Cinderella Pt: 5
I was washing the tile floors of the main entrance when two blondes burst though the front door, squealing like mad men.
"OMG!" They squealed at the same time, jumping up and down like little school girls.
"Girls! We do not act like children!" Lady Slyvannah scolded as she came down the stairs.
"But mother!" Azura started.
"Prince Garroth is on the look out for that mysterious maiden that was at the ball!" Zoey continued.
"And he plans on marrying her!" Azura finished.
Wait, Garroth is looking for me? And he wants to marry me? My mind goes back to the night before, dancing and laughing with Garroth. I hear something very loud in the background, but I ignore it and begin to daydreamingly dance my way up to my room. Little did I know, Lady Sylvannah was watching, and it didn't take her long to put two and two together.
"Oh, I wonder what he's going to say when he finds me!" I say, falling on my bed, daydreaming still.
"Well, keep wondering. Because you aren't leaving this room, mystery maiden." I hear someone hiss. I look up just in time to see Lady Slyvannah closing my door and locking it from the outside.
"WAIT! NO!" I scream, running towards my door. I jiggle the knob multiple times, but it's no use. I sit down, leaning against my door as the tears begin to flow. I begin to full on cry. "No." I whisper.
"Aphie? Aphie whats wrong?" I hear someone squeak.
"KATELYN! Oh thank goodness. Katelyn, I need you, Travis, and Kawaii~Chan to go and get the key from Lady Sylvannah! Oh and please hurry!" I plead.
"We're on it Aphie!" I hear Travis squeak.
"Please, hurry." I repeat. I hope they are able to get that key in time.
"Garroth, we've searched every house in Phoenix Drop. She's not here." Laurence tells me.
"There's still one more house. It has to be this one. It just has to be." I reply back.
"Garroth, I'm sorr..." Laurence starts, but I cut him off.
"I promised to myself that I would find her. We are going to that house, and that's an order." I say sternly. Laurence sighs, but tells the man to start up to the house.
Laurence knocks on the door, and a very ugly woman answers.
"Welcome, your majesty." The woman says, curtsying. Laurence looks back at me with a look that says good-luck-with-her-being-here. I nod, and he turns back.
"Good afternoon, miss. Do you have any daughters?" Laurence asks formally.
"Yes, I do. Come in, I'll introduce you to them." The lady moves aside, and Laurence and I step in. The house is quite big and clean, they must have a maid. Just then, two even uglier maidens walk in.
"Ah, here they are. Your majesty, meet Zoey and Azura, my two beautiful daughters." The woman announces proudly. Yeah, as beautiful as one of my paintings from art lessons. By the way, I suck at art.
"Well, Zoey, Azura, if you two could sit down, we can get started." Laurence sighs, wanting to get this over with.
The two maidens sit down on the lounge, and Laurence walks over to Zoey first. Zoey sticks out her ginormous foot, and Laurence winces before trying to get the slipper on the foot. As he and I both expected, she tried way to hard to get that slipper on, and I eventually had to command her to give that shoe back.
Next up is Azura, and she sticks out her small foot beneath her big dress. The slipper appears to have fit, and I get ready to rejoice, until her dress slips up and reveals that she has an even bigger foot than her sister.
"I'm sorry, but the slipper fits neither of you. If there are no other maidens, we will be on our way." I sigh, depressed that I never found her. Laurence and I start to head to the front door.
"WAIT!" I hear a familiar voice plead. I turn around to see a girl with tan skin and raven dark hair. It's her.
"Oh don't listen to her. She wasn't even at the..." The woman begins, but I hold my hand up.
"All maidens are to try it on." I say, my eyes still on her. I run up to meet her, and she shyly accepts my hand.
"Tell me, what is your name?" I ask her.
"My name is Aphmau. May I try on the glass slipper?" Aphmau asks, blushing a light pink.
"Of course, M'Lady." I lead her to a cushy chair and sit her down. "Laurence! The slipper?" I turn and call.
Laurence begins to fast walk carrying the glass slipper. But halfway here, the woman sticks her foot out. Laurence trips on it, and the slipper goes flying. I dash to grab it, but it hits the floor before I can. The slipper smashes into a million pieces.
"NO!" I scream, my heart shattering.
"Garroth..." Aphmau starts, and I look at her.
"Yes... Aphmau?"
"Well... you see... I have the other slipper." Aphmau pulls out the glass slipper's matching pair. I smile a smile that goes to my ears. I hear the gasps of the sisters and mother, but I ignore them. I rush to Aphmau and get down on a knee.
"May I?" She hands me the slipper and I slip it on her tiny foot. Perfect fit.
"I found you." I say, tears of joy coming to my eyes.
"You found me." I look up at her and embrace her in a big bear hug.
"I will always find you." I whisper in her ear.
"I know." She whispers back. I pull away only to pull her back into a loving kiss.
A few weeks later, Garroth was crowned king of O'Khasis.
Aphmau and Lucinda became great friends, and Lucinda was able to turn Katelyn, Travis, and Kawaii~Chan into humans. Permanently. Travis and Katelyn were wed, and Kawaii~Chan and Zane fell in love. Those two were wed as well.
Lady Sylvannah, Azura, and Zoey all apologized for the way they treated Aphmau. Aphmau forgave them, and they moved away to the region of Tu'la. Aphmau hasn't seen them since.
As for Garroth and Aphmau, they agreed that they wanted to wait for Aphmau to get a better education before they were wed and she was crowned queen of O'Khasis. One year later, Aphmau and Garroth were finally wed. And they lived happily ever after, but not before performing a cheesy love song that ended all love stories. QUE DA MUSIC!
"Don't go breaking my heart" Garroth sang.
"I couldn't if I tried" Aphmau sang back.
"Honey if I get restless"
"Baby you're not that kind"
"Don't go breaking my heart"
"You take the weight off me"
"Honey when you knock on my door"
"I gave you my key"
"Nobody knows it" They sang together
"When I was down"
"I was your clown"
"Nobody knows it"
"Right from the start"
"I gave you my heart
I gave you my heart"
"So don't go breaking my heart"
"I won't go breaking your heart"
Aphmau and Garroth ran down the steps of the palace, hand in hand. Being herself, Aphmau left a shoe on a step. Garroth got down on a knee and put it on her, earning an AWWWWW from the kingdom spectating. Aphmau and Garroth hopped into their honeymoon carriage as Katelyn, Travis, Kawaii~Chan, Zane, and Vlyad sung them away.
And they all lived happily ever after.
A/N AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND that wraps up my short story Garmau version of Cinderella! I had a lot of fun writing this (especially this chapter for OBVIOUS REASONS) and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.
Also, APHMAU HIT 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! IDC IF SHE PROBABLY AIN'T READING THIS, CONGRATS JESS! You deserve each and everyone of us, and you are an inspiration to us all. I look up to you and strive to be like you everyday.
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