Chapter Thirty Nine: The liquid
"Quick, we got to keep everybody out of that stuff, I don't know what it is, but I don't think I want to find out. I grabbed Chris and Lily, dragging them to the other side of the room. Ray was getting Jeremy and Angie. I got Henry next, along with Nix, while Ray tried to figure out how to pick up Heather, without hurting her at all. I got Jordan last, and Ray and I used the blanket that had been on the floor to keep from any of the ooze getting to everyone. We sat down next to all our friends, silently watching the liquid get closer to us. The blankets seemed to be keeping it out for now, but how can we stop it, and if we can't ever get past this, we'll end up dying of thirst. I held my breath as the liquid started to cause the blankets to change color, as it soaked through the fabric. I hear a mumble, of what I would have called a whimper in pain, sort of like one wolves would make when wounded. I looked over to where the sound was coming from, and felt myself begin to dry heave. The liquid had come through the small opening between two blankets, and was slowly dissolving Jordan's left arm. The red liquid was just melting it off, as if this bone was a piece of sugar, or cotton candy. I prayed that it would stop at his arm, and was slightly startled as I realized the ooze was sinking back into the floor, as if hurting someone was its job, and now it was done. Jordan's arm was completely disintegrated, leaving just the shoulder, and a bubbling, open wound, peeling away, and looking burning hot, almost steaming. Ray gasped, and I brought my attention over to what had happened to him. Jeremy had the right part of his hand in the ooze, and his pinky and ring finger were no longer present. Good thing he said he liked singing more than playing any instruments. Holy shit, I'm totally going insane. I don't even know if I'm thinking clearly anymore.
Ray and I looked through everyone else, making sure the liquid had only touched Jeremy, and Jordan. This guy really needed to lay off Jeremy, I'm not sure how much more he can deal with anymore, but I did hear him mumbling something about making it out of here, and something about Ray too, so I think and hope he's got it in him to keep fighting.
Everybody was still asleep, and I'm not sure what's supposed to happen next, but for now Ray and I have absolutely no idea what we're doing. Once the ooze is all gone, we can hopefully touch the blankets again, but we'll need to check first to make sure nothing bad will happen to us if we do. I've read so many horror books, but none of them are anything like this. All of the characters would form a bond, fighting off the bad guys, and never really seeming to mention that they're all starving to death, as they fight the battle, plus somehow this guy knows how to move things around without any of us noticing. What if it really is one of us? There isn't any way for that to happen though, since we've all been here when the games are being played. Whatever is going on with Heather and Lily might not be a simple solution, but if we figure out exactly what's going on with that, it might be our ticket out of here. Hm, I wonder if there's a lock on the door, which would mean that we'd have to find a key.
I got up, stepping over the blanket, and still doing my best to walk slowly, without ripping my burnt, and flaking skin. I stepped up each stair slowly, almost waiting for nothing to happen, and quickly examined the door as I reached the top step. There was definitely a keyhole, but it wouldn't matter, since we couldn't find a key, if anything this may just cause more work. This also means that we can't kill whoever locked us up, until after we have the key, or know where it is, unless he comes down here, which seems very unlikely. I looked back down the stairs at Ray, who had Jeremy's sleeping head resting in his lap, while lightly running his hand through Jeremy's hair, obviously lost in thought. I wonder what he's thinking. What are we going to do? We can't stay down here forever, Heather is lucky she even made it this far, and Poppy didn't even make it twenty four hours. She was strong too, I can't believe she's really gone. We've all been so focused on getting out, we haven't been able to focus on the fact that Poppy's really gone, along with Madeline and Jenny. Their poor families are going to be devastated. What am I even saying? All our families are going to be devastated. How are we going to do this? I hope someone is contacting to police about us. Maybe someone is looking, but I don't know how far from home we could be. Maybe we're in a different state, or maybe they had driven us in circles and we're only fifteen minutes from home and school. It's funny, I used to think about tests and struggling in math. I used to worry about who would be home when I got back from school, and how I'd get done my homework. How I would be able to get together with Chris, and now I'm sitting down here, looking at all my friends, and Jordan missing an arm, wondering if I'm even going to make it out of here alive, or who's going to die on the way out. How will I be able to get Chris home safely, if I don't even know if we can make it home at all.
I walked back down the steps, trying to swallow back the tears that stung my eyes, and wished for the lump to go away. I couldn't cry, that wouldn't do anything helpful, it would be the opposite of productive. We can't give him a show, that's what he wants.
"Hey, how is everything going down here?" I asked, begging my voice to not crack or quiver. Ray looked up at me with a sad smile on his face, tears streaming silently down his cheeks.
"I'm just glad he's alive. Why are they targeting him though? What did he do? I don't u-understand," Ray was obviously struggling, and he was strong, so this was hard to watch.
"They know that not only can he take it, but they know that you care about him so deeply, that it'll hurt you just as much, which means they're killing two birds with one stone, and it's easier, and more "fun" that way," I tried to speak calmly, and not let Ray know that I was struggling.
"It's ok to be scared, Philip, not to mention I'm totally good at seeing through people, and your act isn't fooling me at all," it was nice to hear Ray joking around again, and I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks, sinking to the floor, wondering what was going to come next. Maybe Ray is right, it's ok to break down, and we'll be ok, we're strong.
"Jeremy looks comfortable," I remarked, smirking. Ray blushed.
"Shut up."
A/N: Longer chapter today! It's like 12am right now but I don't sleep. Haha I'm ded. Anyway thanks so so much love all of you! Thanks for sixty five followers and for the votes! If y'all are enjoying don't forget to comment and vote! Love y'all! Let me know if you have any ideas on stories!
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Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
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