Flottation - 25
[ Flotation / Floatation ]
Jungkook didn't answer. Because he didn't have anything to reply either. He also wasn't able to face this question. Was it wrong that Taehyung liked it ? Maybe. Was it wrong if he, himself, liked it ? Probably. But to express this thought to the hazel haired, no, Jungkook couldn't do it. He had simply smiled and offered the teacher a suggestive gaze. They didn't try to continue this conversation as the two of them knew, that both didn't have a good answer to reply. Their bagels had fulfilled the void. Their salads too. Without forgetting the drinks they chose. The meal was pleasant, here, in the middle of nature. The temperature was a little warmer than a few hours ago and after a good digestion, Jungkook had proposed to the hazel haired to walk around the lake.
« When do you want to go back ? » The black haired mumbled.
Taehyung looked up at the killer, as they quietly walked.
« Whenever you want. » The hazel haired smiled.
« It's past three, you probably want to go back to rest a bit, don't you ? »
« It's fine, we're great here. » The older had assured.
They resumed their walk, they were close. Their hands were brushing and the chirping birds made the atmosphere more gentle. On the other side of the lake could be seen Jungkook's R8. They had walked around half of the lake. There's a moment when Taehyung was so lost in his thoughts that he lost his trajectory. Without meaning to, his shoulder had percussed Jungkook's, their hands touched in a real contact. Jungkook's eyes widened before laughing.
« Are you sure you're not tired ? » He whispered.
« Well... Maybe a little. » A soft laugh left Taehyung.
As the two men were staring at each other, they got closer once again. Just like before lunch. When they had kissed. The hazel haired had his eyes staring deep inside the black haired's, who seemed suddenly disturbed. All of a sudden, his face went from radiant to dark. Taehyung didn't understand the brutal change of behaviour. He was going to say something but Jungkook picked up a call.
❝ - Where are you, son of a bitch ? Jungkook groaned
- ...
- Show youself if you dare.
- ...
Jungkook quickly typed on his phone, as if he was doing something vital.
- You better grow some balls, and come out. The black haired was pissed off.
- ...
- If I find out who you are, I'll break you. Do you hear me ? ❞
And it hung up. Shocked by Jungkook's aggressiveness, Taehyung didn't know how to react. His hesitating hand went to rest on the killer's shoulder.
« Sorry. I must have scared you. » The assassin mumbled, letting out a sigh of disappointment.
« It's nothing. What's happening ? » Taehyung tried to relax the younger.
Jungkook seemed to think about the teacher's words. Without thinking, his left hand grabbed Taehyung's hand. He immediately felt the warmth of his palm, the softness of his skin. Their eyes met and the black haired dragged the hazel haired after him. They resumed their peaceful walking, while Jungkook's hand touched the teacher's. A small discomfort prowled.
« I've got some problems in my life as a killer. »
« So I thought. » The older didn't feel satisfied with this answer.
« Someone's tracking me. »
Taehyung froze for a bit, his lips parted before closing. His face turned towards Jungkook, he felt pained.
« Someone's here ? »
« No. He doesn't know where we are. He just wanted to get on my nerves on Christmas' Day. »
« You know who it is ? »
« No... I think it's a guy. One of my rivals. But nothing's sure. »
« You shouldn't have answered. » Taehyung breathed out.
« I can't help it. » The killer groaned.
The two men were still walking, the path's gravel was light. Their hands were linked by their pinky finger without even understanding the meaning of the gesture.
« Can you do something for me ? » The hazel haired whispered.
« What ? »
« Don't reply to this person, ever again, Jungkook. » He was serious.
The young athlete had trouble taking in Taehyung's words, for the simple and good reason that he thought he didn't hear well. He raised his black pupils towards the hazel haired, the plot floated in his eyes.
« But... »
« Seriously. Don't read those messages and don't pick up the calls. »
« I can't. Everytime it buzzes, it itches me. » Jungkook mumbled, helplessness.
« Change your phone. The person won't be able to contact you. Ok ? » Taehyung insisted.
Confused by the older's determination, Jungkook applied pressure on the literature teacher's finger with his own.
« I'll change it then. But why do you worry for me ? »
« Because you're often disturbed by those messages. Look... Today was a good day and anger suddenly hit you. » His hoarse voice was saddened.
Walking near the water, Jungkook noted the hazel haired's words in the corner of his head. They were real, full of truth.
« No. Today was, and still is a beautiful day. The black haired gently breathed out. One of the most beautiful day I've ever had in my shitty life, Taehyung. » His tone was really sincere.
Without parting their intertwined pinky fingers, the two walked in this peaceful place. Just fresh air and nature.
« So, I was able to contribute to a little happiness in your life ? » The literature teacher whispered.
« You're contributing to it every day without noticing it. Thank you. Thank you for your attention towards a pathetic killer keeping you in his apartment. » A snicker left his lips.
Jungkook felt the teacher had tensed up. But because the black haired had mentionned it, or more because the assassin looked beaten down. Dull from life, breathless, in need of renewal. And the hazel haired had been moved by the black haired's honest words. He tightened his grip on his warm finger, tongue pushing his cheek.
« Don't say that. Don't say that you're pathetic. You're way more than that, you're worth way more than this title, Jungkook. You just don't realize it and that's too bad. » He had muttered.
« Make me realize it, then. Because I personally only see darkness and meanness in me. » A nostalgic smile appeared on his face.
Taehyung hesitated. He wanted to do it again. To press his lips against Jungkook's. From the moment they first kissed near the lake, the two men didn't do it again. Not by embarrassment. But just to understand what was happening between them. Without really understanding this feeling. Just an unknown emotional outpouring to Jungkook, strange to Taehyung. However, it was here. And those emotions were coming back. Making the older want to be closer to the black haired. To share a kiss to soothe his bruised heart, a broken and dustful heart. Yes, that was the killer's state. Without even realizing it. Just someone the hazel haired had noticed. So he did. Chaste, but of real will, Taehyung had married Jungkook's lips. To heal the black haired's internal loneliness.
The previous day, the two men had came back home around five thirty in the afternoon. Before leaving this beautiful lake, they had eaten some snacks. A great moment spent near the water under the sun which was high in the sky for Christmas. Then, they had decided to get back home because the ride was pretty long to get back to Jungkook's apartment. The evening had gone fast. After eating a light meal for dinner, they had immediately gone to bed. The day had tired them out. They didn't really have the motivation to watch something on tv. However, before going to bed, the black haired had called his best friend. He had explained about the most upsetting phone call he had received from the unknown. The voice had been edited. And that hadn't been surprising to Hoseok. So he had proposed to Jungkook to come by in a few days, enough time to look up into the new information. Jungkook had accepted.
His holiday was soon coming to an end, it had been almost two weeks since the killer had made this decision, especially since the black haired had a week of rest before his holiday, because of his shoulder injury. It was there, the longer break he had taken in years. He had strangely liked this time passed to Taehyung's sides. It didn't bore him, the opposite actually, it seemed like a renewal in his life. A bit intriguing but real. Ever since their journey to the lake for Christmas, three days had passed by. It was December 29th, the day before Taehyung's birthday. The ambiance had been good. Suspicious but really good. They haven't kissed again. They had stayed close, but not that much. Or at least, neither Jungkook nor Taehyung have had the courage to do it again.
« Jungkook ? » The hazel haired called from the living room.
The black haired stepped out of the bathroom, hair wet and a towel on his shoulder. Shirtless as usual since some time. Jungkook joined Taehyung in the living room.
« Yes ? »
The sight of the killer shirtless, didn't leave the teacher indifferent. But he tried to act as if nothing, like he always does.
« Can I ask you something ? »
« You already are. » The professional assassin snickered.
The older couldn't help but laugh.
« No, seriously. »
Amused by Taehyung's expression, the black haired sat next to him on the couch. They had already eaten, it was around nine o'clock.
« I'm listening. » Jungkook smiled.
« Mmh... You know i'm turning twenty four tomorrow. And... »
« Do you want something in particular ? Tell me. »
« Go out. I know it has only been five days since we last wen tout, but I really enjoyed it. » His eyes were bright at the idea.
« Of course. By the way... I know a place we could go. Do you like animals ? »
Taehyung nodded vividly. A smile appeared on his rosy lips, as Jungkook was happy to see him excited.
« Great. So we're doing that. The younger smiled. We'll end this ear with new year's eve, that I never celebrate. But Hoseok is going to come here with us. »
Happy of this pleasant schedule for the end of the year, the teacher was really excited for what was coming.
« That's awesome, thank you. » The hazel haired whispered.
His eyes fell on the killer's injured shoulder. Instantly, he got closer to Jungkook to observe the skin. His fingers brushed the black haired's skin, he felt that the killer was attentive.
« It healed correctly, no ? »
« Yes, everything's better. Thanks to you. » Jungkook gently smiled at him.
« Thankfully you took a break, that could have been way worse you know. »
Jungkook nodded at Taehyung's words. They stared at each other for a bit, and then Jungkook had proposed to watch a movie to end this peaceful evening. Once they were settled, the movie started. Both of them were focused on the captivating scenario happening in front of them, they only let out laughs from time to time. Time was ticking, Taehyung felt tired. He went to drink a water mint, before coming back to Jungkook in the living room. He hadn't moved and he had also paused the movie so the hazel haired wouldn't miss anything happening in the story.
Taehyung sat back down, but without really realizing it, his body capsized towards Jungkook. Because of how tired he was, he had slipped, letting his head fall on the killer's muscled thighs. And he didn't even move. His head stayed here, resting on the black haired's lap, his blonde strands had spread on the younger's black shorts. Jungkook had mysteriously let his dark eyes on the older. Taehyung enjoyed watching the movie like this, without looking embarrassed. A laugh almost inaudible escaped the black haired and he decided to also, not do anything about it.
He deeply breathed in before breathing out right after. His breathing had made Taehyung's hazel hair tremble. The latter stayed on his back, his legs were bent and his hands were crossed on his tummy. The movie was still playing, however Jungkook and Taehyung's attention were no longer on what was happening in front of them. No, they were focusing on what was happening between them at the moment. Jungkook let his left hand slide on the teacher's head, gently. His fingers were softly brushing his hair, leaving Taehyung surprised. Their eyes didn't leave the flat screen, though the desire of drowning in the black haired's eyes was tickling the hazel haired. This sensation of his hand through his hair, was so pleasant that his eyelids struggled to stay open.
« Are you sleepy ? » The black haired whispered.
Taehyung could only mumble a few incomprehensible words.
« I didn't understand anything. » He chuckled.
« I said, your fingers in my hair are not helping. »
Finally, the hazel haired looked away from the tv to look at Jungkook. The black haired already had his eyes set on the older, enjoying the softness of his face.
« Do you like it ? » The black haired had whispered.
Taehyung wasn't crazy. But here, he wasn't only hearing a simple question. Jungkook's tone had sounded full of lust. Teasing without really being. And the hazel haired had trouble containing the bad thoughts that started invading his mind. A shocking vision came to his mind and Taehyung let out a surprised gasp at himself. He was ashamed. So ashamed. How did he dare ? Imagining this kind of scene. Jungkook against him, heat and a bit too much sensuality between them. His cheeks flushed red but the hazel haired was saved by the dark. However, the black haired had noticed the shock washing over the literature teacher. He was intrigued but didn't ask.
« Do I like what, Jungkook ? » Taehyung finally mumbled.
Still staring at each other, they didn't move away from the other. The killer had a teasing smirk on his lips, as the hazel haired tried to stay serious.
« My caresses. » The younger had whispered.
Once again, Taehyung wasn't sure. Jungkook was playing, he was certain of it.
« I don't know. Depends which ones. The hazel haired answered. There are some that I haven't had the occasion to know yet. »
When someone engaged in this way, Taehyung didn't beat around the bush. And the honesty had destabilized Jungkook for a bit. His eyes widened but a smile was still on his lips.
« I didn't know you had such thoughts, Taehyung. » He whispered.
« You're looking for it. » The hazel haired muttered.
Suddenly, with an unexplainable urge, Taehyung straightened up. Jungkook's hand fell from Taehyung's hair, and he saw that the teacher had turned to face him was still being on his lap. His hands rested on the couch, letting his chest slightly bend. Jungkook didn't move an inch. His eyes were shining in the dark. The only sound being heard was the movie that wasn't paused. Taehyung decided, he might as well try. He slowly got even closer to Jungkook. One leg going on the other side of the black haired, so he was sitting on the younger's lap. Having both his legs bent on each side, he had sat down without much trouble on Jungkook. The killer's breathing stopped. He didn't understand the audacity.
« What are you doing ? » He mumbled, without showing his shock.
Taehyung only smiled. He circled his arms around Jungkook, as their faces were getting closer.
« Tongue, what do you say about that ? » He had dared whisper.
The black haired was going to sink. Of course he was going to.
Chapter 25 !
I think you've realized by now that the author is a tease... I mean, you didn't see all of it yet I guess 😏
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