. 4: Ground floor: Scott .
Ok, Tubbo is gonna cannIbal mode for nothin, (replaced i in cannIbal with a capital ver)
Oh yeah and:
Aussie Magpie! I love him,
And the song is the description of this plot for now,
Another normal day in the att- no wait not the attic the floor bellow it, I was out exploring by myself! Which was cool anyhow, I hid under a shelf as the butler came out of no where, the butler lost interest soon after, exploring was tiring me out, as I was leaving a voice boomed behind me,
Happiness hit her
Tubbo: Heyy Scott~ How ya doing?~
The ~ means the last letter is dragged out, but I'll say if it means letter dragged out or flirt, but rn it's a drag, - The writer who is gonna be called a magpie now bc yes.
Scott: Oh I'm doing just fine! Thanks for asking but I must be going!
Like a train on track~
Tubbo: Oh no no Scott you won't be going anywhere!~
Scott: Wha?
Coming towards her
Tubbo hopped over my head blocking the entrance to the bathroom, drawing his sword
Scott: Ok! Ok! Wowowowow- we don't need to do this!
Stuck still no turning back~
Tubbo: Oh YES we DO Scott, I have UNFINISHED BUSINESS with YOU to DEAL WITH!
Scott: Heyheyheyhey!
She hid round corners
Tubbo: WHAT!?
Scott: Put that sword away! Let's do this rationally!
And she hid under beds
Tubbo: And how do you plan to do THAT? Scott Smajor~
Scott: I- I- uhhh-
She killed it with kisses
Tubbo: So~
And from it she fled
Scott: Come on Tubbo! We're friends r- right?
With every bubble
Tubbo: Awee~ You sure?~
She sang with a drink
Scott: I-
And washed it way down
Tubbo: Hm?~
the kitchen sink
The dog days are over
The dog days are done!
Tubbo swang his sword lightly cutting my arm,
The horses are coming
Run fast for your mother!
I spun and ran as fast as I could
Run fast for your father!~
Tubbo: OH SCOTT~
Run for children
Tubbo swang his sword almost hitting my back, I tumbled down swiftly getting back up as fast as I fell,
for your sisters
and brothers!
Leave all your love and your longing behind
you can't carry it with if you want to
Tubbo: NEVER!
I let out a silent cry
The dog days are over~
A manic like chuckle escaped from Tubbo's mouth
The dog days are done!~
I sobbed into the air as I ran, and ran and ran
Can you hear the horses?
Tubbo swang his sword again, the blade slicing through the air, grazing my tail
'Cause here they come!
Tubbo: SCOTT!
And I,
Tubbo's voice lashed with poison
Never wanted
I pushed passed Lizzies and a couple others body's,
Anything from you
Tubbo followed, still in pursuit
Except everything you had
Tubbo swang again, I cried out in pain as it hit my back
And what was left after that too, oh~
A devilish smile cracked on Tubbo's face as he seen the blood,
Happiness hit her
Tubbo swang again, fully hitting my back,
Like a bullet in the back~
I cried out in pain as Lizzie, Shelby, Eloise and Bek follow behind
Struck from a
The stairs came and I ran down them
Great hight
Tubbo swang again, hitting my back again, causing me to fall down each step,
By someone who should
I reached the last step, blood trickling down every one of my sides I sat up and ran, again
Know better than that~
I ran and ran and ran
The dog days are over
The dog days are done!
I continued my run, Tubbo definitely approaching
Can you hear the horses?
The muffled sound of rats in the back ground louden
'Cause here they come!
Everything was beginning to blur
Run fast for your mother!
I continued anyways
Run fast for your father!~
The sound of Tubbo screaming behind me was fading
Run for your children,
I cried out in pain again as Tubbo's sword clashed with my arm
For your sisters
Shouting from rats behind Tubbo boomed
And brothers!
I could barely hear
Leave all your love and your longing behind
I was starting to barely see
You can't carry it with you if you want to survive!
I thought of my survival chances, they were slim,
The dog days are over!
I cried out in pain again as I almost fell, due to Tubbo hitting my leg
The dog days are done!
I cried at the pain I was felling,
Can you hear the horses?
'Cause here they come!
More screaming
The dog days are over!
More blurring
The dog days are done! (Here they come)
More pain, and crying from it
The horses are coming!
I could only hear Tubbo now
So you better run! (Here they come)
The dog days are over!
Actually I could just barely hear him
The dog days are done! (Here they come!)
Light from ahead, also some, uh orange, Owen...
Can you hear the horses?
So you better run!
Ringing, so much ringing....
A burst of adrenaline
I jumped over Owens body into the open door, outside
Tubbo followed
Tubbo: SCOTT!~
I ran for ages, I heard rats behind,
Tubbo: Huh?
Tubbo: HEY! LET ME GO!
I paused, I couldn't run any longer,
My heart was rasing,
Sorry it's cliffhanger time......
Bc Scott's out for awhile,
And I have a play to watch tomorrow!
So yeah,
Scott go night night, and so do I!
Whoosh! The writer magpie is back! How you guys doing? I hope your well! I never forget to update this!
Idk the future will say so if I do or don't,
Any how,
~~~ A day later ~~~
I blink, a couple thousand time at that, I was awoken to a blinding light, I looked around at my foreign surroundings,
Hold on.....
What am I doing in Owens house?
That was a question for sure, I could barely remember what happened....
Owen: Oh! Scott! Your awake! Finally! Thought I'd have to carry you out today!
Scott: W- what happened?
Owen: You where attacked by Tubbo, remember?
Scott: Oh..... yeah....
The memory I wanted to forget rang around my mind like a bell, or someone running up and down flights of stairs, or like my mind rummaging through every crevasse to find WHERE THE HELL MY MOTIVATION WENT!?!?!? - The writer angry at her writing,
Scott: I- I- why?
Owen: That's what we're trying to find out,
Owen sat down on the edge of his bed, or for preference, the bed I was in, he placed his paw down next to my lower paw,
Owen: Want to come join our mischief?
A group of rats is called that, - The Message Magpie ( aka the writer)
Scott: Sure...
I removed the covers from Owens bed off my body and attempted to stand, successful, then the walking part, I took a step forward with my left leg, first step good so far..
Owen: You got this!
I took a step with my right and buckled, Owen bolted up and caught me before I could fall,
Scott: We'll that leg seemingly hates me!
Owen: Yeah it seemingly does!
Owen helped me up, we tried again and again, for 10 minutes, 10 MINUTES! 10 f- hey! Bad Scott! 10 fudging minutes!
Scott: This isn't working Owen,
Owen: I'm not blind Scott, nor am I forgetful,
Scott: Wha?
Scott: Oh right Tubbo hit me in the leg-
Owen: Yeah,
the slight sass in voice is Owen's tone rn, - The Messenger Magpie
Owen help me up for the 20th time, 20TH TIME! Before Owen could leave back to his bed corner I wrapped my arm around him, the pain my body felt unexplainable to me and everyone else,
Owen: What in the mother loving trap?
Scott: We're not getting anywhere so just help me like this why don't ya!?
Owen: Alright mr. sassytail
I scoffed as Owen help me out the door, a noticeable limp in my leg,
Bek: There they are! I told you they'd come,
Bek waved us over as I hopped over with the help of Owen,
Jimmy: Hold on, I know this is a meeting and all, but what happened to Scott?
Jimmy said, a obvious hint of concern and jealousy in his voice,
Jealousy bc Safety Rat aka Jimmy, likes Scott, so it's a failed Flower Husbands bc that's for empires where Owen is a Lama, or Alpaca idk, - The Messenger Magpie,
Scott: T-
Shelby: Tubbo happened,
Owen eyed Shelby for speaking over me, I patted him and gave him a glance of 'it's ok' which he sighed to, but accepted,
Jimmy: What.
Scott: Tubbo happened, are you deaf or something?
Sassy Scott - The Messenger Magpie
Jimmy: No Scott, I'm not deaf. In fact I can hear perfectly fine! I can especially since gone in your voice.
Jimmy said crossing his arms,
Scott: Wow you've cracked the case Sherlock? What next? Find out the way to tick me off more?
Jimmy mumbled something, I took advantage.
Scott: Oh what was that? I couldn't tell because I'm DEAF, Like a certain YOU.
Jimmy: Oh shut up little farmer brat,
That pushed a button, some of the other rats gathered round,
I placed my leg down and let go of Owen, walk forward more without fail.
Jimmy: Oh look at that the farmer brat is all fine and dandy now! What a coincidence am I right?
Jimmy chuckled, ticking me off more, Jimmy looked at me, I put my paw on my waist and waited
Jimmy: Aweee~ Little farmer brat waiting for an apology?~ Well I think not,
Scott: Oh nah, I'm just growing old waiting for you to finish, sadly I'm still here, looking at you,
Jimmy: Boo hoo, I'm so sad,
Scott: Well, does that let me get by faster? Or are you just going to sit there?
Jimmy: I might sit here waiting for your crops to grow, oh wait! There all gone!
Owen gave the look to everyone of, 'oh lord he's done it'
Scott: You what?
Jimmy: Awe little brat is deaf now, I said there gone,
Scott: By who? I presume you?
Jimmy: Awe! Is little Scott finally a adult?
Scott: You can mess with me all you want Jimmy, but NOT my god dam crops!
Jimmy: Oh look! Little ouchy boy is angry!
Jimmy: Awe~ Little one is angry
Jimmy: wow-
Jimmy: What.
Scott: - evil chuckle - Tubbo used a sword to throw me, successfullybut guess what
Jimmy: Ugh, what
I grasped a handle of what was a wooden sword,
Scott: He. Let. Go.
I pulled out the weapon that almost cause my death, the Iron sword glistening in dawns rays, If I had Tubbo's eyes in the situation right now, they'd definitely be the tinted red I saw in his last time when he was chasing me.
Jimmy: We don't have to do this!
Scott: Ya sure? Because last time I checked, I had no reason to not.
Owen caught on immediately, before I could hit Jimmy of his disgusting paws of his, Owen ran over and grabbed my paws, well, top half, I tried to pull away from Owens grasp, but fail so many time, my eyes locked on Jimmy,
Jimmy: Need your friend to fight your battles Scott?
Owen: Jimmy, I'm only here so you don't die, I have full capability to let go and let Scott do his thing, plus, it seems I know a thing or two more about Scott when he's hurt, more than your brains storage possibly,
Jimmy: So Owens being the holder of life and death Hm?
Owen: Yeah, and if you don't leave in a minute I'm going to release death apron your soul, dumb tailed boy.
Jimmy: No need to get nasty! Dam....
Jimmy walked off somewhere as the other rats around stood in awe of what just happened, and how the farmer rat, Or I could snap in a millisecond if you mentioned pulling or taking my crops out.
Because I'm getting bored, Copper Husband fluff
The Dawn Rays set bellow the horizon, bringing a settling but eerie setting to the Attic, the nightingales chirped and the Owls hooted, I sat under covers not being able to sleep even with the eerie silence, the attic made bandages were uncomfortable on my fur, I rolled on my back, letting out a sigh as I looked at the ceiling, after awhile I closed my eyes, hoping to find a peace of mind, but couldn't
Owen: Can't sleep ether?
Scott: Nah I can't... I think I'm traumatised by Tubbo now,
Owen: Yeah...
Owen: Want me to sleep with you?...
Owen mumbled probably meaning to say that in his mind,
Scott: What was that Owen?
Owen: I!- Uh-
Scott: I'm just kidding!
Owen: Phew...
Scott: Of course you can! I heard you Owen.
Owen: I- i- I- I- I- I- I- I uh-
Scott: Is that a yes or a i i i i i i?
Owen: A- a ye- yes....
I flustered Owen it seemed, I back up in my bed leaving space for Owen to hop into, to which he did, so I buried my face into his chest, making him blush again, he stuttered something out again, I didn't care though.
Scott: Good night Owe,
Owen: G- good night Scott!
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