. 9: Attic: Scott .
I don't know what to write yet so I'll just do this stuff and talk to you yeah? Anyhow
How are you? Are good? I hope you are because being ill isn't really on my list right now, but apparently it snuck to the top, but hey I get to stay home from school today! Anyhow I'm going to go open my calendar now and win a price and stuff, so. Hurray! Oh and thank you so much for 3k reads! Like holy Aeor- I've never gotten this far! Thank you all! Oh and still 1st in 💗💗💗💗💗💗 I think that how many hearts there are. Idk but non the less thanks! You all have gotten me this far. It's lovely I love you commenters! Buh bye! Always remember the thing
Hahahaha idea made thanks @DanielleGissing for the idea, It's in process so wait please.
I awoke, hesitantly. I just wanted sleep, I was facing the wall, and I knew Owen was in the bed with me so, I spun. To my surprise, he wasn't there. I got out of bed brushing down my overalls, time to go find him! I trotted out of my house, the attic was- pretty barren today, huh, weird. I went down the mini staircase and exited the bathroom, looking around that floor, no one was there, weird... I went down the stairs, exploring there, until, I came across all the humans. All gathered together. I decided to listen to there conversation.
Butler: Well, obviously there's rats in the house now, so that needs to be dealt with.
Son: Yeah yeah, I can easily kill them!
Maid: Icarus!
Son: What is it punk?
Maid: When you kill a rat more will come!
Hmm, interesting conversation.
Mother: Now now, there not doing any harm are they?
Butler: Well no but-
Mother: Then leave them be.
Grandmother: I have to agree with my daughter, leave them be and then they'll leave us be.
Son: I just wanna kill one...
Mother: No Icarus! It's not allowed.
I sat on the floor, just, watching. Until the mother turned around, pure panic flooded through me, she came over, and just, picked me up, gently. She was pretty warm.
Mother: I mean look at this cute little one! He's even has a little farmer hat!
Son: I'll never understand you mum.
Butler: Neither will I.
Grandmother: Awwww~ How cute!
The old one said patting my head with her finger.
Mother: He's pretty clean, other than the mini dirt stains- oh my gods he's so cute.
Grandmother: Now now heather, let's not get to attached, who knows how old he is.
Mother: Fair enough.
The mother set me back down on the ground, sitting down with me.
Mother: Now little one, go off to your friends, they're outside, but, beware of the males of this home. They're not nice. Yeah? Now scurry off fella.
I took note of that, and rushed outside. Her warmth still lingering on me, I approached Tubbo who was looking around frantically.
Tubbo was on the brink of tears, I ran over to him.
Scott: Is everything ok? Are you ok?
Tubbo: It- I- it's Owen! The wolves got him!
Scott: WHAT?! nonono this can't be happening-
Tubbo: all we have are plants! Your the farmer! You know healing with herbs and stuff we thought-
Scott: Yes I do bring me to him! NOW TUBBO!
Tubbo nodded, and pointed towards the group not far away. I nodded and ran, pushing through most rats to get to Owen.
Lizzie: Oh thank goodness your here!
Jimmy: Do you know-
Scott: Yes I do shut up.
I walked over to Owens side, he was bleeding badly, wounds around his body.
Scott: Someone get me Chamomile!
Krow: Wha?
Scott: For sakes- that plant!
I almost screamed pointing to the plant pot resting near us. Lizzie darted of to get it. For now, I need cloth. A lot of cloth.
Scott: Anyone have clean cloth? I need some to stop the bleeding.
Krow: Yeah here
Krow passed me, enough cloth, now to uh- undress the top half of Owen to get to the wounds. Great. I removed his clothing carefully, probably blushing by the way Bek was staring at me.
Lizzie: Got it!
Scott: Right- now I need- Cloth, more cloth, should be in the shed.
Some rats nodded and went off.
Jimmy: What else?
Scott: Aloe,
I said pointing to it, the rest nodded as I began treating Owen, I wrapped the chamomile in the cloth to speed up the process of healing.
Lizzie: We got the cloth!
Scott: Good, pass- also I need clean water. And more cloth.
They nodded, heading off again. Now to clean his wounds, I used the spare cloth to clear the blood, mostly, there was a lot.
Jimmy: Holy- we got aloe.
Scott: thanks, got cloth?
Jimmy: Yeah?
Scott: Great wrap it in it.
Jimmy nodded before signalling the rest to do the same.
Lizzie: More cloth! And water!
I nodded, Lizzie placed the water and cloth down. I lifted Owen up. Placing cloth underneath him so nothing gets infected. I dipped some cloth in water, clearing the blood off better now. Once that happened, and the aloe was wrapped in cloth, and in best terms, the aloe became a poultice, along with the chamomile. I practically combined them, for speeding up healing of course, but first, wrapping him up, before he losses to much blood. I lifted his body grabbing more cloth, wrapping it around his wounds. Quickly being done with that, I wrapped the poultice covered cloth around next, doing the same process as the first, then again, wrapping him in cloth, tighter this time. I needed to save him, to stop the blood. Once I finished wrapping his wounds, I now needed to see if cpr was needed.
No danger
Scott: Owen?
I said lightly shaking him after. For awhile, with I sigh I stopped.
No response.
Air, I lifted his chin up, allowing air to flow in, after that.
Breathing, I laid my head on his chest, looking down towards his stomach. Nothing.
Scott: Dam it Owen-
Lizzie: What? What's wrong?
Scott: CPR is needed.
Was all I said, before positioning myself correctly, I placed my hands on his heart.
Scott: Sorry Owen, but gotta do this-
I whispered. And began
I stopped. And sighed, mouth to mouth. I pinched his nose and connected our lips.
I separated, breathing in.
Separated again. Breathing in.
Separated again. Then, I placed my ear to his heart and faced his stomach area.
Great. Again we go.
I repeated the process for awhile, like 4 mins. Oh no. Oh no ohno nononono I can't let him die.
Mouth to mouth,
Separated breathed in violently.
Same as the first time
I let tears escape my eyes, for some reason. I checked his heart again, nearly 5 mins. I repeated the process one more time.
Mouth to mouth,
Breath in
Breath in
As the last one was happening, Owen awoke. I separated quicker than light. Probably as red as my tomatoes. Lizzie snickered at me, I sighed and took a couple of breaths. Calming down. Owen was in shock, I mean, it's understandable,
Owen: Oh- my- wait Scott-
Scott: Hi-
Owen: Ohhh- your fine- that's good.
Owen: oowowoowowoow-
Scott: Hey hey hey- calm down- slow down- let's sit for a minute or two. You've just woken up,
I helped Owen sit up, I stayed close by him, shoulder to shoulders.
Lizzie: yeah no, bye lovebirds.
Lizzie said, leaving us alone. With the others, who soon disputed, all but Tubbo, he joined us. Owen told us what happened, Tubbo had a mental breakdown, I told them about what happened inside, and when Tubbo spaced out, because he's Tubbo, Owen whispered to me,
Owen: Ya know, the mid CPR process when I woke up to you like, mid doing the mouth to mouth, which was like kissing, was, Hm, how to say it- pretty nice~
Scott: S- shut up!
Owen let out a quiet chuckle, I don't know if he was teasing me, or telling the truth, Tubbo still just, spaced out. I whispered to Owen.
Scott: I could've lost you today.
Owen: But ya didn't!
Scott: Yeah yeah-
We chuckled a little again. Quietly. Tubbo spaced back in,
Tubbo: I'm alive!
Scott: Good to know.
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