Chapter 61
Ray just passed out, his skin pale, and Jeremy is currently screaming Ray's name as he holds him tightly, the rest of us watching in horror. I saw a little bit of different colors of blood surrounding Ray, but I knew there was a lot of it. The color of blood most recently dripping from his lips was red, which meant his blood was normal again. I watched Angie run forward, and kneel down next to Jeremy.
"Ray's lost about two liters of blood, which means a low chance of survival,even if treated. The fact that we don't know what to do with him means there's nothing we can do to help. We just have to wait and see." Angie sounded like a doctor, but I knew her well enough to hear the worry in her voice. Jeremy was clutching onto Ray as if his life depended on it, and the colorful blood was all over his shirt. I was crying now too, but I help onto the hope as I watched Ray's chest pump up and down.
We all stood there for what felt like a century, and I almost felt my own heart stop as Ray's chest stopped the slow rising and falling it had shown just a moment ago. I screamed for Angie, as she ran forward, straddling Ray and cupping her hands above his chest. I felt a wave of deja vu as I remembered the CPR that was done on Heather not too long ago. Again- just like Heather- I heard cracking noises as Angie pounded on his chest, while the rest of us screamed and sobbed, Jeremy a new color of pale. Slowly, Angie lifted her hands for a final time, and unlike Heather, Ray's heart didn't restart it's beating. She wailed and tried and tried again, each time shaking her head and pounding again and again. We were all sobbing, not ready to leave Ray, but it was time to give up. Ray was gone.
We all cringed as a final cracking noise of my perfect, wonderful, best friend's ribs were snapping, and Angie screamed. She stopped and laid down her hands, putting her head in them and sobbing. We were dead silent, except for the sobs escaping our lips. Ray, no, no, I'm so so sorry.
"Hey, I t-think I f-felt s-something," we all stared at Jeremy, wide, deer eyes, as he placed his fingers on Ray's neck, holding his breath. Tears began streaming faster down his face, but he nodded. He nodded. We all cried now, but tears of relief, of hope, and the thanks of Ray's life finally being spared. We had lost so many of us already, but we were lucky enough, that because of Angie, Ray was alive. At least, for now.
We've been here for a while now, a few weeks probably, and no one has found us yet, not that I think they would. Heather's cousin's house was in Florida, which means it's nowhere near where we all lived. Lived. This is our home now, but saying that makes me gag. He won't win, and no one else is dying.
My thoughts were broken off by Philip, putting his arms around my waist from behind me, his body pressed up against mine. I let my head fall back onto his chest, and closed my eyes, breathing in his scent. He still smelled like home. I miss home. Why did this have to happen to us? We didn't do anything, we're regular teenagers, and this is probably all my fault since I knew Heather. There's no way we can all go back to how we were living before. Life won't be the same without Poppy, and I can still remember so clearly, all the visions of death that have already passed. I'm lucky I'm still even alive, but I'm not sure I can really call this living.
Philip didn't say anything to me, he just wrapped his arms around me, swaying slightly side-to-side. I needed him more than anything right now, and he was what was keeping me up. His arms were holding me as my knees wobbled. If he let go, my legs would give out, which was funny, as it was almost a metaphor.
Philip is my ground, and my strength right now, and as cheesy as it sounds, he's holding me up, and keeping me from crashing through the barrier and falling. Falling and not being able to get back up.
I had Philip, Jordan had Angie, Jeremy had Ray, Lily had Henry, and-
But what about Connor. Connor didn't have anyone like the rest of us. He seemed quiet, but supportive. At first I didn't like him, well, I thought he was a crazy killer, mainiac, but he's just the newest victim. Chills sent down my spine as I thought about him having to get here alone, no one else with him, and the silence that must've been tearing him to pieces. I opened my eyes to search for where Connor even was, and I found him sitting next to Lily and Henry, his greyish blue eyes downcast. I examined all of his lonely looking features, how his blonde hair was longer than for most boys, other than Philip, who's hair was shoulder length, except when he put it up. Connor was talking to Henry, but he seemed far from animated, even seeming lifeless, not even looking up from his lap. His body was slouched over, and his hair was falling in his face, without being pushed away.
I turned my body so I was facing Philip, my face heating up as I looked up at him, his chest against mine. Gosh who turned on the heat?
"Maybe we should go talk to Connor," I mumbled, feeling horrible for him, since he's gotten here not too long ago, and he's been alone. Philip let a small smile dance across his features, and nodded. I smiled back and we went over to sit next to Henry, Lily, and Connor.
A/N: We've got almost 1K reads thank you guys so much! Love all of you. Sorry for the number of chapters I'm gonna try to squish some together lol
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton 💙💙
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