Chapter 10
Travis POV.
So many things have happened in the past day. Katie woke up, the woman she brought in woke up, tensions were getting higher in camp. I hope Katie is okay. I really hope she doesn't remember anything I said to her in the infirmary.
Katie POV.
Right after breakfast the next morning the camp gathers to hear who the mysterious lady is and why she's here. Chiron let's them talk among themselves for a bit before quieting them and having me and Lucy stand next to him as he begins to speak.
He glances at Lucy before he starts speaking, as if he was one of the campers trying to decide why she's here. "It has been an interesting week, thank you all for keeping up with your normal jobs while we sort this out. There has been a new women in camp, her name is Lucy and she comes with good intentions."
As he said that everyone in the crowd seemed a bit more at ease, but they still wondered why she's here. "She has been through a lot and had to give her daughter up for a foster home. She and Katie plan on going to California. But, they will need help."
Chiron stepped back and motioned me to step up and talk."Because this isn't a quest and we don't know how far we will have to go to get her daughter back, we will be taking as many as Chiron saw fit to let us take. Lucy and I will be joined by Piper, Travis and Conner." I looked at them as I said their names to make sure they would be okay with going with us. I saw Travis and Conner look at each in surprise then look back at me as if I had to explain why I chose them.
I roll my eyes, the answer was simple. I like Travis, a lot. But I can't tell him that. Instead I say " We will need your persuasion and athletic abilities on this journey. Those mixed with mine and Pipers abilities, we should be able to get Lucy to her daughter safely. Plus, I know if I ask for one of you, I get both." There. I hope that was good enough.
I let out a quiet sigh of relief after they looked at each other and nodded acceptingly. I stepped back and Chiron stepped forward to say "I should expect that this meeting shouldn't effect the rest of your day. If I hear of anyone using this as an excuse there will be consequences. Now go on with your normal schedule."
With that Chiron, Lucy and I step back under the overhang and the few whispers that were in the crowd grew into talking and shouting. They all wanted to know how Lucy got past the border and why Lucy got such special help (we have had other mortals walk close to the border, most of them with family or friends inside the border. That person usually takes one of two other people to escort them out of the woods.)
We went on with our day but for the five of us going on the journey, it was anything but normal. Piper and I had talked a several times and I considered her a friend but I had no clue about how she would react to me choosing her. Lucy, Chiron and I got to The Big House and waited for the others to arrive. I was rather nervous but Lucy looked like she was freaking out.
"It'll be okay." I said to her. "They might be confused at first but once we tell them the whole story, they will understand. They are kind people." She looked at me, smiled then nodded. She said, "I don't think I have anything to fear." But even as she said that her confidence shattered a little more.
Piper came in first, looking excited but nervous. After Piper and Lucy introduced themselves they both looked more relaxed. Piper sat down at the table as the Stoll brothers walked in, both looking uncomfortable.
"It looks like everyone is here, Katie I'll leave you to it." Chiron said, glancing at me before he trotted out the door and closed it behind him. I looked around nervously. Travis and Conner were staring at Lucy, trying to figure her out, Piper looked at my expectantly and Lucy quietly sat under the stares of the Stolls.
I clear my throat and begin, "Everyone, this is Lucy. Lucy this is Piper, Conner and Travis." I motion to each person. "Piper is a daughter of Aphrodite. She has the abilities of charmspeak, amokiniesis (having some control over many degrees of love, lust, beauty, etc.) and is fluent in french. Travis and Conner are full brothers and sons of Hermes. They have good fighting skills, are extremely cunning, can steal things without others noticing (which, in some cases, is actually good), they can even open locks without touching them." I could feel myself blush as I talked about Travis and Conner.
Don't be afraid of talking to him. Having him join you on this quest will be good for both of you. It will be fine, I promise. Hebe tells me. I guess all I can do is trust her.
"Anyway, I'm guessing you three have questions about Lucy and this quest." As I said that I saw all three of them nod. "Ask away."
Piper went first. "Lucy, you seem very kind but what is the point of the quest? Why are we going all the way to California to get your daughter? Is she in danger? Is that why we have to go help her?"
Lucy seemed very overwhelmed by the questions but when I went to answer them she stopped me. She said to me, "If I'm going to be on a journey with these people, we should probably gain some trust between us." I nodded and she turned back to the group.
"My daughters name is Nashi. After her father, my husband, died, we were in some hard times. I could barley find work, even in the guild I am in. I was at the funeral for my husband and I met a man who was friends with a close friend of mine. That man happened to be Katie's father. We talked for a bit and eventually he found out about my lack of work. He told me his wife had recently died and the house had been empty. He offered me a house cleaning job. So of course I said yes, I needed it. For a while, I was doing my best to support Nashi and I but it was a limited income and Mr. Adam didn't allow children in the house. I had to give Nashi to a foster home, she was only ten. It's been two years."
There was a moment of silence as Piper, Travis and Conner took it in. I didn't know the entire story but I wasn't surprised. However, I was surprised that Travis was the one to ask, " Is Nashi in trouble? Is what why we're going on the quest or is it something different?" There was something in his voice that I couldn't quite place.
Lucy nodded and replied, " Yes. There was a single lady in the town I grew up in that was always so kind to me, taught me how to defend myself even though my father didn't approve after my mother died. She was like my sister and best friend. She, as I have very recently found out, was Artemis is disguise."
She paused to help Conner, Piper and Travis take that in. "She came to me in a dream and showed me my daughter and Nashi looked like she was happy. But I learned from Artemis that she feels misplaced and she wishes for a place she can truly call home. I want to give her that. No- I should give her that. I have to. That is why I need all of your help, to get her back from California."
They looked at each other and nodded. "But what will we do after we get her from California? Will we bring her here or what?" Conner asked. I thought for a moment then answered, "For now I say we bring her back here then see what happens. But that might change."
"Nashi might want to go back to our guild. Would that be ok?" Lucy asked, a bit hesitant about contradicting anyone.
I looked at everyone else and they all knew the answer. "She might want to but even if she does, we need to come back to camp first. This is the safest place and we don't know what kind of powers your daughter might have."
Lucy nodded and I ended the meeting with a recap of what's gonna happen.
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