Isn't she beautiful?
Ignore the messed up wings for that question.
Anyway let me give you all a little dip into the pool of my Duskie.
Name: Dusk
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Personality: Dusk is a generally pleasant pony to be around, she isn't hyper, but she isn't sluggish either. She holds hope for everything she does and sees, she loves the colors as they light up her world around her, and more so the ponies that bring meaning to the colors she holds so dear. She loved the patterns the stars make in the vast cool colored sky as the moon cast its rays across the fields, while she never knows what she's capable until she wakes up in the morning she is always hopeful and optimistic. She is rather sensitive about her wings, and her horn as well, and instead of brushing them off like she can anything else, she will grow very angry, very quickly. And Dusk is less pleasant to be around when she gets mad.
Cutiemark: A map with a star in the middle and marked spots where constellations would be.
Talent: She maps and manages the progress of the stars across the sky, occasionally rearranging them if she has the ability to.
Backstory: (In progress)
Likes: The stars, colors, charting the stars and constellations, heavy rain, exploring the aspects of each different breed of pony, hoping for the best out of everypony, that satisfying sound when she cracks her back, gardening
Dislikes: Waking up with her mane messed up beyond all belief, waking up for no reason, feeling hopeless, having three sets of wings and not being fast regardless, accidentally hitting some pony with her wings, swimming
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