased her by touching her breasts with his tongue until he made her moan his name, then he explored the entire length of her skin with his big manly hands, knowing by instinct which touch gave Rosaly the most pleasure. She gasped for breath, her moans savored by Shawn one by one, who watched her intently, finding her incredibly beautiful with her face flushed, her eyes half-closed, and her hair spread out on the pillow. And when he penetrated her body, making Rosaly moan even louder, he entwined his hands in hers, bringing Rosaly closer and they flew together until they reached the most powerful satisfaction of their bodies, which moved together in waves and more waves of pure desire.
They slowly regained consciousness, and were still attached to each other for a few seconds, while Rosaly savored the great feeling of having Shawn inside her, ending all the emptiness she had felt all those days. When they finally separated, the only words they said were:
- I love you, Shawn.
- I love you more, Rosely.
And then they fell asleep in peace, knowing that even if tomorrow brought turbulent days and violent storms, they would face everything calmly and serenely because they had each other and this alone was enough for them to have a happy and full life together.
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