Chapter Eight?: Philip's Home
I'd been home for about an hour and my dad was more drunk than usual. He's smashed his bottle on the ground and yelled for me to come downstairs. I took my sister and put her in my bathroom.
"Stay. Here," I warned her sternly, "and be. Quiet."
I walked down the stairs steadily, trying to even my breathing.
"GET ME SOME MORE BEER, BITCH!" My dad bellowed to me.
"Dad, I think you've had enough," I approached, cautiously, worried of setting him off.
That was a mistake. He stood up, smashed bottle in hand, and whacked me in the head with it, hard. My vision went fuzzy, and my head seared in pain. I don't really remember much after that, but I woke up on the floor with my hair matted with blood and a piercing headache. I wobbled and almost fell over and I stood up and looked up to see the front door wide open. Great, my dad is gone. I got my way up the stairs, trying to steady myself, and got my sister from the bathroom. At least she's alright I though. I gave her a toy and told her to stay quiet and play with the toy.
"Do not leave this room until I come out, alright?" I got a nod in response. Grabbing a pair of clothes I ran into the bathroom to start the shower and quickly wash out the blood. I think it had stopped bleeding but man, did it hurt when I went into the water. I had to be fast and make sure Tina was ok. The blood was out of my hair and I looked ok so I came back out of the bathroom to see my sister had listened to me and stayed on the bed. Just as I was about to open the door to my room, I heard the front door open and I grabbed my sister. Luckily, I let out a sigh as I heard my mom calling my name, sounding to be on the brink of tears. I scooped up Tina and ran downstairs to see my mother.
After telling her what happened she took my sister and told me to go back upstairs, and that my dad wouldn't be home tonight. I remembered just then that I had to be at Ray's house. What time was it? OH NO IM TWO HOURS LATE I HAVE TO GO.
"Mom I'm so sorry for forgetting, I have somewhere to be tonight! Will you be ok or should I cancel?"
"I'll be fine darling go have some fun."
With that I ran upstairs and grabbed what I needed. Jumping in my car I sped to Ray's house, hoping I looked fine and that I could think of an excuse. I pulled up and popped an Advil into my mouth hoping to stop the headache, grabbed my bag, and slammed the door shut heading up the steps to the doorway.
A/N: I'm copying this over from notes and it keeps deleting my indents. I'm sorry it's u professional. Love you guys.
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
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