Chapter 67
A/N: I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in like a month. I've been so busy and I've got so much of this story left. I'm not sure how many people are reading this anymore. Sorry for all the typos and everything. I love all of you so much and I hope everyone is enjoying this book. Thanks for 1.5K reads
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton💙💙
Your next game will begin in two hours. Are you ready? Not that you have a choice. Hmhm. Have fun. FOLLOW THE RULES.
Aw shit.
Aw fuck. Another game? Really? I mean, it has been a little while since the last one, so I kind of knew it was coming. I looked towards the most beautiful angle to walk this Earth. If you couldn't guess I'm obviously talking about Jeremy. I mean, just look at him. He's perfect. Snap out of it you buffoon. Jeremy would never like anyone like you, and after you get him out of here, he'll go back to his old life and forget you, Ray. So suck it up, get him out, and say goodbye.
When I looked towards Jere I jumped when I saw him staring right back at me, only for a second though, before he quickly looked away, blushing madly. Awwwwwwww, cute. No.... Stop. Ugh. I can't just turn off the feelings but I'll just have to ignore them. I'm usless, and this is dumb, I gotta get him out of here.
"R-ray, are y-you ok?" I hear a weak voice squeak beside me. Jeremy. "Y-your face is a-all red and y-you look kind of a-angry. Isitmebecauseifitismeicangoawayforaminuteimsorry." His stuttering turned into rambles as I chuckled.
"No Jere, it's not you. Not you at all." Oh Jeremy, if only you knew. So now we got two hours until the next game of literal fucking death. Might as well use it to try to talk to Jeremy. Learn more about him. It's funny I feel like I've known him for years and at the same time I don't know him at all. I glanced back at him, turning my body so we were facing each other and looked into his eyes, never seeing something so, so beautiful. Who knew something as simple as orbs connected to the rest of an organism could be so perfect. I tried not to blush as I cleared my throat, trying to keep my own eyes from drifting quickly to his lips. I always knew I was gay but never really thought too much into kissing someone, but all I could think about was, what would his lips taste like on mine, and how badly I wanted to know, but would never be able to.
I realized I was staring and quickly asked Jeremy some questions about himself, not really paying attention to the answer, just getting lost in his beautiful eyes once more, looking at how his pupils shone and sparkled widely. What's happening to me? I never get like this. Well, not since Jeremy. How gay was I? Oh gosh. I need some literal help.
We talked for a while until both of us suddenly felt really sleepy and the air felt heavier. Oh no, the games going to begin. I grabbed Jeremy's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before passing out, everything black and fuzzy. I'm never getting used to this.
When I woke up I felt my head pounding again, just like last time, and I moved my numb limbs round, but my left one felt heavier, and opened my eyes to see Jeremy on top of it. I chuckled before realizing how dark it was too, and it was definitely cold out too. Too cold. I could see my breath, along with Jeremy's and Connor's? Whoever's feet they were, it was too dark to make out too many features. Jeremy groaned, rolling over into my arms, still out from the drugs, and I decided to wait to wake him until the next "game" was starting.
I was laying on something that had a surprisingly good scent to it? I can't put my finger on it though. Arg, I know that smell. It just smells like, home. I let out an unintentional groan and opened my eyes only to be met with my face rising and falling on a grey colored cloth. Why is it moving? I whined again, wishing to fall back to sleep. "Darian, be quieter next time," I mumbled, and the rising cloth my face was squished in began to tremor, shaking lightly. I lifted my head. Ok, this thing needs to stop moving. I groaned again, immediately cutting myself off when I realized I'd been on none other that, yup, Philip. Annnnnd, right. I'm not at home, and probably will die before I get there. My worries melted a little at the look on Philip's face but quickly froze again as I realized how cold, and well, dark, it was. It feels like fresh air though, and maybe sort of piney? Are we in the woods? Well, I guess we are. I kept on a stern face as I looked towards Philip.
"Hm. You're cute like that," he observed like that was a casual thing to say. Ahah-it wasn't.
I don't know what was going to be the death of me- Philip or this Supernatural phyco. No the time to make jokes, Christina. Oh gosh, we're dying. Or maybe I'm just dying instead. Yup that's it.
"Um, hello? Earth to Chris." I turned my attention to Philip. Smiling a grimace at him. "Dude, you're totally spacing out."
I cringed, like physically cringed, getting a weird look from Jordan, who was now up and sitting next to me. I heard a laugh and immediately recognized my best friend.
"Ugh, shut up, Angie," I groaned, and for a minute, it felt like we were back in Ray's house, which felt like centuries ago. Is no one even looking for us? I'm surprised we didn't die of old age yet.
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