. 3: Outside: Tubbo .
I sat on the ledge of the window staring down at the outside world, the gardener that wandered down bellow, I wondered what it was like, Scott was the only one who fully had the capability to survive in the fields, Hmmm, I could pay the outside a visit! Hopefully. I pondered on the thought, and decided, HELL YEAH! HEDGE OWENS RULES IM GONE! I jumped down from my ledge, running to the staircase, speedily going down the spiral, exiting the bathroom, going down the stairs, to the lower floor, I searched and searched for a way out, nothing, not a single crack or break in a window, I was losing hope, as fast a bird flying through the sky with the wind helping, or as fast as the writers motivation - the writer,
A fellow rat passed by, it was Eloise! Maybe she can help!
Tubbo: Hello rat!
Eloise: Hm? Oh hi there!
Tubbo: I was wondering if there was away to see the outside?
Eloise: Well from the windows you can-
Tubbo: No like, be out there, not just see out there,
Eloise: Oh uh, yeah, follow me!
I swiftly nodded my head and clambered down the windows ledge, Eloise led me to a crack in the wall, hidden behind the curtain so humans couldn't see, I slid through tank Eloise midway though,
I popped out the other end of the wall and marvelled at the wide expanse of lush greens and plentiful amounts of other Color's and, anddd, uh what are they called? Oh yes! Bees! The flying little black and yellow things that are cute! Yes them, I ventured around the garden area, my eyes darting to different colourful things,
Tubbo: Hi there little bee!
Bee: -random bee noises-
Tubbo: Awe so cuteeeee!
I reached my paw out and smoothed the bees surprisingly fluffy surface, I accidentally hit its whiskers? I don't know it's antenna Tubbo - The writer what ever it was it made it angry,
Tubbo: -Random scared screaming noises-
I ran for cover under a ledge were the bee lose interest dew to me being small and agile, no Tubbo, no, your a daredevil who thinks so, -The writer I walked back out from under the cover, wandered awhile longer, continuously, until,
Something flew right by, I turned and looked around, a bird, it dived at me again, I ducked, we dodged back and forth for awhile, hours maybe, I got tired, quickly, the bird swooped up higher, going for a long run at me, I couldn't take dodging,
The bird dived, I was pulled away, my paws running along somewhere, the bird still in pursuit, my eyes were closing, I had been hit by the birds claw, leaving a wound, I didn't know how deep, but I could feel the blood trickling down, I heard another sound echo behind me, not the one that was attacking me though, a second one, it also sounded like a cat, a death bellow screech bellowed behind me, something got it, I vaguely heard another voice, the was another rat, they pulled me out of there, I second pair of footsteps bounded beside me and the other, a third rat, how nice,
Awhile of running later we made it under a ledge, my head lend back against the wall behind me, other voices echoing around, I blinked my eyes thousands of times to see, and was able, I seen Shelby, Lizzie, Eloise, Owen- and Scott! Dam I'm in trouble, it seem as if Owen was telling Eloise off, Eloise arguing back at him, Shelby and Lizzie doing them, no I don't ship them they just doing them - The writer Scott doing, something,
The AMOUNT of time I've misspelled Scott with Scoot, is unbearable, if I got a penny ever time I did that, I could buy Hawaii. A fridge-ing island, like dam - The writer being upset at her grammar
Scott seen my awaken body staring at him, he glanced at me and continued with what he was doing, eventually he walked over and wrapped my arm in something, what ever it was it kind hurt, so did my paws, everything hurt, I had climb roses, WHICH HAD THORNS, stupid flower, sorry, I climb roses and got cut most- No all the time, I had jumped from rock to rock exploring, and had to run away from a bee, and then a bird, it was a heck of a day today, when Scott was done he was about the leave, his paw on the wall next to me, the world was spinning so, I leaned on it, causing a chain reaction from Scott, who in terms, moved his paw into a more comfortable position, Owen? Approached and began talking, I could barely hear though, eventually I drifted away into a unconscious state,
I awoke to the morning sun rays shining down upon me, a drift of tropical scented breeze coming at me, I blinked a couple of times and sat up, I was, outside still? I looked around, yup, still outside, I looked around again, at the floor this time, I counted Lizzie and Shelby bodies slightly next to each other, dam me with the Lizzie and Shelby stuff, any options actually? It might happen judging by my writing- The writer Eloise asleep under a bush halfway under the ledge, and then I turned around to the cutest thing EVER! I seen Owen and Scott cuddling each other, there arms both wrapped protectively around each other's body,Scott's tail wrapped around Owens waist,
hehehhheheh 🥴😏 - The writers random mind, (why did 'mind want to become 'anime'?
I walked soundlessly to Shelby and Lizzie, waking them up then pointing to the other two, then woke Eloise doing the same thing we all huddled around them far enough away we wouldn't wake them,
Tubbo: Look how adorable they look!
Lizzie: I know!
Shelby: So god dam cute,
Eloise: Lovebirds,
We all whispered around each other until realising it was quite early and they could sleep more, so they did, but they all huddle against each other, surrounding the 'Lovebirds'
Guys a group of rats is called a mischief
And a group of pandas who are completely a unrelated to the story are called an embarrassment,
That's cute
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