Tracey has tagged Teari in her status~ I know that this may sound like a stupid question, but what/how many Pokémon do you have?
Ember: What? You mean she hasn't told you
Ember: Damn
Ember: And I thought I kept things from my boyfriend
Brock: Wait, wut...?
Tracey: She's not my girlfriend!...
Tracey: ...yet
~Ash, Ember, and 1 other have liked this comment
Teari: Lol
<Private Messenger ~ Teari & Tracey>
Tracey: But seriously though, what Pokémon do you have?
Teari: ndujynxkdalakazamvkzqovsuhctjlovfjcjtdittovuovdgjiiydbbxjjghxglogxpppcyjkgejodhdj:P
Tracey: Wth?
Teari: bgkjvhhkjbueeveecdujkddsjogxdarcaninehxjkovdthohdtbkgcshinxjcghjhffhigfgvdhkogvkdrybkcubonehdhigfbcdugdjufddycdhcfhudsrowletvhjvunslkahkxtjcflpxtkcflgzgbkisjuxifjcdlisbckgiwynautvsthiyshzgjkffbdhlgxbkyfdjdmareepvhkvgjvduhduiofvdhoydjovulpixkctkuyshvfkofkilamo
Teari: Sorry! Sparky was playing on the keyboard when I went to use the bathroom! But I'm back now
Tracey: Oh, lol
Tracey: So who's Sparky?
Teari: My wittle baby Shinx :3
Teari: I luv him so much! He's so cute! <3
Tracey: ....
Teari: But don't worry, he's not nearly as cute as you~! <33
Tracey: God damn it, Teari! Stop making me blush!
Rose: Oma, stop flirting and make out already
Teari: How-? Wha-? Who invited you?!
Rose: Arceus
Arceus: Yes... It 'twas I, your Lord and Savor God and Almighty King, Arceus
Teari: Stop claiming you're God already, we all know that if there was any real Pokémon God, it'd be Mew
Mew: Sup, Doc?
Rose: The sky
Tracey: Tf?
Mew: No, look up
Rose: *looks up*
Rose: Oh, hi Mew!
Mew: *flees*
Rose: Aw..
Tracey: Hey, Teari
Teari: Yeah?
Tracey: Wanna get some ice cream?
Teari: Sure
~Tracey has logged off~
~Teari has logged off~
~Misty has posted a selfie of her and Ash from their travels in Johto~
Ash: Oh my Arceus Misty
Misty: What!? Is it a crime to bring back old memories online?!
Ember: If that we're the case, Brock would've been arrested last chapter
Bonnie: Fourth wall breaking...
Nobody: FourthWheelShipping...
Brock: did I just comment?
Ember: idk
Ash: No Mist! Look in the background!
Misty: OH F**K
Misty: I did NOT see that there!
Jigglypuff: Wow... so I'm a 'that' now huh, I see how it is
Misty: ....
Ash: ....
Gary: I find this very amusing
Lunala: Ikr?!
Rose: Lol
May has updated her status~ Dawnies got a crush~!
Drew: She's in denial
Dawn: GaSp! Are you taking May's side because up guys aren't at each others throats anymore!? :D
May: Well, not at the moment
May: I'll probably strangle him Thursday
~Ash, Harley, and 2 others have liked this comment
Drew: No, I was just merely teasing you...
Dawn: Dang it
Drew: ...because of your attraction to Paul
May: Stop denying it
Dawn: Not until you and Drew stop it with your bs and get a room instead
~Harley, Rose, and 3 others have liked this comment
May: Ha ha very funny joke
Drew: 10/10
Dawn: Umm... No I'm half serious. You two need to get together
May: What
Drew: Why
Dawn: Unless you don't mind me saying how wrong you really are(n't) about who my crush is..
Kenny: Oo! Is it me?
Kenny: I think it's me
Kenny: Is it me?
Kenny: I'm pretty sure it's me
May: ....
Drew: ....
May: ....
Drew: ...May-?
May: Yes
~May and Drew are in a relationship~
Harley: Aw~! Look at how my—
Lilly: Imma stop ya riiight there
~Solidad, May, Drew, and 11 others have liked this comment
Ash: Savage
May has updated her status~ Dawn...
Dawn: Ughhh fine
Dawn has updated her status~ I have a crush on Paul
~May, Drew, Paul, and 6 others have liked this status
May: Drew...
Drew: What?
May: Look who liked this status...
Drew: ....
May: Hmm.. Now why would Paul like the fact that the very young and beautiful Dawn Berlitz has a huge crush on him...
(A/N: Can anyone confirm what their last names are? Thx!)
May: Hmmmm....
May: It makes you wonder...
Paul: I'll have you know that I typically only like status to show that I've seen it when it involves me
Drew: Keyword- "typically"
May: This is why I love you
Dawn: This is why I hate you all...
Dawn: At the moment anyway
May: You know you love me
Dawn: As a friend
May: Exactly!
Drew: Where is this conversation going?
Dawn: Audino
Drew: Audino isn't a place, but I'll take it
Paul: How can you take an Audino if you're in Hoenn? They don't live there.
Drew: Actually I'm in Johto
Drew: Wait, you should've already known that because you attempted to murder me. And I saw you too!
Dawn: *gasp!*
May: *gasp!*
Paul: *sighs and face palms*
May: We are NOT bringing that back up again
Dawn: Yeah, don't remind her of the reasons why you didn't get together sooner
Drew: And it's okay to remind her that we only got together so you wouldn't spread rumors of our false (true) accusation about you having a crush on Paul?
~May has liked this comment
Dawn: ....Fair enough
Snivy has tagged Prof. Juniper in her status~ Why? Are? You? Giving? Me? To? This? Person?
Prof. Juniper: I had no choice okay, I lost a bet
Snivy: ....Seems legit
Teari: I'm feeling a little unloved as being described as "This person"
Ivysaur has tagged Tracey in his status~ Why did Prof. Oak want you to take me here? The environment here is weird
Tracey: 1) Idk, something about losing a bet
<Private Messenger ~ Dawn & Paul>
Dawn: Hey, Paul?
Paul: What could you possibly want?
Dawn: Geez, I was just wondering why you stepped into the argument over May and Drew
Paul: It's simple, Drew was being an ass to her
Paul: And I don't like asses
Dawn: If that was a comment, I would've liked it
Paul: Why, because you're glad I'm not a pervert?
Dawn: ....Damn. And because it's funny!
Paul: You think I'm funny?
Dawn: .....
Paul: Oh come on
Dawn: I don't ask you what you think of me!
Paul: So
Dawn: So don't ask me!
Paul: Fine, you don't have to answer a simple 'yes or no' question. Geez
Dawn: Actually...
Paul: Oh what now!
Dawn: What do you think of me?
Paul: Wow
Dawn: Well if you're gonna be like that you may as well just forget I said anything
Dawn: Since you can't answer a simple little question like that
Paul: ...Fine
Paul: I think that you are actually really nice and have a caring personality, but everyone probably thinks that about you. Though some may think you're weak, and frankly, I did too, but I can tell that you're getting stronger. You're definitely smarter in some ways too, but people probably think that you're very gullible, which I can strongly disagree with. To be even more honest then I already am, I'd hate to see you get together with some jerk that'll just break your heart like an abused Lillipup that's been left out on the street to die, and there's a chance that I'd probably hunt him down and teach him a lesson about why manipulating and playing with peoples feelings is wrong. So yeah, I won't say that I love you, but I will say that I do indeed have some heart and that I do indeed care.
Dawn: ....Damn
Paul: I kind of hate you now btw. You have no idea how much I cringed while typing that just to prove my point.
Dawn: Yeah I figured as much, but....
Dawn: .....Damn
Dawn: Just.... Damn...
Paul: Not like it matters to me, but is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Dawn: If you call a very strong and intense urge to make out with you a bad thing, then yes
Dawn: That is a very bad thing
Paul: I'm having mixed feelings about this
Misty has tagged Ash in her status~ Whatever happened to the "Well I'm just going to go apologize to Misty in person right now for what happened earlier. Brb."?
Gary: Watch Red be busy at the Gym on the day he shows up
Gary: Nah, I'll wait till a thousand
Ash and Misty: Boi
Welll... That was something...
The Paul and Dawn thing...
But y'all are cool with that, right? Right?!
It's just me that was disturbed by that, right?
Heh... heh.. heh....
So... who can find the most hidden Pokémon names in the gibberish Sparky typed up?
Btw, I'm sorry about how this is the only thing I have inspiration to write right now, but the more I write this, the more I realize that it's for my own selfish amusement.
So it'd make me feel a whole heck of a lot better if you guys comment so I know that I'm just doing this for myself.
Have a nice day!
(I think I'm keepin that outro)
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