Natalie and I were researching again, still not finding much on where everyone could be.
"Let's take a break, Dar, maybe we can find something on Heather and her family instead." I looked at Natalie, smiling at her good idea.
"Got it." I sent her finger guns, to which caused a giggle. Point Darian. I typed in Heather's name onto the comupter. First thing that came up was a car crash? The wife of Mr. Harold Flynn- Mrs. Emma Lincon Fylnn- found dead at the crash caused by a drunk driver. Mr Flynn claims Emma was on her way to help out her niece when the accident took place.
I looked over at Natalie, wow this is serious.
"Think this is important?" She asked. I shrugged and kept reading.
Apparently. Mrs. Flynn's brother's wife had just left. Mrs. Flynn was on her way to help out as a "new mom" and help the family get back on their feet. As Mr. Flynn states, she was a wonderful woman who kept families together like glue. We've yet to hear from Mrs. Flynn's brother, or her niece that must be grieving as well.
I clicked out of the article to see the date had been placed a few years ago. So Heather lost her mother and aunt, maybe that will be important. I mean, she has been gone the longest, there must be some reason. I clicked on the next article down.
Husband of Mrs. Emma Lincon Flynn has been found dead in the basement of his house in Sunwinder, Florida, only three weeks after the sudden passing of his wife, leaving their son, an orphan. We have yet to hear from their son, not wanting any articles about himself or any interviews. We have, however, heard from Mr. Lincoln, and his daughter, Heather, who lost their Aunt, Uncle, and loving wife/mother, in the past month. Their dealing with the grief, but it's getting to be a struggle having to plan two funerals, and missing their mother/ significant other.
There was another update in the article from a few weeks later.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlald and Emma Flynn refuses to speak to the police about his parents, and will not let anyone into his home any longer. We have yet to release his name, for privacy concerns, and have been so far, unable to find any information about other family members, or what has been happening without a family.
One last article was left, there has to be something else going on here.
Florida couple Mr. and Mrs. Harald and Emma Flynn's son refuses to come to their funeral, causing worry throughout the family friends who attended the funeral. Kaos broke out of hand as the casket was opened to reveal Mr. Flynn and Mrs. Flynn each missing their middle finger on their left hand. No yet answers have been solved for the rare discovery.
Wait, why were their fingers missing? What about the cousin? Mr. Flynn died in the basement? Didn't Chritina go to that house with Heather? What if it's him? Could they be with the cousin. Is all of this pieced together?
"Natalie, looks like we're going to Florida."
"Uh Dar, maybe we should tell the police first." I laughed.
"Oh right, good idea." She grabbed my keys throwing them to me as I called out to Dad where we were going and ran down the stairs, hopping into the car.
I pulled up to the police station and hopped out of the car, quickly locking the doors as Natalie got out and we ran to the door. I saw a woman at a desk in the from side of the room, and grabbed Natalie's hand, pulling her over to the desk.
"Hello kids, how can I help you today, is there an urgent issue, we're quite busy." She sounded annoyed, and like she didn't want to deal with our shit. I hated her calling us kids too, I'm in colleges for heaven's sake.
"Sorry to bother you, but my sisters name is Christina, she's sixteen, and-"
"Let me stop you right there, is your sister one of the juniors that was kidnaped not too long ago?" I nodded eagerly, wondering what she would say. "Do you have helpful information on your sister?" I nodded again, Natalie nodded as well. Her mood switched, and she stood up, seeming happy to be leaving the desk. "Follow me."
Natalie looked at me and shrugged, and we followed the lady as she went through a door and down a hallway. She stopped in front of a solid, brown door, seeming to be made of thick wood, and knocked. After a minute the knob jiggled and a laid back looking, big man with a beard looked down at the lady, then to us, and snorted.
"Yes Mildred, who are these kids?" I rolled my eyes. Again with the kids crap.
The lady reached up and whispered something into his ear. His face became stiff, and his laid back demeanor quickly shifted to a strict, and stearn expression.
"Come on in here, kids." He ordered, "Mildred, thank you. Tyler needs you in room 204 with the road issue down the highway." The lady shut the door as Natalie and I walked in. I gulped, were we in trouble?
"Sir, I-" I started, but was cut off.
"Zip it, kid, siddown for a minute." Natalie sat down in the chair next to me, and we looked up at the man. "Listen, we've got nothing on anything happening with those kids, and don't think I didn't see you outside earlier watching as we took out that body from your neighbor's house. I know you know who I'm talking about, but names are confiscated. I don't know what you're going to tell me, and I know you don't like it when I call you 'kids," He said, glancing at me, "but I need to be very clear that this is serious, and we could have a serial killer on our hands." I could feel my hands shaking, and Natalie gave it a reassuring squeeze, letting me know to tell him.
I took a shaky breath, this guy was really intimidating, "Sir, my girlfriend, Natalie and I were doing some research, and we found out some information we think could help. Sir, my sister was good friends with my neighbor Heather, and her father is the one whose body was found today, she's been missing for months."
He interrupted, "Yes, I know this remember, I'm a cop."
"Right sorry. Anyway, we saw that her entire family, and extended family had been killed, except for her sort of insane cousin who lives in Florida. My sister used to go there for part of the summer with Heather, and were always allowed to do anything but go in the basement. I always thought that seemed weird, but she's sixteen and can handle herself. Well, now I feel like this is my fault, and that somehow, Heather's cousin is involved in this, but we don't even know his name." I looked up at the cop, having finished my rant, and he looked down, a sideways smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
"Thank you, I've got to say, that could be helpful in finding yous sister, and the rest of her friends, you're a good big brother. What's your name, boy?"
"Darian, and this is my girlfriend, Natalie." I said pointing my thumb sideways at my girlfriend. "Sir, Natalie and I would like to go to Florida to help. We want to save these kids, and I need my sister back." I could feel a lump starting to form in my throat, but did my best to ignore it, and move on.
The cop shook his head, "Look ki- or Darian, I appreciate the fact that you and Natalie over there want to help, but this is serious, and I can't put either of you in danger." I stood up, trying to negotiate with the cop, but Natalie beat me to it.
"Look Sir, with all do respect, these kids are important to us, and we've spent the last multiple days, researching, hiking, and losing sleep trying to help any way we can to find them. You've just got to let us help, we won't be a problen, and we're not stupid. We know how to handle ourselves, especially for our age, and we would be a huge help in finding Darian's sister and all of those other sixteen year olds, please Sir, give us a chance." I smiled at Natalie's rant, and so did the cop.
"My name is Officer Dan, you two can just call me Dan, and I love your appreciation and the fact that you want to help. I'll talk to my committee, and if you two can give me your numbers I will keep in touch. I need both of you to understand that none of this is a joke, and you're risking your lives to be doing this." We both nodded out heads, and wrote our numbers on a piece of paper. "Thank you to both of you, now go home and try to get some rest, both of you look exhausted."
"Thank you, Dan" Natalie responded, and we both walked out of the office back towards the lobby. The lady, Mildred looked at us and smiled as we walked out the door. I smiled back and opened up the door for Nataie as we walked back to the car. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the doors, hopping in the car, and buckling my seatbelt. The ride back was quiet, with Natalie busy texting her family, begging and persuading them to let her go. Finally, her Dad gave in, and Natalie was allowed to go to Florida. I kept my eyes on the road, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see my phone turning on constantly as who I'm guessing is Melby, spammed my phone, probably threatening to kill me if anything bad happened to Natalie, as usual.
As we pulled back up to home, I looked over to Heather's dark, cold, and unkempt facade that used to be a lively home. I frowed, wondering if she was still alive, were any of them still alive? No. I couldn't think that way. Christina was fine, and we would get her home.
It had been a few hours since Natalie and I had gotten home, and she was about to have Melby pick her up for a "girls night" when I got a phone call. It was the police station, and I called for Natalie to come back upstairs, answering the phone quickly as my heart pounded. I hit the accept button and Natalie ran into the room, worry etched on her face. I smiled at her, mouthing that it was the station and she sat down next to me on the bed, as I listened to what was happening. Mildred's voice filled the phone line, as she explained that the police force would be dispatched to go to Florida for the investigation the early morning day after tomorrow. I thanked her kindly, and she quickly hung up the phone, getting a 991 call. I looked at Natalie and smiled, my heart still beating out of my chest.
"We're going to Florida. We're going to find my sister." I informed, hope and excitement present in my voice. She jumped up and kissed me, and I held onto her waist, until we were rudely interrupted by a honk outside. She gave me one last peck on the lips and whispered "I'll keep in touch, love you" then hurried out the door to where her sister was waiting.
I have tomorrow to plan, and pack, then Natalie and I were off the Florida with the police force to stop a possible serial killer, and hopefully find my sister. As I laid my head back onto the pillow I chuckled, remembering that I had to tell my dad. I hurried down the steppeds and went to find my dad.
Hey Dad, I've got something to tell you!" I found my dad and filled him in. Good thing he was so laid back.
Long chapter today! Comment if you're enjoying. Again sorry for not updating in like five days. Another rough week. Got some stuff going on tomorrow too. Let me know if anyone wants to rant. I'm here. Love you all so much
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
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