Chapter THREE: Truth or dare (sorry i labled chapter two chapter three)
"Christina, truth or dare?" Ugh, why did Poppy have to be the one to ask me?
"Um, truth."
"Do you liiiiike anyone?" She seemed really interested, hm, I wonder why. That's at least an easy one.
They all erupted with begs and pleas of who it was. I guess I could tell them I mean it's not a big deal.
"Nix." I replied with little to no care.
"You mean the hot kid from your history class?" Ray and Angie inquired at the same time. I nodded in response. I swore I saw Philip frown, but it was probably a trick in my mind or with the lights. Poppy did seem to be happier though, and with her next comment I knew why.
"Oh, really? I thought you liked Philip," Poppy said with a little too much interest
This caused Philip to look up and I think his cheeks turned a light pink, but again it was probably the lights. I giggled at that.
"Of course not. We're just friends." I responded. I got it now. She just wanted Philip ALL to herself. Well, fine by me. I felt another one of those twinge things in my chest that I had felt earlier in the hallway near the lockers. Weird. I need to look into that.
"Ray, truth or dare?" I asked.
"Are you gay?" That's kind of rude to ask but hey, I'm curious. Ray then felt a lot of interest in his nails and nodded slowly while looking up like a deer in headlights.
His response got whoops and cheers and "congrats" from everyone in the group, and Ray visibly relaxed smiling. I was smiling too. I was hoping he'd get that response, we all pretty much knew already.
"Philip, truth or dare?" Ray then questioned.
"Daaaaare." Philip was always the one to choose dare first.
"I dare you to whisper to me who you think the cutest person in the room is, if I'm right you don't have to kiss them, if I'm wrong you have to kiss them, right here, right now." Ray was giggling like a school girl. I wonder what Philip will say.
Philip shrugged, shimmied over to Ray, and whispered something into his ear. Ray's laughter calmed and he whined since apparently he was right and Philip didn't have to kiss anyone. Philip whooped triumphantly and he took us seat again. Poppy's eyes seemed to be glued to him, watching as if she could dig the answers from his brain. I stared at her. Wanting to glare for no reason.
We played a few more rounds, figuring out that Ray had a crush on another kid from English class, Angie was bi and she had a secret kitten she was trying to hide from her parents, Jordan had to take off his shirt, and Angie had to sit in his lap, then we proceeded to dare Poppy to run around outside singing the ABC's bothering Ray's neighbors, and Philip has a secret he's keeping from me that everyone in the group knows except me they're also claiming I'm oblivious, but I'm still super confused. The game ended after Jordan said he had to pee. He left the room and we all began interrogation on Angie, begging her to admit that she totally was head over heels for Jordan. She finally gave in the second before Jordan walked in the room. Dang it! Why couldn't he have hurried up. This ship needs to sail.
A/N: sorry about the chapter problem last chapter. Thanks for the support. Love you guys💙💙
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton💙💙
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