. 20: Outside: Scott .
Holy, holy, holy, holy.
Have you guys heard when Rats is ending!?!?!
It's so soon like-
I don't know what I'm gonna do!
Please I need to know I'm not insane-
If you know can you say in comments or something????
I need to know I'm not insane.
Ok- ok. Let's just- calm down. PhajahjahjajshhajanH.
Ok, I'll move on now!
More trauma and confusion for the head farmer, garden and chef rat!
( I really don't know how many titles Scott can have! Who knows, maybe he'll even take the maids role. I have no clue. Maybe he'll take the mothers role XD imagine that thoughhhh- M O T H E R S C O T T. How many titles will Scott hold! Probably all. I don't know anymore. )
On we go!-
Normal day I guess, I woke up, did my things, and stuff. Except some, I haven't eaten anything, I have drank some water occasionally, but I think that Tubbo has caught on. Which isn't good, actually, it's never good! If anyone seen me crack at all- I'd be done for! In- many ways. Many, many ways. Like, I can't explain it's how many ways. I think it's understandable in what I mean... I'll stop now, before I have a seizure. Oh yeah! My casts off now... forgot about that, hehe- it's been a month or two, I don't know. Tubbo's- disappeared, somewhere. We do have Krow back from that portal thing Sneeg came from. Why does that name seem so familiar!? Its at the tip of my tongue but I just can't get it... it's confusing, the star he gave me is confusing. I know it's important but... once again, I can't get it! It's just confusing. Really, really confusing. But, ever since I've had the star thing, I have had a minor difference in my appearance, it's small, some of my hair has gone, purple. It's small and only at the tips of my hair, it looks like a galaxy, I can't lie. But, I could be hallucinating, I don't know at this point. I feel like I'm going insane! IM PROBABLY GOING INSANE! But I don't know, I don't really ever know. Do I need therapy? Yeah probably. Will I take it? No. Am I going insane? Probably. Will I accept any of that? No. Anyways, I should probably get some air. I'll sneak out, for no particular reason, I'll just sneak out. Yeah I'll sneak out.
I exited my home, trying to avoid every Rat I see, it is literally night so I don't know why everyone's up. I made it to the broken window and climbed out. Jumping down into the snow, the familiar crunch of it echoed to my ears, again, something about the cold snow and ice is familiar. But I won't get into that. I climbed down the nearby tree and entered the garden. I went over that fence and began exploring. I let myself wander, traversing the land, I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going somewhere. I made sure to internally note every turn I take. And soon, I found myself atop a hill. It was quite big, but not to big. I sat on it gazing at the stars and moon above. Until I found myself pondering about what Bek said awhile ago... about, me and Owen... it does seem that we do, like each other. Now to think of it... do I like Owen? I- I erm- I think I do... I pondered more and more. Piecing together things. And I got my answer. Yes,yes I believe I do like Owen, but. No, I can't, I can't like Owen! He's only a friend. But honestly I have no clue. Right? I jumped as I heard something ding. I looked down, it was just the communicator, I checked it, a new message was there.
'Soupforeloise: Scott where the hell are you?'
'Smajor1995: I'm outside on a walk, why?'
'Soupforeloise: Get back here right this instant.'
Oh no, oh no oh no oh no oh no- have they found out?! Oh gods- what will they think!? Oh no... please no.
'Soupforeloise: Scott are you coming?'
I ignored it, maybe if I ignore it it'll go away, stay away from my problems, it might work.
'Soupforeloise: Scott Major answer me, are you coming back?'
I so desperately wanted to say no.
'Owenge_Juice: Scott, we need to ask you something, please can you come back?'
Great, Owen was on it.
'Krowfang: Scott we need you, I promise I'll believe you no matter what answer you say!'
'Owenge_Juice: I agree with Krow, I'll believe you Scott, no matter what.'
I sighed, before answering.
'Smajor1995: Sorry got distracted, I'm on my way.'
'Soupforeloise: Meet at the entrance to basement.'
As much as I didn't want to, I had to. If I didn't show up they'd hunt me down till they find me. I made my way back to the house, quickly, I came up to the fence and jumped over. I walked over to the basement, where Eloise said to meet. I seen the mischief that was there. It consisted of every rat currently awake. I approached the group, they seen me. Owen waved at me, I smiled back at him. Trying not to be nervous.
Eloise: There you are! We've been looking for you forever!
Scott: Yeah I'm here now.
Eloise: Where'd you even go?
Scott: To the beach, I went for some air.
Eloise: Alright, we have, four questions.
Scott: Four?
Eloise: Yeah I know it's a lot. But can you answer them in truth please?
Scott: Okay?
Eloise: Did you hurt Jimmy?
Scott: What?-
Eloise: Well... you did almost murder him once.
Scott: It was rational. He talked about taking my crops out and you never mess with a farmers crops.
Scott: But other than that one time, no, no I haven't hurt Jimmy. Haven't really seen him much.
Eloise: I guess that's fair?
Eloise: Anyways, next question.
Eloise: Why's does your hair have purple in it?
Scott: I actually don't know, it just appeared, don't know how and haven't really questioned it much.
Eloise: Fair fair, next.
Eloise: Were where you actually at? Because me and Bek where at the beach for awhile and didn't see you.
Scott: Oh!- erm-
Scott: I was on the beach for sometime, but I eventually left somewhere else. I was in the forest after that.
Eloise: Ah alright... final question.
Eloise: This was brought up by Tubbo to Owen, who then told us.
Eloise: Scott.
Eloise: Have you had anything to eat or drink?
Oh no....
Oh no no no!
They found out... they know they know they know....
Nonononononononononono- they can't actually know... I was paused- oh no. Oh no... great, they'll think- uh- erm... I don't know. I don't know... I don't know? That's it... I don't know. I don't know anything, I'm useless. I can't even feed myself. Im useless.
I don't know... I can't think... I don't know but I can't think... what's gotten into me? I don't know anything... but I can't think... I can't think... I can't think? I... can't... think...
Im stuck, I literally can't move, it's like somethings holding me there. I can't move.
Can't move...
Im restrained.
Am I?
Who am I restrained by?...
I restrained by myself...
Am I insane?
Yes. I am.
I insane aren't I?
I can't be.
It's something else... I don't know what...
I don't know...
Can't think.
Can't move.
Can't do anything right.
I'm useless aren't I?
Owen: Scott!
My head snapped up, since when was I on the ground. Owen was next to me, I must have fell back or something... I don't know... everyone else there was around me. I think they know the answer to that question... don't they.
I don't know why I didn't tell them. If I did it wouldn't have come to this...
Why did I lie?
They'd always find out.
So why did I lie?
Was I scared?
Maybe I was...
I can't tell.
Everything's a mess. Everything...
Food... I need food. Everything's blurry.
I can't see.
I can't think..
I can't move...
And now I present,
drumroll please!
A cliffhanger!
Yup! Your favourite thing! Your welcome!
Love you platonically!
Bye bye!
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