Chapter Sixteen: Waking up, where?
I opened my eyes, and immediately shut them again, pain piercing my head.
Where the fuck am I? Why does my head hurt? Where are my friends? Where's Philip? Where am I going? Am I moving? I think I'm in the back of a truck? Ow, everything hurts? I need to call 911. Where the fuck is my phone???
I opened my eyes back up, and looked around frantically for my phone. Looking up I noticed there were a whole bunch of other people in here. They all seemed to be knocked out. I recognized one of the ones across from me as Jordan. Are they all in here? I looked next to me. Well, there's Angie. I saw Ray at the back corner. Poppy was next to him. WHERES PHILIP? I looked to my right and saw him about three people over. Letting out a sigh of relief I came to terms that we were all alive.
I didn't know what else I could do so I tried to figure out what was happening. I know we're in some type of vehicle, but how long have we been moving? Who's vehicle is this? Where are they taking us? Who is they? Why am I the only one up? Ok ok, flipping out won't help.
So they obviously took my phone, and probably all my friends' phones too. I wonder who these other kids are. After counting I figured out that there are nine of us in here. So, who are the other three of us in here?
My chain of thoughts were broken by the stirring of Jordan. He opened his eyes and groaned. Then closed and reopened them, proceeding to flip out.
"Hey, chill that won't help! Stay quiet," I whispered. He looked up and took in the surroundings. We sat in mostly silence, not wanting anyone to hear us. Slowly, my friends started to wake up. Philip and Angie were still out when two of the others I didn't know began to stir. No. Way. NIX?!?
"Nix??" I said a little too loud and covered my mouth. He looked around and continued to flip out like Jordan had. Poppy and and Ray got him to chill and I looked over at the girl on my right. She was crying silently. She must've noticed me looking at her.
"Lily. My name," she whispered. So Nix was here and so is a girl named Lily. She looks about my age, maybe a little younger. I wonder who the other person is.
"Henry. Henry? Henry, where's Henry?" She called.
"Lily, Lily is that Henry?" I pointed to the boy who hadn't woken yet. She nodded and continued to silently sob. I was figuring they were brother and sister since they both had bleached blond hair and wore similar clothing as if they'd planned it together. Angie then jumped and woke with a start, and let out an ear piercing screech. Jordan called out to her and tried to quiet her. Philip was the only one still passed out why hadn't he woken up? Henry was awake now, staying quiet like his assumed to be sister. My heart was beating faster now. I could feel my breathing got faster and less steady.
"Christina, are you alright? Christina!" I could hear Ray, but he sounded distant. I felt someone touch my shoulder. Looking over, Lily had looked up and was trying to calm me. Come on Christina! Not now! I know how to do this! Deep. Breaths. Breathe in and out. In. And. Out. Ok.
"Christina?" I looked over at Ray.
"I'm ok."
Lily put her head back down and brought her knees to her chest.
"Thank you," I spoke softly as I looked at her. She smiled, a half hearted, small smile and looked away.
"Why the fuck am I here?" Nix asked, clearly annoyed.
"Why the fuck are any of us here? You dipshit," Poppy glared daggers at him. I was glad she would say something. I was too lost in thought to say much. Wow, Nix really is kind of a douche.
A few minutes passed and Philip still hadn't woken up. I was starting to assume the worst.
"Christina Audrey, relax. Look at him closely- he's breathing. He's not dead. Relax," Angie spoke softly, but stern. She knew how to stay level headed in this kind of situation. I nodded in return. At least I know he's alive.
It had been probably a few hours, and we were still all in the truck. Henry and Lily weren't saying much, and Lily had mostly stopped her crying. Ray was deep in thought, he looked sad, but as if he was thinking hard. Poppy had her eyes wandering around the room, and was picking at her lavender hair. I looked over at Angie and Jordan who seemed to be having a silent conversation, and then to Nix, who had lied down, probably trying to nap. I heard someone start coughing, and my heart skipped a beat as I looked over to see Philip with his eyes open, coughing up a storm.
"PHILIP! Oh my gosh you're awake! Are you alright???" I rambled, glad he was up. His coughing subsided and he nodded.
"Where are we?" He asked, obviously concerned. I filled him in on everything we knew, and we both decided to stay quiet in case someone heard us. It was another hour or so before the vehicle pulled to a stop, causing everyone to jerk forward. I'd rather be on our school bus to hell than here right now. I wish we were in our school bus to hell.
The nine of us backed into the far corner of the truck, hoping to keep each other safe. Philip was in hugging me from the front, trying to shield my body and I clung to him like my life depended on it, because it partly did. Close your eyes, breathe, try not to die. Got it. Easy enough, right? The truck doors lifted open, and light rained in.
A/N: This chapter is a little longer. Hope you enjoy! Let me know if anyone has any questions or needs anything. Love you all!
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
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