Chapter 14- Discovery
Rosaly took care of the last client, and went to the locker room. She heard someone call her, and she saw with discouragement that it was John. She liked him, but she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.
She wanted to go home and rest a bit, as she would have a dance performance to do that night, and she needed to be in a good mood so that the show would look nice and pleasant for those watching it. However, she knew that she could not just turn around and leave, so she waited patiently for him to come.
John was really attractive, she observed. That particular day he wore a blue shirt that contrasted with his manly figure and showed off his stiff muscles. His pants told her they looked lightly stripped, and the round glasses matched his perfectly dashed face. Although he admitted that John was an interesting man, he did not attract her at all.
He wasn't the kind of man who would make you sigh, she thought. Perhaps because she preferred brown eyes and curly hair, she said to herself, remembering Peter, then she criticized herself mentally for the thought she had had. She shouldn't think about him.
- Good afternoon, Rosely. I see you're ready to leave. - He smiled at her, and Rosaly reciprocated without willingness.
- Yeah. She just answered, didn't want to stretch the conversation.
- I'd be free for coffee. - He looked at her hopefully, but she knew she'd have to decline his invitation again for a second time.
- John, I'm sorry, but I have a work appointment later that I must go.
- But, it's almost Friday night, Rosely. People usually have fun in this period and don't work - he said frowning.
- You'd be surprised how many people work on Friday night. - Rosaly said he wanted to get out of there right away.
- So no coffee break? - he looked disappointed.
- I'm sorry. Why don't you invite Lexy? I'm sure she'd love to have coffee with you. - Rosaly knew her friend was interested in John, even though she never admitted it to Rosaly, but she'd notice the enthusiasm in her voice every time she talked about John, and she hoped the man would realize what a great person Lexy was, and stop throwing out invitations on Rosaly's lap that she'd never accept. She had given him a cue and hoped John would understand.
- I'll ask her. Thanks for the suggestion. - He didn't seem very enthusiastic about Rosaly's suggestion, but he continued to smile sympathetically at her
- See you Monday, then.
- I'll see you then. - Rosaly said goodbye and headed for the locker room, thanking mentally for having the next day off.
She rarely had Saturday off, but she needed a quiet weekend to put her thoughts and feelings in order. Then she remembered what had happened between her and Peter the Sunday before, and felt the anguish take over again.
As soon as he had left, she had collapsed, and cried so much sitting on the floor of the room that she thought her tears would become a river. She had lost him, she was sure, because of the disappointed look he threw at her before he left and slammed the door of the room so hard, that the noise echoed through all the rooms of her apartment.
After that, she had only remembered to crawl into bed, and stayed there until late at night, when she had got up to eat something, for she had spent the whole day fasting, and needed strength to work the next day.
So the week had dragged on, and Rosaly thought it would never end. She was in a terrible state of mind, and not even the Shawn Mendes' song her students had chosen for that week had cheered her up. If I can't have you was a passionate song, but lively and without the same melancholy of the last song they worked with.
But Rosaly couldn't get rid of the feeling that she was walking on a tightrope and that at any moment she would lose her balance and fall into an endless cliff. Taking Peter away from her life was the hardest thing she had to do, but it was necessary.
She didn't want him to get hurt in case Caio showed up. Rosaly would rather face him alone than put someone else's life in danger, especially if that person were Peter.
She didn't want to acknowledge that the boy had charmed her, and that she was totally involved with him. She couldn't get him out of her mind all week, and the fact that Peter hadn't shown up for the last few days at Weekend had only made it worse and made her believe that he'd given up on her.
That thought had devastated her, she knew she'd done the right thing by asking him to stay away from her, and she naively believed they could at least be friends, but he'd made it clear what he wanted from her and friendship wasn't on his list.
The biggest problem was that she couldn't stand the thought of not seeing him, not knowing how he was, not seeing his smile. She missed so much nesting in his arms, feeling his caresses and the kisses that drove her crazy. Peter was delicate when he kissed her, and even at the height of the excitement, he didn't force her to do anything she didn't want to do.
He was different from Caio even at that point. Her ex-fiancé was always in such a hurry to get his own final satisfaction that he never took Rosaly's wishes into account, making the intimate moment between them something forced and very unpleasant for her. Sometimes she had the impression that for Caio a woman's obligation was to give pleasure to her man, leaving aside her own desires.
However, Peter made every moment exciting with him, worried about her and made her feel completely connected to him, because her desires were as great as his and one knew what the other wanted by pure instinct.
It was true that they didn't have that many intimate moments, because Rosaly had pushed him away whenever she realized she was going beyond her limits, but they were enough to make her imagine that making love to Peter must be incredible.
Suddenly she realized what she'd been thinking, and she tried to delete it all from her mind. She needed to concentrate on her task that night, and thinking about Peter wouldn't help her at all.
She came home, showered and rested for an hour. Then she took the clothes she would wear to the event with all the accessories and went to the dance studio to meet the other dancers.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Shawn finished getting ready and looked in the mirror. He couldn't believe he'd let Brian talk him into going on his parents' anniversary.
He had called as soon as Aaliyah left him alone. He was at the piano practicing with a song he had just composed, when his phone rang.
- That's it, Shawn. Where have you been, man?
- Hey,Brian. I've been busy with the final production of my cd, and you know how crazy that gets in the last phase. - he hadn't told him about Rosaly, for some reason, he wanted to protect what he had with her, and even though he trusted his friend, Shawn thought it was best to keep it a secret.
- I know, 'cause I've seen you go almost crazy in other productions. But the reason I'm calling you is that next weekend is my parents' wedding anniversary, and I'd like you to come to the celebration. - He said all excited.
- Did your father ask you to invite me? - Shawn asked, looking bored.
- No, this time it's the friend inviting you. You know my mom loves you.
- I know she does. - Shawn said, remembering the tall, elegant, blonde woman who always treated him like a son in his childhood when he and Brian played together. - I love her, too.
- So, will you come? - Brian's voice now sounded anxious.
- Yes, I will. - Shawn said at last.
- I'll expect you at eight. - Then he said it in a conspiratorial tone. - I promise you won't be bored, because I invited a bunch of cute girls.
- Thanks, but don't worry about it.- Shawn said goodbye, laughing at his friend, who always thought the solution to everything was dating girls.
Now there in his room, he didn't know if it was a good idea to accept the invitation, because he wasn't in a good mood. He'd been working like crazy all week, partly because he didn't want to think about Rosaly. He'd come home late, shower and throw himself into bed exhausted, only waking up the next day to start that marathon all over again.
He didn't go to the Weekend on purpose that week either, and as much as he felt a tremendous urge to see her, he couldn't find her, because he wanted to think of a better way to act before he looked for her again.
He took one last look in the mirror satisfied with his appearance in an expensive suit, which should cost hundreds of dollars, but on which he had not spent a penny, as he had gotten it from a famous company, after taking pictures to promote its brand. Being famous had its compensations sometimes.
He left home and entered his black Ferrari, driving to the center of town where was the address of the club that Brian had passed him by phone. As soon as he stopped the car, a boy two years younger than him, in charge of the cars that night asked him for the key to park it. Shawn handed him the keys and entered the club, causing the usual excitement with his arrival.
He felt the flashes on his face, the buzz of people who loved to make a good celebrity gossip, and the looks of girls who wanted to dispute his attention with a smile. He ignored all this, and looked for Brian, whom he found at the bar drinking tequila. Shawn asked the waiter the same thing, and asked his friend:
- How are thing going?
- Wonderful, and with you everything looks great, because your appearance is as flawless as ever. Where have you been all these weeks? I left you a thousand messages, but you didn't even bother to answer.
- I'm sorry, Brian. I told you I was working hard, but I promise I'll call you this week to schedule something. - Shawn said, tapping his friend's shoulder.
- All right, man. I know you've been really busy, I was just worried about the lack of news. You never stop answering my messages. I thought you were in trouble. - Brian said, taking another sip of your tequila.
Shawn looked at his friend with affection. He had always treated Shawn like a younger brother, and his concern for him since he became famous had increased. Brian was neurotic with kidnappings and crazy fans who shot his idols, and Shawn had always laughed at his paranoia, saying he watched the news a lot.
But deep down he knew that this was a serious matter for Brian who had had his father in the crosshairs of a kidnapper when he was little, so his fixation on Shawn's safety had an explanation.
- Thanks fr worrying, I promise I won't leave you without any more news.
- Good, then I won't be tempted to call the first police battalion I find, asking them to look for my friend who won't send me any news - they both laughed at the absurdity of that statement.
- Hey, looks like you got here in time, Brian said.
- In time for what?- Shawn asked confused with his friend's words.
- To enjoy the dance show. - He barely finished talking and the dancers came in. Shawn, who was on his back, turned to the stage as soon as they started dancing, making an introduction of equal, rehearsed steps, which they all performed together.
And then she walked in. Her hair was loose this time, and they fell in curls up to her waist. She wore a tight black skirt, which shaped her hips perfectly, which had a side opening, showing her beautiful legs The top of the costume was richly worked with stones that glowed on stage, while she performed a ripple on her body with the pleasure of music perfectly On her head, she had placed a tiara with gold coins on the ends, which fell delicately on her forehead.
Shawn was attracted to that girl again. He had almost forgotten about her and his desire to meet her, after all the trouble he'd been soaking up in the past few weeks, but now seeing her dancing on stage with unusual energy, he felt totally overwhelmed by her sensuality. A ray of light fell on her face, and then Shawn recognized her.
- Rosely. - The name came out of her lips before she knew it and Brian asked: -
Do you know her? - But Shawn didn't answer, surprised by his discovery, totally breathless when he realized that the girl on stage who had fascinated him at the other party was the same girl who had vibrated in his arms when he touched her.
How was that possible? Was he going crazy? Was his desire to see Rosaly so strong that he projected her face on that belly dancer?- he waited impatiently for the song to end, he needed to take the proof his eyes saw on that stage to make sure he wasn't losing his mind.
The song finally ended, and he had to turn away from a sea of people who insisted on staying in his way, preventing him from getting where he wanted to go. But by the time he got backstage, the dancers had already left, just like last time.
Shawn cursed quietly, and ran to the parking lot, without even remembering to say goodbye to anyone. He went into his Ferrari, driving as a crazy person, breaking all the speed records.
He arrived at Rosaly's apartment and rang the doorbell impatiently, eagerly waiting for her to open the door. When she did, amazed to see him there at that hour, Shawn just wouldn't let her talk. She was still dressed in her dancing outfit, and she looked wonderful. He pulled her into his arms looking intensely into her eyes, and touched Rosaly's face with affection, saying:
- It's really you. - Her red painted lips were a few inches from his that urged him to kiss her, and no longer resisting, Shawn glued his mouth to hers, leaning against the doorpost he'd closed with a movement of his foot.
Her body vibrated against his as he caressed her entirely. Shawn wanted her, and all his instincts said she wanted him, too. He felt himself in the middle of a storm that made him drown in Rosaly's warmth, her sweetness, the intensity of the touch of her hands, which he hadn't even noticed opened his shirt, and touched his naked chest.
He took her on his lap and carried her to the sofa, where he laid her down and deposited warm kisses all over her neck, shoulders and belly that the top of her clothes left delightfully exposed. Rosaly's low groans in his ears were affecting his reasoning. Shawn lifted his head and dipped his face into her scented hair. He didn't want to make love to Rosely on the sofa in the living room, he wanted to love her between soft silk sheets, where she'd have only her hair to cover her body, with nothing else to stop him from showing Rosaly how much he wanted her. His voice came out husky when he said:
- Please promise you'll have dinner with me tomorrow,- Rosaly agreed with her head without thinking, shaken too much by the sensations he had provoked to be able to speak. Shawn stroked her hair, gave her a sweet kiss, and said:
- I'll pick you up at 7:00. - He got up, walked out the door, closing it gently behind him.
Rosaly lay down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. Inside her a whirlwind of emotion almost swallowed her up. She had just discovered in the strangest way that she was terribly in love with Peter.
Hello. I hope you'll like this chapter and let me know your opinion. Kisses.
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