Bell test (part 3) Moving in! (1/2)
I smirk,"Oh? We didn't? Think again, KakaBaka-Sensei!" I showed him the 3 bells.
"E-Eh?! But you never-!" He was shouting. I poofed away the clone-bells.
"While you where so distracted, I had a clone sneak up on you, and replace the bells with fakes! We WORKED TOGETHER, AS A TEAM! TEAMWORK! And got the bells from you! Satisfied now?" I emphisize those words, making it clear that I was the one who knew all along.
Kakashi smiled,"How on earth did you figure it out, hm? What more do you know?"
"I know that you loved Rin..." I said, as Kakashi's eyes widened,"And I'm sorry for your loss... but no need to worry about Obito. He'll be back very soon! No need to worry!"
I had a large eye smile on my face, as Kakashi had his one visible eye widened.
"Well, you all passed, thanks to Ayame here. If it wasn't for her, and her being able to group you all up and get you to work together, you would have failed. See, the lesson was teamwork. If you never worked together against a Jonin, who shold be more experienced and skilled than you, you would have never even gotten close to a bell. I'm impressed, you're all the first group of kids that I'm ever passing," Kakashi gave his speech.
Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all seemed surprised, as I just smiled.
I spoke,"You know what they say, those who break the rules are scum, that is true. But those who betray their friends are worse than scum!"
Kakashi stared at me for a second. "You are all dismissed, go ahead home."
We all started to walk away.
But, I didn't follow everyone else. I made my way to the Hokage tower, not after picking up a specific friend.
"Fine, I'll allow you to stay there..." The hokage stated with a sigh.
The two pre-teen girls squeeled.
"Amai, Neji will be here any minute to escort you to his house, same with you, Ayame."
They both grinned widely,"ARIGATO HOKAGE-SAMA!"
About ten minutes later, give or take a few, Neji and Sasuke both arrived at the hokage office.
The two girls both forced down the urge to blush, scream, and/or faint at the sight of them, knowing the both of them can now stay with the man that they always had hoped to be married to.
"Neji, Sasuke, due to housing problems, Amai will be needing to stay in Neji's house with him, and Ayame will need to be in Sasuke's house." The Hokage said.
What Neji and Sasuke didn't know, was that I was mouthing the rehearsed words right along with the Hokage, who voiced them flawlessly.
The two boys nodded,"Hai."
I followed Sasuke and Amai followed Neji. This was what the both of us always dreamed of.
We were to stay and live in the same house as our crushes.
Sasuke sighed silently. (Hehe)
The Hokage just had to put Ayame with him!
He figured things would be awkward after what happened in the forest, Ayame didn't want anyhting to do with him. Definately not.
"Ayame, any idea why the Hokage put you in the same house as me?" He asked.
The girl shook her head,"I don't know. Only reason I could think of was, Naruto's house is running out of room, and we're on the same team."
"But why not with Sakur-?" Sasuke was cut off.
"Ew." Ayame spat.
"Just... Ew."
And that made Sasuke remember.
"Sakura! What the hell?! Can't you just be nicer for once?!" Ayame yelled.
"It's not you who I'm hurting! If he's bothered so much, he can stand up for himself!" Yelled Sakura.
"Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I did the same to your little Sasuke-Kun?!"
The two girls where having a heated argument. It all started when Useless, I mean, Sakura hit Naruto over the head so badly, he passed out.
Ayame began to sob.
That made the pinkette shut her trap, finally.
Sakura's eyes shadowed over, every word she spoke was true. All Naruto does is be kind, and how does she repay him?
Sakura began to cry, and ran home. She is just a stupid bitch.
Ayame's tears never stopped falling, as she ran home, with Naruto in her arms.
And to watch all that?
Sasuke was terrified.
Right. That fight wasn't to long ago...
So, he didn't push it.
"What about Amai, then?" He questioned.
"I don't know who the girl hangs out with in her free time! For all I know she could be in the black market every other night. NOT MY BUISNESS!"
Sasuke sweatdropped.
'Ayame always says the strangest things, I wonder what she thinks about daily.'
But with Ayame...
'Ughhhhh, what if Sasuke makes me sleep in the same room with him oh wait shit he will no rooms are prepared oops I just made multiple run-on sentances in my mind how does that happen I don't know but all I know is that this might not turn out as well as I hoped it would oh well no turning back now.'
And yes, those were run on sentances that I made on purpose.
"We're here." Sasuke said.
Ayame looke up, the Uchiha compound! She forgot that he still lived in the main house!
"I'm sorry but I didn't have a room prepared... If you want, you can stay in my room until one is ready." Sasuke monitonly stated.
Sasuke led her to the main compound.
Ayame looked around after stepping inside.
"This place is sooooooooo boring. Everything's gray, green, or blue! Have you no sense of style, Uchiha?!" Ayame shouts.
Sasuke rooled his eyes, and dropped a bag down by the floor that Ayame didn't know he was carrying in the first place.
"Well, you're gonna live here now so, make yourself at home, I guess?" Sasuke said, sitting down on the couch.
Ayame sat down on the other side of the couch, both of them tense.
After about a minute of idly sitting there, Ayame looked over at Sasuke.
"Why are things so awkward?" She questioned.
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is, in the akademy, we conversed freely. When we're with Naruto, Kakashi-sensei, and Sakura, all fine and dandy! But now we're ttogether, alone, and we can't say anything to eachother..."
Sasuke looked down,"Well, don't you remember what happened last time we were alone together?"
And Ayame thought, that was...the forest. When Sasuke caught her singing. And when they kissed. That might have something to do with the tension.
"Y-Yeah..." Ayame blushed.
Sasuke moved closer to her on the couch.
"How come you were so afraid of singing? You're great at it but... You never sang infront of anyone but close friends...why is that?" Sasuke asked, trying to create a productive concersation.
Ayame smiled a little and looked up as she spoke,"I guess it has something to do with the fact that, in first grade, I was still bad at singing. I loved it, though. So I would sing in gym class outside. But, other kids...laughed. And I'll never forget what one of the boys said,'Stop singing, it's annoying! You sound terrible!' and with a few harsh words I cried for days. I lost all confidence until four years later. I slowly gained it all back but, those words stuck with me. Every time I get the confidence to sing in front of someone, I can alway see one person's un-satisfied look. A disgusted face. A glare."
A lone tear slipped down her cheek.
"Someone who will never allow me to be good enough."
Sasuke looked Ayame, shocked. He always thought she was confident and outgoing her entire life. A bright soul who could put a smile on even the saddest faces. 'I guess I was...wrong?'
And that was how a young Uchiha killed his own ego.
Sasuke got even closer to Ayame on the couch, giving the red-head a hug.
Ayame was now crying. Built up emotions and untold stories, all was let out at once.
Never had she felt so safe in ones arms. She never thought of the need to tell anyone her story. But it had happened. Someone had cared enough.
Sasuke looked into the girl's eyes. This one girl, she was everything right now. The only thing that matters. And he made his decision. He would focus on her, and only her. Nothing else. Itachi will have to wait.
"Ayame," Sasuke whispered, getting the girls attention,"I love you. I really do. You know that?"
Ayame just stared at him for a second, before wrapping her arms aroung Sasuke's neck, then kissing him.
After a minute, they pulled apart.
Ayame looked at Sasuke. He looked back. And they stare. Until, to Sasuke's surprise, Ayame closed her eyes and began to sing.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"I love you, Sasuke." She said at the end.
"Ayame, will you be my girlfriend? And, I mean openly. We can tell Naruto, and Sakura, and Kakshi-Sensei?" Sasuke asked. He wanted her to be his, and the world needs to know. A beauty like her will surely be wanted by other guys. And he wanted it to be official.
"Of course I will!" Ayame shouuts, and pulls Sasuke in a tight embrace.
"GAH!" Ayame shouts,"NO WAY!"
"Ayame, you-!"
"Just listen, you need-!"
"And why not?"
"It's not that weird!"
Ayame was hiddedn behind the door, and just got out of the shower. But, had no clothes. Sasuke was opting that she should use his.
And Ayame was not about that.
She opted to sleep on the floor, and wear dirty clothes the next day.
But nooooooooooooooooo.
And so, she ended up in and Uchiha jacket. An oversized, blue, baggy uchiha jacket. And shorts. Her outfit basically looked exactly like Sasuke's, but waaaay to big on her.
Ayame crawled into bed, along with Sasuke.
They layed down together, and Sasuke grabbed onto Ayame. He held on to her waist.
"I love you." Sasuke said.
Ayame burried her head inside of the crook of Sasuke's neck.
"I love you, too. Duck-butt"
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