Guardians of the Helms
Long ago, in a land yet to be named, there were nine species that lived in harmony. There was no greater species, and there were no rulers above them all.
There was the Kirin Unicorns, fierce warriors and skilled in battle magic, renown for their armies and tactical brilliance.
Then the Delude Thestrals, quick and silent fliers of the night. Known for their sly words and spy work, with exceptional hearing and perfect eyesight.
Next, the Dusties, a fairy like race of Pegasus, with the ability to sooth others with the dust that falls off of their wings. Known exclusively for their angelic features and soothing qualities.
The Hunters a primal race of meat eating ponies, while rather brash when it came to diplomacy, they are the only ones to have trained the monsters of the forest. Being unarmed with no magic or flying, they use their sharply honed instincts and observation. Although some will say that with special cases they can control plants themselves.
Then the Hippocampi, a sea based horse species, with their numbers as various and diverse as the marine life they live with. Being used as mostly transportation and making beautiful jewelry, they have two forms, one with a tail, and the other with legs.
The Earth Gypsy's, a swamp based system of ponies, heavily influenced by dark magic, and superstitions. Not only is their dark magic the strongest of all, the will of the species is the strongest as well, making few of them fall to temptation.
The Birds of Paradise were gorgeous bird like horses, with feathers instead of mains, and wings that they constantly preen. Seen as vein creatures, what they lack in strength they make up for in speed, being the fastest in the sky.
The Frost Unicorns live in frigid temperatures and are excellent diplomates, renowned for their speckled patterning and shades of whites, blues, purples, and greys. They live as a secretive group, but have the largest numbers of them all.
Last came the Valkyrie, tall and thin species with double eyelids, used to going days without water and running as fast as the tornados that travel their land. Manes of flame travel behind them, along with their spiraled horns used like rams.
Mares were the dominate of the Colts and often left them to housework and other such objectives like taking care of the fillies.
But there were still those that the nine didn't quite get along with, whether they held grudges or didn't like a decision. Sometimes it was magic gone wrong.
But the leaders of the nine groups feared for the worst, that a group of rebels would rise against them all. And their fears were true, a mesh of all nine species, mostly hybrids, rose and attacked the peaceful capital of Kuhhia.
Desperate to end the fighting, the leaders commissioned the greatest forgers in the lands to forge nine helms, one for each of the species.
The helms were enchanted to choose the warriors who would represent the species the best, in the end the first nine warriors perished.
They defended their city and kept the Tainted from invading any further, sending them away to the highest mountain peak.
With their death came more enchantments to the helms, ones to preserve the memory of the warriors and to ensure that if the helms were ever to be used again, that the next nine wouldn't die.
The nine species signed an agreement after that, naming it the "Helm Accord", so that if any one species was in trouble they would be helped by the others, and should war break out, it was to be quelled.
A council made up of each species was made under the Helm Accord, and for a short time all was peaceful.
But not long after, an Earth Gypsy named Dusted Orb made a prophecy that baffled the council of the Helm Accord.
"Along the fated path that leads to the end of the seas core.
A great battle will shake the world causing destiny to soar.
Fires will rage and winds will roar , twist and shatter glass panes.
Hope shall be lost and all shall crumble underneath the flames.
But the helms that glow for all to see.
Shall bring nine of different species together for their destiny.
One bright and tough with a heart of gold.
The other sharp and uncut, brash and bold.
One that will follow destiny and soar quietly in the star lit sky.
The next will look down below them and say to everything they know goodbye.
One soft and round, but hold enough secrets to crush a colt.
Then next will stay as long as they can, to fight the urge to bolt.
One will unleash an evil that can never be controlled.
The next blurs the line between friend and foe.
The last of them all will cast an unforgivable curse.
Before they give up the nine helms of species, all will disperse.
From above will come a new threat from the sky, that will scour the earth in search of his prey.
And from the helms two will have to curse themselves to a fate worse than death most will say.
The Guardians of the Helms will sacrifice all to save the ones behind them.
Sacrifice will take them all, and with them their species crowning gem.
Fate is cruel and Destiny is a curse for all to bear.
The Helms will take a heavy price to be our savior.
Unpaid they will cut like a saber."
Like all prophecies, it was vague and cryptic, but it wasn't to be taken lightly.
Many years passed before the nine were found, all born on the year of the Dead Sky, when the stars refused to shine.
Golden Coat, a Valkyrie with a golden colored coat and eyes as blue as the sky above them all. A member of the Drifting Sands house, and A talented navigator.
Shard, a Frost Unicorn with a dark blue coat and light blue splashes, like all Frost Unicorn they held the signature clear white eyes. A member of the Skylight Democracy, a talented weapons smith in the art of flash freezing.
Destiney Ascension, a Delude Thestral with an attitude and swift wings. Brown iris sit on a pool of black and a dark grey coat to help blend into the sky. Part of the Blood Eclipse pact, the swiftest flyer and skilled psychologist.
Manucode, a black Paradise with highlights of greens and blues. Frightening black eyes take many off guard, lacking their usual colorful flare. A member of house Peacock, a talented manuscript writer and tale teller.
Sugar Plum a purple Dustie with white highlights and glowing soft wings, along with brown eyes. Related to a member of the Honey Suckle Oligarchy, a medic with 'excellent' bedside manners.
Tiger Stripe, a grey hippocampi with orange stripes covering his body like a tiger shark. A royal member in the Diamond Shark monarchy, fiercest warrior in the entire ocean.
Fated Path, a Kirin unicorn, a light grey with grey eyes, signature stand out hair. Played a huge role in the Crystalline Dynasty, the smartest tactician of their generation.
Sharp Wit, a Hunter with a scar right down his chest in an ugly reminder to be careful, brown with green eyes. Part of the Glowing Willow Tribe, can tame any wild creature.
Last came Glowing Glass, a Earth Gypsy with a painted cream and brown coat, and light brown eyes. They were under the rule of the loosely made Crocodile Council, skilled in voodoo and the dark arts.
With the nine Guardians of the Helms found hope could reign again.
Until the prophecy came true
And all perished.
Field Notes Of Species Specific Traits
Notes from by Raggiana
-Hippocampis have no cutie mark, but instead have glowing markings.
-Male Hippocampis are rare and are usually protected by the royal guard as a rare resource
-Birthrates in the kingdom are particularly low around this time
-The chances of death during birth for mothers is extremely high, and extremely painful
-They can live for hundreds of years if they take care of themselves right
-There are subclasses among the kingdoms based on the physical traits given at birth
- Sirens (No known male of this kind, gorgeous manes and long smooth and slim tails, hypnotizing voices, unknown relation)
- Messengers (Slim bodies, usually of stripped pattern with thin but powerful wings used to propel themselves through the water, closely related to flying fish)
- Pods (thick bodied, usually neutral colors with the occasional greyish blue, closely related to whales and orca's)
- Tricksters (vibrant colors with many tentacles to propel themselves along instead of a tail, can ink and change the color of their scales at will, closely related to octopus and squid.)
- Needles (White with another vibrant color or occasionally neutral colors, spikes along spine and on hooves and tail, closely related to stonefish and lionfish)
- Sharks (Long and cold blooded, with rough skin and sharp teeth, mainly members of the royal family, closely related to sharks, go figure)
-At birth all hippocampi are giving an enchanted bracelet that allows them to grow hind legs and let them walk on land
-Hunters also don't have cutie marks, but they're marked by the first creature they tame.
-Hunters while meat eaters, have been known to supplement their diet with berries and scavenged edibles
-Hunters value honor and family above all else, but honor above family
-All hunters have a special set of markings under each eye that helps keep the sun out of their eyes
-Females hunt and run the packs while males stay back and take care of the 'cubs'
-They have long thin tails with a sharp point at the end, used in battle, rumors have circulated that the point is venomous, but it's doubtful.
-All hunters grow out their mains and keep them well maintained in ceremonial fashion
-A rather tribal group
-They share ancient burial grounds with the Earth Gypsy's at the forest of Glowing Willows
-Small and compact, perfect for their environment and abilities
-Frosts have declaws used to hold onto the ice and prevent slipping, or more specifically they'll extend and dig in during fierce snow storms, or during battles between snow tigers or each other.
-Society in the Democracy is strict and cold, but there are softened rules for specific groups such as veterans and carrying mothers
-Foals are separated from their parents at birth
-Not much is known about the obedient Frost number wise or culturally
Birds of Paradise
-Females are much more colorful than then males who tend to be more neutral colors
-Eye colors are very important to them, the color of your eyes determine your fate and love
- Brown: a comfortable life and stable love, compatible with almost all of the others. Best suited for work with plants and building.
- Green: A vibrant life of adventure and promise, with many flings before finding one willing to go along with them, compatible with purple and brown. Best suited for work in the deeper parts of the forest and exploration
- Blue: A soft and cushioned life with plenty to indulge in and love, often with an eye for the finer tastes in life, often dipping into a pool of multiple lovers at once and experiencing each before choosing one, compatible with orange. Best suited for jobs with finer taste like cooking.
- Red: A loud and exciting life, filled with exciting people and great opportunities, will mess around with a few before finding one to stick with for longer, compatible with white and brown. Best suited for jobs loud and exciting, like a tour guide or musician.
- Pink: A happy bright look on the world with underlying tragedy to be seen with just a little peak, usually hopeless romantics constantly searching for love, compatible with grey and brown.
- Purple: A smooth and flowing life that goes with the flow and rarely hits and bumps, willing to try many things and will go through many lovers before finding someone worth flowing with, compatible with green and brown. Best suited for jobs that go wrong easily and need thinking, such as engineers.
- Grey: Hard work and rising through the ranks is a wealthy and busy life, often ignoring love until it runs smack into them, compatible with pink and brown. Best suited for office work, and business'
- Orange: Destined for a hearty life with tough moments and trials, but many friends will be made amongst it all, are usually recluse to lovers and need someone to coax them out, compatible with blue and brown. Best suited for tougher jobs requiring muscle, such as cargo loading.
- White: A quiet and plain life, while not boring all will be provided to live and not much else, might date a few before finding someone to spice up their life without dragging them out of their comfort zone, compatible with red and brown. Best suited for simple jobs with books alike authors and librarians, a few homes designers can be found as well.
- Amber: Malice hidden under gorgeous looks and a well rounded personality, the snakes of the forest with sly intentions, at heart soft and warm like honey, just needs the right pony to see it, compatible with brown. Best suited for trickier work such as politicians and merchants.
- Black: A bad Omen, no black eyed paradise had ever lived enough of a life to have a fate for themselves, not one had ever dated nor found love. All of them have been unsuited for any job. Most are executed at birth, only one lives currently. Extremely rare
-Besides most of that, they're skilled flyers and the fastest in the sky
-To do that their bones are hollow much like a regular birds, but that makes them rather weak in hoof to hoof combat.
-much more useful as quick fast attackers before retreating into the sky.
Delude Thestral's
-Appears to be more males than females, which was odd in this era as their leader seemed to be male.
-Huge leaps for colt rights at the time
-Largely mysterious creatures
-Little is know about their home or where they came from, even less about them.
-Rumors and truth are hard to pick out from them, sure they could live in caves, but they could also live in the clouds
Kirin Unicorn's
-Short legs and long bodies, still considered the largest of all of the nine, towering over the animalistic tribal griffins.
-Largest army of them all, could easily overpower the other eight if it wasn't for their air forces
-Magically strongest traditionally
-Ceremonial hair cuts among those in the dynasty court and generals in the wars
-Is an even mix of each gender
-The reason they're all so large is there sets of secondary and tertiary organs that will kick in if the first set shuts down.
-They go through an painful process when switching from damaged organs to healthy ones, can cause nausea, puking, insane episodes of delusions, and violence.
Earth Gypsy's
-Heavily into dark magic and voodoo
-They're really stubborn and strong willed, so you can rarely get your way with them
-the only reason a lot of them haven't turned to betraying the other right is because of their stubbornness, when they say they aren't going to do something they mean it
-Sometimes newborns disappear from their families, nopony knows where they go or what happens to them.
-More likely to create hybrids than the others, since they're more likely to find love in other species instead of their own
-Share burial grounds with the Hunters
-Very superstitious
-Wear small lockets with a few leaves from a Glowing Willow, saying that then they'd always have a part of their ancestors with them.
-Amazing stamina
-Cutiemarks are usually vague
-The only ones able to make accurate prophecies
-Males have traditionally longer hair and brighter colors.
-females have shorter manes and practically run the country
-they glow
-what part glows depends on the pony
-They cremate their dead and toss the hot ashes over the bodies of their living relatives, where their dotted patterns come from, they're scars
-Actually a pretty morbid society if you think about it
-if you're found guilty of any crimes under the Oligarchy, punishments range from burning hoofs, and wings, to plainly burning you at the stake slowly and maliciously.
-Not much is know about where they live or how they live in the hot sweltering heat and hellish tornados that ripple the land
-Theorized that they could possibly be nomads
-Manes are made of flames along with tails, the height of the flames will tell you how old they are
-the color of the flames tells you who they descended from
- Yellow Flames: Warrior Prince Rattlesnake
- Orange Flames: Gladiator Golden Sword
- Red Flames: Scholar Red Tail
- Blue Flames: Astronomer Falcon Talon
- White Flames: Executioner Hourglass
- Black Flames: King Sandstorm
- Purple Flames: Mistress Amethyst
-Swift runners with strong legs, can run for miles on end without breaking a sweat.
-Weak to the cold
-Females have larger horns
Guardian Information
Fated Path:
Anxious little thing
Needs love
Raised by older Brother
Royal tactician
Ceremonial Hair Cut
Is scared because of Destiny
Looks mean but is really nice
Wants to die a little
The best at what she does
Theme song: Warrior - Beth Crowley
Destiny Ascension:
Sorry had to get that out
Actually kinda nice sometimes
Not often
Really a bitch
But she tries to be nice sometimes
She says it's her upbringing or something
Apparently hates Colts
Not a good thing
Probably knows your darkest secret
Nothing personal
Theme Song: Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo
Golden Coat:
Not a hot head
Really stubborn
Really, really stubborn
Pushy too
Kinda mean sometimes
Calls you out
Remembers everything
Can be really pissy
Try's to be secretive
Fails horribly
Theme Song: Mr.Brightside - Killers
Sharp Wit:
Hates everyone
Does bite
Doesn't talk much
Kinda scary
Will bite if provoked
Eats meat
Long hair
Moves around silently
Has made Shard faint by accidentally sneaking up on him
Theme song: Flesh - Simon Curtis
Glowing Glass:
Yells a lot
Really good at magic
Kinda creepy
Bags under eyes
Has a garden
Says rawr
Theme song: Children of the night - Kate Covington
Tiger Stripe:
It's not a phase
Doesn't like when people are overbearing
Is one of the few male hippocampi's left
A prince
The only Prince
Best solider
Actually really scared all the time
Theme song: You're your own problem - Caleb Hyles
Writes a lot
Kinda an outcast
But not an outcast
Everybody is nice to him, they just don't look him in the eye
Kinda like just being nice to that one person who murdered other people because you don't want them to murder you
Other birds of paradise uncomfortable around him
Likes Willow trees
Theme song: If I die young - Micheal Henry and Justine Robinett
Has goggles
Rebellious af
Only to Frost's
Actually pretty tame to others
Tries his best
Kinda rude
Doesn't mean to be
Just awkward
Easily startled
Theme Song: Wolves - Aviators
Sugar plum
Enragement child
Has scars on his stomach
Has no life
No family either
Kinda paranoid
Will fight you
Has secrets
Really good at them
Theme song: Supernatural (ET Parody) - Abbi Edwards
This is what I've been doing with my life.
I already regret doing this.
But there's still more to come.
Like a shipping guide.
And maybe a book if I can motivate myself to doing it.
All well.
Don't count on it.
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