"What the fuck are you doing here?"
The strange woman smiled, shifted to sit at the foot of the bed. The point of Haseong's blade nearly touched her forehead. There was a grizzly scar that cut down her face, across her bent nose, and bits of seaweed stuck to her skin, tangled into her scraggly waist-length hair.
"It's always 'what are you doing here?' and 'who are you?'" She spoke with a faint Mandarin accent, tone smooth but cold. "Perhaps a better question would be 'what do you have to offer?'"
Haseong and I glanced at each other. A potential rival was in front of us and our only key was still clutched in my hand.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to steal your key. As a matter of fact..."
She reached into her corset — we looked away. When we looked back she had a key between her fingers.
"How did you...?" Haseong murmured.
"The key from the waterfall," I said. "You got it for Kwangsun."
"Now it's mine. And it could be yours."
"What's the catch?"
"Think of it less as a catch and more as an opportunity."
"You're not in the position to be proffering a deal right now." Haseong still had his bayonet pointed at her head.
She stood up. She had a foot on us both.
"Go on. Run me through. See how well it turns out for you."
I pushed Haseong's weapon down for him.
"Very good. Now listen." She paced while she spoke, back straight, fingers tapping against her hips. "I've been in the piracy game for some time now, posturing as an accessory for Ahn Kwangsun. I enjoy observing humans, their meagre thoughts and aspirations are infinitely entertaining.
"I hadn't expected to find individuals of my kind, but there you were, shattering a steel sword to pieces. Captain Bak Haseong, kingpin of the High Roller, risen from the dead. You gave me an opportunity to swipe the key from the wire. And you — Bang Chan, wasn't it? I haven't heard your name, but you must be learned if you managed to find the fourth key."
"You've been watching us?" I said.
"Just for a little while. When I saw Captain Bak had been turned, I couldn't help being intrigued. A two-man vampire crew would be stronger than a full crew of humans — and imagine how much stronger you'd be with me on your side, with the right convictions and objectives."
"You on our side?" I said unthinkingly.
"What do you mean, 'convictions and objectives'?" Haseong asked.
"I'm saying a pirate company operated by vampires would be the most powerful and formidable force on the planet."
"So you're out for world domination?"
"Don't be stupid, I seek riches and leverage. But if humanity just so happens to fall at our feet..."
I put my hand on Haseong's back, discreetly telling him that I didn't trust her. Fei's eyes missed nothing.
"There is no need for stealth — I'm only looking for an alliance."
"We don't know you," I said. "We didn't even know you were on our ship."
"My apologies if my behaviour was untoward. I didn't plan on making myself known for a while more, and I presumed these quarters would be of no use to you."
Haseong clicked his jaw. I straightened my shirt.
"This alliance you're proposing," he said. "What's in it for us?"
"Everything that benefits me will benefit you as well, but, namely, an additional key, and a leg up on your opponents. I haven't seen you exercise your gifts in their presence — I could sway things in your favour from behind the scenes."
"You would betray Captain Ahn?"
"Our partnership was... one-sided. I do not hold Kwangsun dear to my heart, though I suppose his determination to avenge my death is somewhat flattering, even if I was the one to incite it in the first place."
"How did you incite it?"
"Via anonymous note, I told The Hound that Kwangsun was planning to sink his ship and steal his key. It takes a token amount of effort to manipulate a man — their minds are simplistic."
"You say this to the men with whom you wish to be in arms," I said.
She rolled her eyes again. "Do not expect me to hold my tongue just because I'm in the company of a more temperamental sex. I come with a, frankly, elementary proposition and end up interrogated with a sword to my head. Captain, I presumed you would have decided by now."
Haseong's eyes narrowed. He was considering it. I was hesitant. She was clearly duplicitous — and mean — and we knew nothing of her history. Was there really a need for anyone outside the two of us? I liked the company as it was, where I didn't have to micromanage anybody but Haseong.
"How do we know we can trust you?" he asked.
Fei walked up to us — we both shrunk back a little — and held out the key. Haseong reluctantly took it.
"Do you know how incredibly easy it would be to get the keys myself? I've stolen treasure from a hundred pirates better than any of you — just for the hell of it, just for a lark." She smiled a smile of crocodile teeth. "There is power in numbers. Beyond Pi's insignificant fortune, there is more to claim as our own."
I looked at Haseong. He was looking at her.
He held his hand out. "It's settled. But you cheat me, you betray me, you get out of line — you will pay for it, understand?"
She grabbed his hand and shook it, once, hard. "Same goes for you, Captain." She shooed us aside and strode out of the cabin, speaking over her shoulder. "Don't let me adjourn your excursion — I'll prepare the ship in the meantime."
She kept walking. We looked at each other, awkward.
"That's obviously not happening," he said.
"No," I concurred.
He smiled a bit. "I should keep an eye on her."
I nodded. He hurried after Fei — she was already fiddling with the sails — and I watched, leaning against the doorframe. I hadn't planned to kiss Haseong, nor had I been entirely resigned to the fact that I wanted to. In addition, I hadn't expected an intimidating, vaguely Amazonian vampire to show up and insert herself into our quest.
Haseong wasn't the only one who could keep his finger on the pulse. I had my eye on her.
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