This children is what happens when you have an ear infection, want to die, and feel like an angsty little shít for no reason.
Alright I feel like I should maybe try to explain this.
So one of my favorite Mlp Oc's is Dusk or as I like to call her when I draw her and talk to myself, Duskie Wuskie.
She was my first Original character, and god she has evolved, but she was a odd little thing. Even when I started i knew I wanted something different, it took me a few years but eventually my brain sorta clicked I had an idea.
Brain: Yo dumbass
Moi: Bitch what did you say to me?
Brain: Nevermind that shit fam, remember that cringy ass zebra alicorn pony you made all those years ago for no reason?
Moi: Oh god no
Brain: *Shoves design in* Redraw this shitlet, give them a better design, and give them a personality less like your lazy ass.
Moi: Why the hell do they have three wings? Nobody likes Alicorn Oc's anyway, why the hell do you want me to do this?
Brain: That's the kicker, she has all those damn wings and she doesn't know how to fly, can't even glide most days. Same with that damn horn, she's practically a horse with useless parts.
Moi: Oh shít, that's actually a good idea.
Brain: Thx man.
Moi: Question tho fam
Brain: Whatchu need.
Moi: What's the catch? What about her is going to make me die on the inside every time I look at her.
Brain: She's not gay.
Moi: *Wheeze*
Brain: Besides that, her children all have fading manes as well, and we all know how much you love making those.
Moi:... Fuk you fam
Brain: Peace fam.
Sadly I'm not kidding, that is my actual thought process. I just sit there and star at whatever I'm doing and talk to myself out loud or internally. Just like that.
Regardless Dusk is still one of my favorite oc's, and she wasn't hated by all when I wrote my first story on her. Which I need to delete because it's awful.
But at the same time nobody really likes an Alicorn Oc, and I can't really blame them. I've tried my best to make her a more believable pony, even gave her a useless title as "Princess of the Stars" she can't even control them, she just maps them and sends them to canterlot.
She's part of the Spirits Of Heart, this fake thing I made up for my benefit. Because honestly I had time to burn and I wasn't adding another element to the element of harmony.
But back to my thing. I feel like if I used her to represent me instead of Silver Claw, I would have been brushed into the bin of bad oc creators.
But that's just me, and my ear hurts so much I can barely think so it probably wasn't a good time to write all of this anyway. All well.
Hope ya'll like the new art style. It's probably going to stay.
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