Chapter Thirty Four: Lily?
I woke back up to an easy breeze, not too hot, or cold, and newly folded sweats in front of me. Looking down at my mostly naked figure, I quickly tried to jump up to put on the clothes, instantly regretting my decision. I felt like I could hear my skin ripping. The raw, broken skin, cracking and starting to bleed from the sudden movement. I felt so brittle. Lifting up my hands, I cringed at the blood seeping out of the red and peach colored skin, looking like the surface of the sun. I felt ill, glad to be out of the vast temperature changes, but I didn't feel human, and I had a migraine from everything going on. I looked around at all my friends, my family. Seeing them hurting, wincing in pain as they touched their dead skin. Jeremy was awake now, but definitely not looking better that yesterday. Some of us were still passed out. In a state of unconsciousness, at least it didn't hurt. I crawled my way over to the sink to get some water, and it felt so amazing going down my throat I almost couldn't stop. I let my mouth fall from the faucet, and let some fresh, quiet sobs escape my, dry, crackling lips. Ray came up behind me, tears still dried in his eyes, and gave me a hug.
"Hang in there Christina. We got this, alright?" He whispered. I hugged him back, best I could without rubbing my skin on anything. I'd never burned easily when I went to the beach either, and this pain was so much worse than when I'd come home on the days I'd burned, occasionally. I wiped my eyes, noticing that not too many tears even fell, the heat having severely dehydrated me. How were we going to survive?
Once I'd gotten back to my spot on the floor, Philip was conscious, and as I sat down, slowly as to not hurt myself more, Philip bombarded me with questions on what I'd been awake for, and how my skin felt. If I needed anything or if I was okay. I looked past him to see Henry roll his eyes playfully, mocking Philip, and holding up the heart sign with his hands. A blush rose to my cheeks as I understood what he was implying, and subtly shook my head in response. My eyes went back to Philip, and I smirked and reassured him I was fine. I need him more than anything. Right now, I can't do this without him. We all have to work together to get out of here, and I'm not staying here forever, I just can't.
We all crawled over into a morphed circle, all cringing at how the others all looked, only imagining how bad we all looked ourselves. Lily had a look I'd never seen her have- she was angry, a glare possesed across her usually tame features. What was funny was that she didn't seemed to have burned, or have any frostbite at all. I followed where her eyes seemed to be fixed, and was surprised to see that- Lily was scowling at Heather. What? Why? What was Heather even so closed up about anyway? Is that why Lily was so seemingly mad at her? And why wasn't Lily burned? I looked over at Philip, to see him again, looking right back at me. He tilted his head, asking what I needed, as if he read my mind. I lightly jolted my head to the side, as if to say "follow me, I need to talk to you." We made our way over to the far corner of the room, and I gulped, glancing back over to the group, none of them seemed to be watching.
"What's going on with Lily?" I interrogated, whispering.
"No idea, and how come she's not burnt, and she doesn't seem to have any frostbite either."
"I know, and what did Heather do to get that much of a reaction, I mean sure, she's been a real downer, but who wouldn't be down in here?"
"No way, this has got to be deeper than just pissing each other off, this is something personal, and its got to tie back to the fact that Lily isn't burnt at all," Philip looked down at me after finishing, worry growing on his face. We both heard something move over where our friends were, our eyes growing wider, as we looked at each other, then slowly turned our heads to the group.Heather was backed into the corner, opposite from ours, and Lily was about three feet from her, slowly creeping closer. Any color left from my face, had dripped to the floor, and i ran over to the group, grabbing Philip's hand as I went. Even from only running about forty feet, everything was hurting again from the skin ripping, and my bones aching. I ignored it, too worried about what was going on with Heather and Lily.
"What happened?" I whispered to Jeremy and Ray, who was sitting next to me, looking like a deer in the headlights, probably similar to me.
"W-we're not sure, s-she just walked over to Heather, and H-Heather just s-stood up and backed i-into the corner, like s-she was scared f-for her l-life," Jeremy was still talking in a hushed voice, but was a little louder so that Philip and I knew what'd happened. Ray gave Jeremy a pat on the back.
"Are y'all together or what?" I slapped Philip on the arm, giggling at his blunt question. Ray's eyes bulged, his face darkening color, and Jeremy looked like a ripe tomato. Ray then put his head in his hands while Jeremy stuttered out somthing that sounded like "haha , no that's stupid, why would you think that, that's random, you've got no evidence, haha, no" but it came out sounding more like, "whatahahnowaitwhyhahkillme." I laughed even harder at that, but calmed down quick enough to hear Jeremy whisper "I wish. He'd never like a loser like me." He'd probably meant for no one to hear it, but his mumbles didn't pass my ears, and I looked up at him, a smirk on my face. He went redder than before, and quickly looked over to Ray, making sure he hadn't heard.
Our quick, joyus conversation was soon broken, and we all heard a defining screech escape Heather's lips. I whipped my head around and almost gagged.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter today. Thanks so much for reading. I love you all so much. Don't forget to comment and vote if y'all are enjoying. Love you guys!
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
Ps. Hamilton is today. Let me know if any of you want to hear about it! I'm really excited sorry if you guys don't enjoy Hamilton
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