Chapter Twenty two: Truth or Dare?
Ray walked back over to the group and set the cards down in the middle of us. Poppy gulped and grabbed the top card.
What's your real darkest secret? Answer with the first thing in your head or there will be consequences.
Poppy read the card out loud and took a deep breath.
"Haha, I don't really have anything. I'm pretty honest."
Her eyes bulged. Her breathing got quicker but she laughed and denied having any secrets to hide again. Then something no one was ready for happened. She. Melted. Right. There. She just slowly melted away like the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz. She looked so scared. No no no! This couldn't be happening. She was just melting away. How?? Why??? Oh my gosh! She's dead! She's gone! Just like that! She's dead? No! Tears flowed down my cheeks. Lily screamed. Angie started sobbing. Ray and Jordan has tears in their eyes. The rest of us just stared. She was dead. Because she wouldn't answer the question.
Sorry about your friend. Rules matter. Keep going. The game has just begun.
Breathe Christina, breathe.
"Jordan, you're next," Lily nudged him lightly. He took a deep breath and grabbed his card.
You're dared to confess you're feeling for everyone in this circle. They must me honest. Honesty means survival.
"Angie: I've had a crush on you since the day I met you, I've just been too scared to tell you.
Christina: you're one of my favorite people I just sometimes get worried you'll ditch me, but we've stayed together since kindergarten
Heather: I don't know you very well, but I think somethings going on with you, I'm not sure I trust you very much either.
Madeline: no idea, but you're really quiet, so I think you could be a little more helpful. You're very pretty though
Jeremy: bro, you've totally got a huge gay crush on ray, other than that, great job with getting through the pain of the bullet, but man you're really scared of spiders.
Ray: Yo, we've been best friends for a while, and all I can say is that you really need to suck it up and find a boyfriend.
Nix: you're a total bitch, honestly I think if anyone, you should be here, because you're a total dick, and you need to be taught a lesson.
Philip: I think you've been hiding something from me for the last year and I'd like to know what it is since I'm your best friend, and you're also pretty oblivious, but you're a great friend
Henry: great job taking care of your sister, keep it up, but I don't really know you.
Lily: look, we all hate it here, but I think you need to fend for yourself a little more, what happens when your brother isn't here to help?
Holy shit, that sucked, I'm not dead thou-" Jordan was cut off by getting full on kissed on the mouth by Angie. Finally! She let go and smiled at him.
"I like you too," she commented and kissed him again. Then, looked around, blushed and sat back down. We all laughed lightly, glad that his turn was over, and that they had finally confessed. Angie's turn was next. She reached her shaky hand forward and grabbed a card.
Switch spots with Poppy. Stay there. Don't get up until the end of the game. No one else may touch you
Angie looked up with tears in her eyes. She stood up and slouched her way to Poppy's old spot. It was still wet from where Poppy had melted down. Angie was going to have to sit in the melted remains of her best friend. I had tears in my eyes as she sat down, not daring to make eye contact with anyone.
My heart dropped. My turn. I steadied my shaking hand and gulped down my tears. The card felt weird on my fingers, almost unreal. I flipped the piece of death around and read the words.
Shoot someone.
WHAT!?!? I've got to shoot one of them??? Who?? And with what?
I looked down in my lap at the gun that wasn't there a moment ago. Holy shit. Ive got to shoot one them. Wait. What if I shoot myself. It doesn't have to be bad I'll just shoot my toe or something.
"I'll do it. Shoot me," I looked up at Philip my heart dropping.
"Shoot me then," this time I looked at Jeremy, he smiled lightly.
"Shoot one of us," Lily added as she and her brother looked at me.
"No no no! I'm not shooting any of you. Ok shoot myself."
Great. So I've got to shoot one of them.
"Chris, shoot me. Just my foot or something. Please?" Philip wasn't going to back down, I had to shoot him. Tears streamed down my face. I didn't want to shoot him. Not him. I love him, I can't hurt him.
"Hey. Just look at me. Breathe," Philip tried calming me, "I'll be fine, Chris, just do it, ok?" I picked up the gun and grabbed Philip's hand with the other. I loaded and cocked the gun, my fingers in the trigger.
"I'm so sorry." I pointed the pun toward Philip's foot, and shot.
A/N: thanks to all of you for 149 readers so far! Wow, I sound like a loser. Anyway, I can't explain my gratitude to all of you. Thanks to those of you who have voted as well (you know who you are) and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow if you enjoy! Love all of you so so so much
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
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