Chapter Twenty: Holy shit
Ray let out an unearthly screech as Angie pushed forward and grabbed Jeremy's bleeding leg.
"JORDAN DELGER GIVE ME YOUR LETTERMAN JACKET! HURRY UP, AND SOMEBODY LOOK FOR A NEEDLE AND THREAD!" Angie was shouting now. She knew how to deal with gun shot wounds since her dad was a cop. Jordan threw her his jacket while Heather and Henry opened the closet door to look for something like a thread and needles. Luckily, it seemed as if "it" had planned out what would happen and there were different supplies, including needles and thread, in the closet. Henry handed the thread to Lily, who gave it to Angie. Angie tied up Jeremy's leg using the jacket.
"This is going to hurt, ok?" Angie questioned Jeremy. He nodded with a grimace in response. She tried to use her hands to get the bullet out of Jeremy's leg. Jermey let out a screech, squeezing his eyes shut. I looked away, not wanting to watch. Ray sat next to Jeremy, trying to calm him. Once Angie got the bullet removed she grabbed the needle and began to sew the wound shut, so that Jeremy wouldn't bleed out. Jeremy continued to let out whimpers here and there, and was now gripping Ray's hand so hard it was turning white. Whatever this crazy person was thinking to capture us, he's insane, but we're not going down that easy.
We had Nix grab a towel from the "closet of doom" and used it to wrap Jeremy's leg, that had subsided in bleeding now. We all decided that nothing else good was going to come out of staying up any later, and thought we should try to sleep. Luckily there were two big blankets in the closet. After agreeing to lay them in the ground we all took our spots. Henry and Lily were at the end near the stairs with next it going Heather, Madeline, Jeremy, Ray, Poppy, me, Philip, Nix, Angie, then Jordan. None of us were tired, but we tired our best.
It's been a while and it seemed like Henry, Lily, Madeline, Jeremy, Poppy, Nix, Angie, and Jordan were all asleep, but Heather, Ray, me, and Philip were all still awake. Heather sat up and walked over to the "bathroom," trying to hide her face. I could tell she'd been crying. I looked over at Ray, who had his arm around a sleeping Jeremy, who'd snuggled up to his chest. I wiggles my eyebrows at Ray, who's face burned bright crimson. I giggled, and turned back to Philip. For a minute I forgot we were trapped in a killers basement. Philip just looks so beautiful, he always looked so calm, even when he probably wasn't. He gave me a smile and motioned me to lay back down. I complied and rested my head on his chest. It was cold in here, so I had an excuse to cuddle in closer to him. I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I know I never saw heather walk back from the bathroom.
A/N: I'll be posting again in about five minutes. Sorry I didn't post until later tonight. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow if you enjoy. Love you all so much.
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
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